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Seyla's New Wrinkle

Posted on Thu Jul 30th, 2015 @ 8:12pm by Niro & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia


Sitting at her usual table, sipping her usual Saturnalia libation, Seyla grimaced as she spied another green skin in the room. Two, actually. One, she was aware of: Six's new personal guard, specifically chosen by Darwin. She could easily dismiss that one - as a Fleetie, she'd have to be on inhibitors, hence, she was toothless. (That said, she was still mildly put out that the gossip mill had told her that Darwin was enjoying the woman's assets. That news had nearly made her snarl and want to mark her territory.)

The other green skin in the room deserved her attention. He wasn't one she'd seen before and, oddly, the gossip mongers hadn't brought her any news on him. Owain joined her at the table. She commented, "None of ours seem to know the big green hulk sitting in the corner. Perhaps you could resolve that in the next day or so?"

The Betazoid nodded. "I'll see to it."

Before they could discuss much more, Marcus joined them. "Hey, Boss!" He leaned in, perhaps dangerously close, and said, "Just a few more days till Reva comes back. Sey, I've been thinking of visiting her during what's surely her hour of boredom. I could carry a message from you?"

The Orion sat back a bit even as Owain casually eased Marcus back as well. "Mm... Perhaps. Let me think on that, Marcus." She could send more than just a message with the boy; she could send a gift.... She was pondering the possibilities when she spied Niro entering Saturnalia. "You two, get lost," she ordered.

“Sure,” Marcus answered. He stood and motioned to Owain, who nodded and waved him on.

“We have a slight issue, Sey,” Owain murmured.

"What issue is that, dear?"

“They have Marat in the brig.” Owain shifted a bit uncomfortably. “How long do you think it will take him to start talking if it looks like things are going bad for him with security?”

"Why would I care if he talks? What he did he did on his own, with someone else. That someone should be...," she trailed off then stared at him as realization dawned. She lashed out and backhanded him then leaned in and whispered, "You idiot! I pay you more than enough to stay out such trouble. Do you expect me to get you out of this now?"

Owain shrugged and rubbed his cheek. “I may be able to handle it but I wanted you aware. All I need to do is prove I was somewhere else and then Marat will appear to be lying. Though given who he attacked, he may be afraid to say anything. I can impress upon him the wisdom of keeping his mouth shut and just admitting to it and getting the hell off this station. He’ll see that he’s safer in prison somewhere than here within Suresh’s reach.”

"Shut up and don't do a thing," she told him, seething with anger. She knew that if Owain were found out, Darwin and Zeferino would assume she was behind the attack. To protect herself, she had to protect him. "You were with Bella at the time. Remind her of that. I'll handle Marat. You'll owe me, Owain." It wasn't a good thing to owe Seyla in this way.

"Understood. Good luck getting in to see him. I heard he’s locked up tight.” Owain rubbed his cheek once more and stood. “I’ll go ‘remind’ Bella. Later Sey.”

Frowning, she watched him go. Then she saw Niro coming her way and made an effort to change her attitude. "Niro, dear, how are you?", she purred at him.

Niro laughed as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Much better than you are. Trouble with the boys?” he asked as he sat down.

"Yes." She glowered for just a moment. "Perhaps you could help me with something? I'll make it worth your while." Smiling, she let her pheromones perfume the air.

“And what might that be?” Niro leaned closer.”Careful unless you intend to start a riot in here, my lovely.”

She smiled and asked, "Can you make someone forget something?"

“Not necessarily but perhaps I can make him remember it...differently. Would that help?”

"Yes, maybe." She nodded. "There's a fellow in the brig, Marat. He did something stupid and got caught. Turns out one of mine helped him.... I need to make sure Marat doesn't name my employee as an accomplice. Can you do that for me?"

“I can certainly try. What’s it worth to you?” Niro spotted a passing waitress and mentally ordered her to bring the drinks she carried to them. He didn’t much care what it was. She placed two glasses on the table and returned to the bar.

"Would you want payment in latinum, credits or girls?" She declined one of the drinks since she still had some in her own glass. "Or boys, but I somewhat doubt you'd be interested in that."

A sly smile spread over Niro’s face. “How about a favor to be named later? I’m sure I’ll think of something along the way.”

"Okay," she nodded in agreement, though she did wonder just what sort of favor Niro might need. "Of course, if you fail...," she shrugged, indicating that wasn't her problem.

“If I can’t then I’m just a visitor seeing Marat before he's shipped off to pay for his crime,” Niro answered. “Which, from what I hear, was a colossally stupid one and the stupid seemed to infect your man too.”

