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Seeds Of Discord

Posted on Sun Aug 2nd, 2015 @ 2:40pm by Niro & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Seyla's Quarters

Niro left Reva’s door and was smiling ear to ear. It was almost too easy, really. Riley’s reaction was exactly what Niro had planned and he could just imagine the discord he’d left in his wake. He laughed for a moment as he entered the turbolift and started down. He had another Orion to see this morning before she, too, returned to her doting male. Niro had to admit to some confusion. Both Seyla and Reva were something of a surprise where their males were concerned. Not that it bothered him, really. It didn’t prevent him having what he wanted. As the lift neared the Cherry Pit he began to whistle a happy little tune.

In Seyla's quarters, Owain and Marcus were waiting for Seyla to return from wherever it was that she spent her night. "Do you suppose it's Darwin?" Marcus mused.

"Hmm... No, she used to entertain him here. Plus, he's just a Lieutenant. I bet his quarters are small, definitely not something Seyla would appreciate." Owain poured himself a drink.

"So, someone higher than a Lieutenant? One of the old guys? The admirals?" Marcus took the drink Owain had just poured. The two kept up their guessing game, right until Seyla came in.

"You two are here early," she commented as she cast a suspicious glance over the both of them. She went to her console and opened up her accounts. She ignored the two men as they moved on to some other topic. "Have either of you seen Bella lately?"

"Ah, no?" Marcus answered with a shake of his head.

Owain focused on Seyla for a moment. "No reports from her last night? That's not normal."

"No," she muttered. Her train of thought was interrupted by the door chime. "Let whoever that is in."

Owain, now a doorman, went and opened the door. "Ugh. You sure you want to let this one in?" He looked at Seyla.

"Niro, good morning."

Niro looked Owain over, then passed by him. “Good morning Seyla. A very good morning actually.” He nodded to Owain and Marcus. “You owe me,” he said to Owain.

Owain's brows went up. "I do?" Suddenly he smiled, "And just how am I repaying you?" He mentally offered the man a few options.

“You most certainly do, since I saved your ass.” He looked Owain up and down and smiled. “You wish.”

"Hmm, then I suppose my ass is yours," Owain commented and winked.

"Owain, your debt is bigger than that," Seyla warned him. "You two should leave." She motioned at Marcus and Owain, who both got the message and headed out. "Niro, how is your morning going?"

Niro watched them go, sending a silent message to Owain to find him later. Once the doors closed, he turned back to Seyla. "I have had a most enjoyable morning, Sey.” He sat on the sofa and propped his feet on the coffee table. “What about you?”

She watched him make himself at home. "My morning is just beginning. I take it that you've handled Marat?"

“I have,” Niro answered. “He is keeping silent in return for my liberating him in transport. Funny thing save a man’s life, he tends to get loyal very fast. It will be easy enough to do, so no worries. Your man is safe enough.” For now, Niro thought. “Though you might warn him...he’s becoming his own worst enemy if he keeps this up.”

"He's been warned. I'll warn him again." She eyed him then asked, "So you'll liberate Marat? And what? Set him on some planet somewhere? It's not like he can come back here. Security would be after him and Suresh would have him killed."

“I’ll keep Marat occupied, don’t worry. I have crew here that no one has yet to lay eyes on, Seyla.” Niro smiled back at her. “He’ll be most useful I think. Besides, Archadia is close enough for now, don’t you think?”

That chilled her: the idea that he had a crew here. She had thought he was a lone wolf, someone who would drift in and then drift out, be useful till he wasn't and then be gone. "Archadia may be too close. Though... I recall him as being big, broad, not bad looking? I have a place where he could be hidden, if he's willing to be of service."

“Let me get him freed, then we’ll figure out the rest.” His smile returned. “After I left the brig, I stopped by to see Reva. I just had a question about our plans for the afternoon. Normally I wouldn’t go so early but she had a guest I wanted to see face to face.”

Amused, Seyla grinned widely. "Our friend, Riley? And how is he that early in the morning?"

“Riley is a very grumpy boy this time of day, apparently.” Niro grinned. “He was polite enough but he was near the boiling point by the time the door closed. I can just imagine the conversation they had after I left. From what I picked up, it seems his patience is at an end. What will Reva do now?” His tone was mocking as he asked the last question.

"Hmm... I bet she'll ask him to stay, promise to be good, and then have trouble being good." Seyla nodded at her own prediction. "As for Riley, did you manage to read what sort of woman attracts him? I have another Orion, but she won't be attractive to someone like Riley."

"I don’t think it’s the fact that Reva is Orion, that’s incidental. He seems to overlook a lot of the Orion-ness if that makes sense. So, believe it or not, it seems to be her personality. Which means he likes someone fun and outgoing, but would prefer someone who doesn’t stop at every watering hole she passes.”

Frowning, Seyla turned to her console and ran through her stable. His crack about every watering hole bothered her, but she didn't argue. "Nemi might work. Petite little blonde. I'll set her up and put her where he should run into her."

Niro shrugged. “Whatever you like, it’s your business. I’ve sown the seeds of discord as promised. At this point, how Reva reacts is anyone’s guess. We may discover he means more to her than you think. She may turn me down but I can deal with that if it happens.”

She turned back towards him, curious and suspicious. "And how will you deal with that?" She knew of another man who, when denied the woman he wanted, would come to her, sometimes none-too-gently.

“I can be very persuasive, even without resorting to mental force. We’ll see how it goes today, when I update Reva on the latest sightings of her friend out and about, having fun. Those little reports are pretty effective, even if I make them up.”

"You don't have to make this up: Six has a new Orion friend. Female, and scary, but you don't need to tell her that part." She smiled.

Niro raised an eyebrow. “Really? Replacing Reva already is she?” he laughed for a moment. “Now that is good news. It should be a prod in the right direction, meaning our direction. Lovely.” He rubbed his hands together. “I love it when a plan comes together.”

"That is, isn't it?" Seyla laughed. "I'm sure you have other things to do today, like sleep before going to Reva for lunch?" It was a soft dismissal.

“Headed home are you?” Niro laughed as he rose. “Get a grip on Owain. Next time I may not be able to cover for him.”

First Reva, now Owain. Seyla sighed. She was too old for this shit, particularly since she wasn't the mother of either wayward child. "Right, I get it. Enjoy your lunch date with Reva. We'll talk soon."

“Enjoy your day.” Niro strolled out and let the doors close behind him. He waited a few moments, then went in search of Owain.

Frick and Frack

Feeling Too Old for Games

Making His Own Plans


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