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Four Arrive, Two Leave

Posted on Thu Jul 30th, 2015 @ 8:53pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor & Lieutenant Tobin Ayo & Commander Adara Gunnar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Valhalla Colony Site, Charu

* Federation Shuttle Harpeth *

“Alright, gang, there’s Charu below us. We’ll be landing in ten,” Dae reported from the cockpit. “I got a message in a few minutes ago from Dr. Sala that one of his assistants is here and available to show us around and answer questions if needed.”

Tor looked up from her pad. “Understood. Adara, you want to rouse Tobin or should I?”

"I'll do it," Adara said, rousing herself. Three days in the little shuttle with four of them had been... interesting. She went to the back and laid a hand on Tobin's arm. "Hey, God of Thunder, we're at Valhalla."

Tobin stirred and his eyes popped open. He looked momentarily surprised, then smiled. “Hello, Adara. Did I miss the party?”

"No, we've waited for you. Come up front when you're ready." She smiled and went back up. "He's awake," she assured Tor.

“Did he swing at you?” Tor laughed. “Or try to kiss you? His usual when he’s on a shuttle. It’s strange I know.”

Dae began to laugh too. “Maybe a good thing I didn’t go wake him up.” He set the landing protocol and the shuttle started down. “You can see here that we’re going to the southern hemisphere. The climate is temperate, much like San Francisco without the fog, just a little warmer along the coast.”

"Is the water safe to swim in? Have we detected any wildlife that might pose issues?" Adara looked down at the planet and the surface they were quickly approaching. "It's beautiful."

“The science surveys say that the waters are fine down south. There’s a whale-like species that roams further north where the waters are cooler. Down here, the waters are more like the Virgin Islands on earth, according to the reports.” Dae activated the shields as they began the descent through the atmosphere.

“Think about it, Adara.” Tor smiled and held on to her seat as the shuttle bumped a bit. “A real beach, real sand. We can hook up some holo-projectors……”

Adara burst out laughing. "That would be fun. Actually, I was wondering whether Cody would be safe running the beach and swimming there."

“He should be fine,” Tobin answered. “You may experience more curiosity from local fauna, rather than aggressions, given the planet’s been uninhabited for centuries. The survey teams were not bothered, however.”

“That’s good to know.” Tor paused as Dae brought the shuttle in for landing. “Well that one flower aside but that’s being handled.”

"Right," Adara said. She, too, held onto her seat as the shuttle's thrusters engaged to level them out for landing.

A few minutes later, they were on the ground and Tobin opened the hatch. Sunlight washed over him as he stepped out and turned his face up to the sun. “This is glorious.” He smiled and took a deep breath. The air smelled of fresh grass and trees. “I think the last time I saw real sun was on Trill two years ago when I got Ayo.”

Tor stepped out beside him. “It is lovely, isn’t it?” She turned to Adara as she exited the shuttle. “What do you think?”

Lush vegetation grew around the landing site, through which the colony's construction could be seen. "It is lovely." She smiled and started off toward the construction site. "Let's go take a look at how far they've come on the Colony."

Dae emerged, then secured the shuttle’s hatch. He fell in step beside Adara as they walked through the trees. “How long do you wish to stay?”

"I don't know, let's take a look around and then head back." She smiled at him and kept walking. "Or are you eager to be back in the shuttle and headed home? Do you have a wife on the Station?"

“No, I don’t,” Dae answered. “900 is the first time I’ve been in the same place for a substantial length of time. As for the colony, I’m curious to see how far along they’ve gotten. I hope you like it.”

"I will. I don't doubt for a moment that I will. I've seen the designs and mock-ups. Plus, it'll be my own command." She'd waited a long time for this.

“There’s a lot to be said for that, Adara,” Dae agreed. “And I think you’ll do very well in what might be a difficult situation. Some wouldn’t have the backbone to come out here to the edge of the known universe and take on a colony three days from its closest link. I admire you for that.”

She laughed quickly. "An assignment like this does require a certain personality. I expect, once things here get up and running, the Colony will draw some interesting people. Likely, criminals first, thinking this will be an easy place to hide."

“That occurred to me too.” Dae nodded. “It will certainly give security and marines something to keep them busy. Even so, there will be a lot to discover and build here. Your names will be in the history books.” They cleared the trees and a dark-haired man was approaching.

"Hello!" Adara called and waved at the man. "I'm Commander Gunnar."