"Indeed. Although... when you think about it, kidnapping and holding a Borg so you can bleed her and sell the blood," she mused, "that could be quite a nice income stream. And with this one being female, there are other ways to make money off of her." Seyla sounded as if the idea were not such a bad one after all.

“Any Borg but this one.” Niro shook his head. “Successful criminals know when something’s too hot to touch. Bad ones never learn that and usually have a short career. We both know what would happen if Suresh discovered who helped Marat.”

"Oh, yes, we do," she nodded, careful to think of the terrifying ways of the old Suresh. "What have you been up to the past few days? Reva's confinement has put a damper on my plan for her, and your request for an hour of her time each evening."

Niro laughed and reached for his drink. “It hasn’t stopped me at all. I was there earlier and things are moving. She told me she has a new inhibitor mix and I can tell a difference but that matters little. She actually turned me down so I pretended to be hurt and stood to leave. I bet you can guess what happened?”

"She begged you to stay? Offered to have sex to make you stay?" Seyla laughed. Girls could be so predictable.

“Begged me to come back tomorrow and bring lunch. I will, but she’s being careful to keep me separated from her fellow. Perhaps I might stop by early, before he leaves, for some reason or the other.” The thought obviously amused him. “She says Riley’s been understanding but I suspect that’s because he hasn’t had to see her ‘others’. I wonder how long that understanding would last with one of her distractions standing right in front of him?”

Seyla laughed. "She brought him to my quarters, like she did with you, just to have him in my bed. From the video, he enjoyed it immensely. But, yes, I don't know many males who are actually okay with their female cattin' around on the side. An Orion male would have killed every one of her partners by now. And any potential partners, too. But he's a Betazoid."

“He’s also going to be your biggest obstacle, Seyla.” Niro lowered his glass after draining it. “Make no mistake. You want her? Neutralize him and his influence.”

"You're starting on that tomorrow. I could send Marcus there the next day, and make sure he stays till her beau gets home." She chuckled, an evil thought coming to her. "Marcus could take along my pheromone ointment. Exposing Riley to that might make his jealousy spoke, drive him to do something that'll put a wedge between him and her."

Niro thought about that for a moment, then shook his head. “That could land her back in sickbay. I was thinking that what’s needed here is someone to tempt Riley. Turnabout you understand? If he is playing around, she’ll have no reason to stay loyal. Anyone you can use that he would respond to?”

"Hmm...," she considered that. "What draws him to our girl? Or, since he's dating her, would her opposite attract him?" Sighing, she shook her head. "I don't know him well enough to know what he would want. And if I send girl after girl to tempt him, he'll catch on. Tomorrow, could you read him and figure that out?"

Niro nodded. “I can. My first thought it to suggest someone who is her opposite, someone who doesn't want to play around, who wants only him, but not to the point of being too much, you know? It’s really what every man wants, whether he’ll admit it or not.”

"I have a few actresses in my stable. If you find his desires go a different way, let me know. Otherwise, I'll chose a girl and get her started on him." She smiled at him and reached over to brush her fingers against his cheek. "I do so appreciate our partnership."

“I know.” Niro paused a moment, enjoying her touch. “I’m flattered that I was able to make you forget that you promised not to see other people. I should feel bad but I don’t.”

She lifted a brow and chuckled. "You didn't make me forget. Conspiring as we are requires something a bit more intimate than a mere handshake to seal the deal."

“Would he feel the same, I wonder?” Niro shook his head. “You’ve no need to worry, your secret is safe with me.”

"I'm sure it is, Niro." She sipped her drink then asked, "Your night will be an early one, won't it? You'll need to be up at Reva's before Alpha shift starts."

“You’re assuming I plan to sleep tonight. You need to be in your quarters for the nightly business, yes? I think that’s where I’d like to pass the time.” He placed his hand on her thigh where the slit in
her dress exposed bare skin and sent a small jolt of pleasure through her.

"Mmm...," she shifted and laughed. "I'll be there for a bit, yes. But I'll return to my love tonight." She gazed at him for a brief moment then asked, "Are you comparing the Orions? Young versus experienced?"

Several answers popped into Niro’s head but he discarded them all in favor of discretion. “Not at all, Seyla. I merely enjoy what I enjoy, that’s all.”

"That was very diplomatic of you. Come along, then. We'll be more comfortable in my quarters." She stood and waited for him to offer his arm to her.

Niro stood, tucked her hand in his arm and led her out of Saturnalia. Already, a possible use for the favor she would owe him had come to mind, and it involved a certain young blonde newlywed.




Enjoying What He Enjoys


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