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Back Home With The Brother

Posted on Tue Jul 28th, 2015 @ 3:47pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Temporal Affairs

* Temporal Affairs *

Brother Adrian paced the width of the bare room in Temporal Affairs where he’d been sequestered behind a force field. This operation had absolutely not gone according to plan. His orders had been to slip in, dispense with the young Julian, thus stopping everything to come before it happened. He obviously had failed and what was worse, he had not had time to notify the Brotherhood before he was yanked back to the present….which was actually his past by a good century.

They would figure it out eventually and understand that the plot against the child had been discovered. What that meant was simple - he was stuck here and he had no illusions they would let him go and risk his completing his mission regarding Julian. However, it did not mean they wouldn’t continue their sacred mission to prevent the discovery and thus target the rest. It was only a matter of time. The thought made him smile.

Tomas pressed the force field’s control panel and changed the field to clear so that Adrian could see out to where he stood with Earl.

“Dr. Crane, meet Brother Adrian. I know you two met but not officially.”

"Brother? As in a religious order of some sort?" Earl spoke to Tomas but was watching the man in the cell.

Julian came up behind him, "I don't think I've ever pissed off a priest... or a 'Brother' before. So why did I get killed? I mean... almost get killed?"

Tomas cast a stern glare at the man behind the force field. “That’s the million-credit question, isn’t it? What did he say when you caught up with him Earl?”

"Ah...," Earl had to think about that. At the time, he'd been worried the man would get away and carry out his plan to kill Jules. "Oh, that Jules uncovers something that ruins lives and that there are others involved who are being dealt with. It still doesn't make sense to me. 'bout the only thing Jules has done to ruin lives is have sex with a Gold woman."

"Dad," Jules hissed and elbowed Earl.

Earl ignored him. Instead, he asked Tomas, "Want me to get a laser scalpel and start questioning the Brother?"

“I don’t think that will be necessary. He’s going to sit here all alone for a while and if he doesn’t decide to be more forthcoming, we’ll pry it out of him. I’m curious though, what others was he talking about?” Tomas asked. “Any ideas? Julian?”

Jules shrugged and shook his head. "I dunno. I'm out here as a civilian and... I haven't made any discoveries that ruined lives. I've cured a few."

“What we have discovered is that, according to my scan, he’s from the future….about a century give or take,” Tomas informed them. “So maybe it’s something you have yet to do. Where are you going from here?”

"I haven't decided," Jules said.

“Huh.” Tomas rubbed his chin. “Apparently it’s something you’ve yet to do. So, please, Julian, keep me posted on further developments.” It seemed to be a clear dismissal, at least where Julian was concerned.

"Uh, okay." Julian looked at Earl then left.

"Has anyone else gone missing or... been wiped from history?" Earl frowned, thinking of how easy it would be for someone else to go back and finish what this Brother had attempted.

Tomas shook his head. “No alarms as yet, but I am on watch, as is your lovely wife. Has Julian mentioned any possible paths in the past few days?”

"No. The Gold situation seems to have throw him off his game. He'll be fine and then he'll decide what he wants to do. He has plenty of time." Earl smiled slightly.

“We hope.” Tomas frowned at Earl. “I want to know who these ‘others’ are. That might give us a place to start at least.”

Earl pointed at the Brother. "Are we asking him? Making him talk? Maybe get a Betazoid in here to," here, Earl demonstrated what he meant by wiggling his fingers over his head, "mix it up and pull out the information?"

Tomas nodded. “That’s the plan if he doesn’t cooperate soon. He went back to attempt murder and admits it, so I have no issues with prying open his head. None at all.”

"Good. You know one of our JAGs is a telepath. 'Course, that'd make her a witness... Nevermind." Earl frowned. He wanted the answers, too.

“We have a little time but not a lot,” Tomas informed Earl. They will figure out he’s gone missing and didn’t succeed in his quest. What that means as far as reaction on their part, I don’t know but the brother here can shed some light on that. In the meantime, impress upon Julian that he needs to watch his back at all times. We can’t really be sure of anything can we?”

"No. Can you keep them from coming back and taking him to his correct time?"

“Sure, if he’s in a containment field every minute of the day.” Tomas frowned. “I am thinking, though, that since Adrian here flubbed his mission so badly, they won’t strike at Julian again knowing we are watching. I’m not picking up any time irregularities at the moment either, and one or the other of us would. Are the other memories gone for you, Earl?”

"They are. I mean, I know they were there, I recall the content of some, but they aren't real memories of things that happened." He frowned and put his hands in his pockets. "Thankfully."

“Yeah, no shit,” was Tomas’ blunt reply. “I’ll keep working on him and let you and Ehlana know what I find out. Call me if anything changes.” He tapped the side of his head. “You know.”

"I will," Earl nodded and, taking a last look at their prisoner, headed home.

Brother Adrian
Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Admiral Tomas Cruzado
Going To Get At The Truth

Lt.Commander Earl D. Crane
Willing to Play the Rock


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