The young man smiled. “I”m Malcolm Trent, one of Dr. Sala’s assistants. Welcome to Charu and Valhala Colony. At least as it is so far.”

Adara kept her smile in place as she deciphered what the man had said. He'd spoken clearly, but for just a beat, she thought he'd said his name was Malcontent. "Good to meet you, Mal. Would you mind showing us around just a bit?"

“My pleasure, Commanders.” He paused as Tobin and Tor caught up. “Welcome to all of you. Right this way. As Niall may have told you, we started with the main command areas and senior staff housing. The last of that will be complete in the next two days and we’ll begin working on junior staff quarters and the recreational areas.”

“Sounds like you’re making fast progress,” Tobin commented. “Impressive.”

Malcolm nodded. “We brought in extra crews so we could continue round the clock. Barring anything unforeseen, your crew should be able to move out in two weeks.”

"It sounds like Senior staff could be onsite sooner than that. Is there a reason we couldn't start sending people within the week?" Adara stood looking at the buildings, such as they were at the moment.

“Absolutely,” Malcolm answered. “I can show you to your residence and here.” He passed a padd to Tor and Tobin. “This will lead you to your houses as well. Shall we Commander?”

"Please, lead on." The Commander agreeably followed Malcolm, asking questions and making him explain various features as they went. Essentially, she was quizzing him without intending to do so. When they came to what was to be her house, she grinned and ducked inside. The interior needed work - some of the walls were simply framing - but she could see the layout easily. It was what she had discussed with Sala.

“They will be done finishing out the interior by the day after tomorrow,” Malcolm informed her as they strolled through. “We also enclosed your back lawn so Cody can go out as he likes. Shall we?” He pointed to the back door.

She followed his direction, walking out into a yard that had a stonework path winding through it and plenty of space for the long-legged dog to run around. "Thanks. This is amazing." She was already envisioning a pair of chaise lounges set under the trees the construction crew had left intact.

Malcolm smiled at her response. “I’ll let him know you are pleased.”

“Looks great, Adara,” Dae commented. “Would you like to wander through the neighborhood a little and see where everything else will be?"

She nodded and they set out to stroll along the pathways leading to the various houses and buildings. This section had been designed as a walking village, with no vehicles needed. A large insect droned along beside them for a moment then zoomed off to wherever it had been going. Adara laughed, "I can see that our pace of life here might slow down a bit."

Dae laughed and nodded. “I think that is a given. You might find yourself the new vacation destination for those of us on the station.”

"We'll pitch in and build a hut out on the beach for visitors." She smiled, possibly joking, possibly not.

“Then I may be one of the first ones out here.” Dae laughed again as they continued on their walk through the neighborhood.

* * *

Tobin looked down at the pad and then pointed down the street that crossed Adara’s. “According to this, you’ll be right there on the corner, next to Lev.”

Tor fell in step beside him as he began to walk. “A corner is nice and Lev’s always been a quiet neighbor,” she joked.

“Lev is a quiet man in general,” Tobin agreed. “Solid as a rock. I always liked that about him.”

“Me too,” Tor agreed. “”When things looked their worst, he very quietly stepped in and solved the situation. I’ll always love him for that.”

Tobin smiled and reached for her hand as they stepped over some construction detritus and made their way up the walk to Tor’s front door. It was open and they could hear voices inside. When they looked in, the workers gave the impression of a hive of busy bees. No one stopped to chat but they did nod in passing.

“Tobin, it’s wonderful.” Tor’s tone was enthusiastic. “So open and airy, so many windows!”

Tobin had strolled across the living area to look out over the back stretch of lawn and suddenly motioned Tor over. “Look Gae. There’s an atrium on the back side. You can re-start all your flowers.”

“I love it.” She squeezed his hand once more. “Niall’s a genius and so are these people.” She motioned to the workers as they moved about. “I can’t wait to get out here. Let’s go see yours before we have to get back.”

“Sure.” Tobin fell silent and led her through the house and into the atrium. He stood watching with a smile as Tor wandered around, looking trough the transparent walls and mentally planning out the space. Finally, he joined her and took her hands. “I had an idea about that.”

“About what?” She looked up to meet his gaze. “Your house?”

He nodded. “We are finally going to be somewhere settled Gae, and can begin to make up for lost time.”

She nodded slowly, not following his train of thought yet. “We are. So far so good?”

