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Bots & Bad Boys

Posted on Tue Jul 28th, 2015 @ 10:52pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Niro & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Reva's Quarters


It had been a couple of days since Solis had given her a new inhibitor mix and Riley had made sure she went back to see Solis at the 48-hour mark. By all accounts, Reva's pheromones and hormones were mixing well. And it showed: she hadn't even attempted to tinker with her ankle bracelets - either of them; Darwin had made sure that she'd stay where she was supposed to by putting two of the things on her.

What she had tinkered with were her little spider-like minions. She had two now, three if she counted the one Darwin had kept. One was a bigger version of that first one; the other was a smaller version. She had plans for the little one, but it was trickier to build, so she was testing it using its big brother. Riley didn't know it, but he was also part of the test. The smallest minion came out of the bedroom using two legs to hold a commbadge over its head. Reva smiled and waited for Riley to notice.

In the bedroom, Riley was dressing before alpha shift and once his pants were on, he pulled on his undershirt, then his socks and boots. He checked his hair, then reached for the uniform jacket. Once it was closed, he took a look in the mirror. And frowned. His comm badge was missing. He did a quick survey of the dresser and floor before tossing the covers on the bed. Nothing.

“Reva? Have you seen my comm badge?”

"Yes. I have it!" She called to him. She grabbed it from the minion and met him halfway. "Here," she pinned it to his jacket and kissed him.

He laughed aloud and hugged her close, enjoying the kiss. “Good morning, gorgeous. Already busy at work so early?” he had noticed the change in her but he really didn’t want to make a big deal of it.

"This is just for fun," she answered, leaning into him. "I wanted to see if it could get the commbadge off your jacket by itself." She kissed him again and lightly traced his jaw with a finger. "I don't suppose I could make you late?"

“There is nothing I’d like better, but with Commander Leroy gone, and the loss of Six, Tess has been a little….wound up. No need to push it, you know?”

"Of course," she acknowledged and stepped back. "Maybe once these monitors come off, we could find a quiet beach on Archadia?"

“Now that is the best idea I’ve heard in ages.” He pulled her in for another kiss. “How soon do they come off?”

"Mm, I'm not real sure. Just a few more days, though. I wonder if Darwin would give me a day or two, for good behavior."

Riley laughed for a moment. “After unwiring the first one?” He reached down and goosed her. “Don’t push the man Reva. It’s just a few more days, and I’ll keep you occupied till then. But, you might want to let Chief Jenkins know that you want a few days off when you get there this afternoon.”

She laughed and playfully smacked his hand away. "Yeah, she might not be so thrilled about that, considering the time I've missed these past several days. I'll wait a day or two on that." She checked the time. "You'd better get going, Rye."

“If I must.” He gave an exaggerated sigh. “But, I’ll get dinner and meet you back here when you get done tonight. Anything in particular you have a craving for?”

"You?" She smiled at him.

“That I can do.” He stole one last kiss, then was out the door.

She went back to what she'd been doing: programming the little bot to find the bot Darwin had and repair it, then bring it back. It was sometime in the afternoon when she was pulled from her task. The door chime sounded and she called, "Enter!"

The doors parted and Niro wandered in, dressed in dark pants, a tank top, and an open short-sleeved shirt over it.

“Hello, Reva.”

She scrambled to her feet and hurried to hug him, "Niro! I thought you'd disappeared!"

“No, just busy with a few things here and there,” he answered with a smile. Her reaction was exactly as he’d expected. “How’ve you been the past few days?” He glanced around but he already knew she was here alone.

"I've been good. Just working on some toys," she gestured at the two bots. "Come in, have a seat. Do you want something from the replicator?" She was chatty and happy but she wasn't flirting with him.

“I’m good.” He watched her as she moved around the room and smiled. It was easy to sense there was a change. No worries, he thought. He could deal with her easily. He knew, also, that he had only a couple of hours before she had to be in engineering. “Come, Reva. Sit.”

She sat with him on the sofa. "Oh, I'm not going anywhere now. Darwin made sure of that," she said, drawing up her pants leg to show off the monitors. "He found out I'd cracked the other one."

Niro snorted. “That man needs a sense of humour I think.” Niro slipped his arm around Reva’s shoulders and settled her in against him. “A shame that. I was hoping to lure you out of here and see how you like Kaleidoscope. It’s a pretty wild place but I think you’d love it.”

She frowned and commented, "I haven't heard of that place. Is it like Saturnalia-wild or something different?"Ok“Above the equator but more…..unrestrained than the Nexus. dance floor, drinks, room to really cut get the idea. I was planning to stop in there tonight but I see the pleasure of your company will have to wait.” Niro kissed the top of her head. “A pity, but there will be other times. It’s only a few more days, yes?”