“Yes.” Tobin’s smile returned. “Why don’t we make this our house instead of having my house and your house? It doesn’t mean we are rushing things but I’d feel better here where I can look out for you and we can proceed however we wish.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t thought about it but it made a certain amount of sense. Logic aside, it meant having Tobin here, with her, where he was meant to be. But as much as she liked the idea, the old caution rose and stopped her from immediately saying yes. She considered how to phrase everything that had just flitted through her thoughts. That little spike of worry also angered her. She had no need to worry with this man, but it was a big move. She knew she wanted it but when she opened her mouth, another answer came out.

“I will think on it. I just want to make sure it’s what….that I’m ready.”

“I understand. It’s alright.” He tilted her face up and kissed her gently. “Come on, let’s step out into the grass, enjoy the sun a little more before we go back to the shuttle.”

Tor wanted to stand right here, lost in that kiss but she was also anxious to explore just a little more. Finally she nodded and they left the atrium, crossed the back lawn, and strolled on down the street.

* * *

Malcolm was still walking with Adara and Dae as they approached the shuttle. Adara was talking, "...engaged, so the house intended for Isi can be adapted for use as a VIP or long-term guest house." She had told Tor, Tobin and Dae about the engagement on the way to Charu; she hadn't yet told Dr. Salas.

“Of course,” Malcolm answered and entered a note in his padd. “If there are any accommodations Dr. Nighthawk needs, just send word to the office when you get back to 900.” He waved as Tor and Tobin appeared. “What do you think?”

Both of them smiled ear to ear, but it was Tor who spoke, rather enthusiastically. “It’s gorgeous! You have to see it Adara, Niall added on an atrium for the flowers, and the lawn is awesome. We saw Tobin’s house, and then we stopped by Lev’s place. He’s going to be thrilled, trust me.”

"Good! Tobin, would you want to stay and start overseeing the construction?" Adara looked from Tor to Tobin, oblivious to any undercurrents between them.

“I can, certainly.” He looked to Malcolm, who nodded.

“Your house isn’t done, but there’s housing for the crew if you don’t mind sharing for another day or two?”

Tobin laughed. “That will be fine. I’ve slept in far less.”

Tor smiled as she looked at Malcolm. “You better warn them to be careful if he offers to play poker with them.”

Tobin laughed more, then drew Tor aside as Dae opened up the shuttle and stepped inside.

“It’s only a few days and you’ll be back out here,” he said softly. “The time will go by before you know it.”

Tor was silent as his words sunk in and suddenly, the thought of returning home without him unsettled her. Her grip tightened on his arm and she shook her head. “No. I’d rather stay as well.”

Adara had heard that exchange; speaking quietly with Malcolm, Adara asked, "Are there resources for one more?"

“Of course. I will notify JL, he’s due to leave 900 later today for the trip out here. He will make sure Lani knows that both are staying but it will be fine,” he answered quietly. “Her house is at the point she can stay if she doesn’t mind a few workmen in and out.”

"Thanks," Adara said to him then approached Tobin and Tor. "Malcolm says your house is close enough to done that you could stay in it. Of course, workmen will still be in and out. Maybe Tobin could stay there with you."

Tobin cleared his throat in order to keep himself from laughing out loud. Tor also smiled, a rather sly one.

“Is it alright if I stay, Adara? It will mean someone having to pack my things but I don’t have much. At all.”

"Did you even unpack anything?" Adara shrugged. "If you're comfortable staying, then I don't see why you can't." This time, she caught that there was an undercurrent and tsk'd at them. "You two," she laughed. "Malcolm, they're both staying."

“So noted, and my shuttle is available for your use should you need it.”

Tor hugged Adara tight. “We’ll see you in a week then? The terminal at the house seems to be working already, so call anytime.”

Tobin nodded. “I’ll report in tomorrow and then again in a couple of days. Take care on the way home.”

"We will. This'll give Dae and me plenty of room in the shuttle." She hugged Tor. "Behave." She grinned and retreated into the shuttle.

Tobin took Tor’s hand and squeezed it as the shuttle engines fired up. Minutes later the shuttle took to the air and in short order, sped off through the atmosphere.

“Well, that’s done,” Tor whispered. “It seems, Tobin, that your answer is yes.”

He simply smiled as they turned back to Malcolm. “So, we joining you for dinner?”

Malcolm laughed. “You’ll love the mess tent special tonight. Shall we?”

The three of them turned and began to walk back through the trees.

Commander Adara Gunnar
Facing Three Days Alone With Dae

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Learning To Open Up (Because Adara Is Good At That)

Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor
Lt. Tobin Ayo
Taking The Next Step In More Ways Than One


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