"Right. Rye and I were talking about that this morning. Few more days. Then he and I might sneak off to Archadia. I've been a little rotten to him."

“Oh?” That comment made Niro curious. “How so?

"Well, cattin' around, getting into trouble, making him worry. He's been really understanding," she replied. Her feelings for Riley fairly radiated off her.

“You seem to care for him quite a lot,” Niro observed. “Tell me, he what you want?”

She answered slowly. For all her time on confinement, she hadn't spent much thinking about what she wanted. "I don't know. I do care for him - he's so calm about stuff. We're opposites, sort of. But it's not like I have to make a choice any time soon. He isn't telling me that I have to stop playing around. Why?"

Niro shrugged. “And if he did? He’s a man with a beautiful woman. We are understanding only for so long, my dear. Calm you say? What fun is that?” he lifted Reva easily and settled her in his lap facing him. “Your friend Six has discovered that there’s far more to life than calm. I saw her with her fellow two nights ago and they seem very happy staying out till all hours...partying…..sleeping in together till noon.”

Reva frowned and looked cross; her streak of jealousy was showing through. "All well and good for her, then. I told Suresh he was bad for her. I'm not sure that lurking around till all hours of the night is a good idea. Seems like a good way for her to get hurt again."

Niro smiled like the cheshire cat. That spike of jealousy had come through loud and clear. “I suspect he is keeping her well-protected. I would if someone had attacked the woman I love. Word has it that her old lap dog was the one behind it. Shame that. The point remains though. She lives by her own rules. Why not you?”

"Because I'm not dumb enough to fall in love with a criminal," she snapped. "If he hadn't corrupted her, Rutheridge wouldn't have issued an ultimatum and she'd still be in the Fleet!" Her same irritation with Suresh was firmly in place.

“She seems happy enough, which is fine. My concern is with you and not having you cooped up by rules and regulations that bind too tight.” He slipped his hands beneath her shirt, his fingertips caressing the bare skin of her back. “You being happy is what’s important, yes?”

"It is," she agreed, watching his face. Though her body reacted to his touch, she didn't encourage or discourage him. "I've been fine the past couple of days - I've had Riley here, and my bots, and work. What if going back to the Pit draws Suresh's ire again? I don't want to go through that again." The memory of the spanner coming down surfaced, as did her worry.

“There are plenty of places besides the Pit to have fun,” he reminded her. “Much better in fact, and more suitable for someone with your class and refinement. Like here to start with. You just have to reach out and take hold of them.”

"I haven't been many places in the Pit - mostly Seyla's place, which really only borders the Pit." She wanted to see Seyla; she missed the woman and the information she told her about Orions. "If I'm with someone, I should be safe, Suresh or no Suresh. Will you show me those places once these monitors come off?"

“I would be absolutely delighted, my darling,” he answered and pulled her down for a kiss. “You have a little time before your shift don’t you?”

"I do, yup." She nodded and kissed him, then hesitated, thinking of Riley and his patience. "It would be nice, but maybe we shouldn't."

“Shouldn’t is not a word I use, my sweet Reva. Ever.” He stood, lifting her with him. “We have plenty of time.”

"I know, but I'm thinking of Riley, not timing." She argued mildly and willed herself to be too heavy for him to carry.

Niro almost laughed but he kept his expression serious, and now, hurt appeared in his eyes. “As you wish, Reva.” He let go of her, letting her drop to the sofa, then turned away.

"It's just...," she started to explain, "Riley's been here every day." She shrugged. "You haven't."

“Oh I understand.” Niro cleared his throat and turned to face her. “I think I should go. I’ll….see you soon, Reva. I hope.” He shook his head and moved towards the door.

"When?" She was quick to ask; she didn't want him to go. He was more interesting than her bots. "Will you come back tomorrow?"

“Perhaps,” he answered. “Morning maybe?”

"Riley will be here in the morning," she frowned, certain that he knew or should have known that. "Noon? You could bring us a picnic lunch."

“I think I can manage that.” He flashed her a quick smile. “Now go, get dressed so you’re not late.”

Inordinately pleased, she smiled and nodded. "Good! I look forward to it." She then got up and ran through a quick shower before getting ready for her duty shift. She came back out, hair drawn tightly back, very light makeup on and her uniform neatly crisp. "Walk me to Engineering?", she asked him.

“I’ll be happy to.” He offered his arm and as they departed, a satisfied smile settled on his face.

Ensign Reva Madhava
A Reformed Troublemaker (Well, Maybe)

Lt. Riley Sukotav
The Calm In Her Storm

The Storm


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