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Niro Makes The Rounds

Posted on Sun Aug 2nd, 2015 @ 12:07pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Niro & Ensign Reva Madhava
Edited on on Sun Aug 2nd, 2015 @ 12:09pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Brig / Reva's Quarters

* The Brig *

True to his word, Niro's first stop, and early, was the brig to see Marat. He stepped off the lift and made his way along to the main desk where an officer sat on duty.

“I’d like to see Marat, if possible?” Niro wondered if he’d be mistaken for Nico and if so, had no intention of correcting the officer.

The brig officer looked the over and asked, "Family or legal counsel?"

“Family.” Niro smiled politely and decided it was time to get down to business. He slipped into the guard’s thoughts and ‘convinced’ him that it was the truth. “I’ll only be a minute or two.”

"Okay," the nudged officer nodded, "this way." He signalled to another to take his place then led Niro into the brig and down to where Marat was being held in close, segregated confinement. "Ya got ten minutes." He turned and left the room.

“Thank you.” Niro waited until the officer moved a little distance away, then turned to Marat. Knowing everything was likely recorded, he greeted Marat aloud, then shifted to a mental conversation. Don’t speak aloud, for your own good. Do you understand?

The big man glared at Niro and answered back, "Hail, brother." Sent by Suresh?

“It’s good to see you, though not in this place.” No, and be glad of that. He likely wants you dead, don’t you think?

"Indeed." I knew the consequence of failure. Better sooner than later. Who are you, then?

“Have they said what is to happen to you?” Niro asked. A friend. You are better served getting off this station rather than facing him. You know what he will do to you. For your own good, keep your mouth shut, do not give away your accomplice and let them ship you out if they intend to. I can get you out soon.

"They demand to know who my accomplice was. I should give over the stupid boy, considering he stunned me in order to make his own escape." Why should I stay silent? Marat looked defiant.

“You chose poorly,” Was Niro’s audible reply. Because if you do not, I will remove you from here and hand you over to him. Life or death? Your choice. Niro now set about sifting through Marat’s memories, seeing the event in question. You know what he’s done to others who dared touch his precious Li, you know it will be worse with the Borg.

"So I did." Marat nodded. Death is death. It might be better than living in a prison.

I can get you out. You’ll never set foot in a prison. It all depends on what you want. Niro sighed aloud for the sake for the recording. “How much longer do you have?”

"No idea. There's a female prosecutor on the case." For that, I could keep my silence.

Niro frowned. “Perhaps if you confess, they will go lighter on you?” Then tell them it was only you. If they mention the other, insist it was just someone in the crowd who jumped in. They will likely hold you here until transport is arranged. I will visit again while you are waiting to ship out, and I’ll take care of the rest.

What is in this for you? "I didn't need to confess. They found me red-handed, as it were." He shrugged.

“I see. A shame that,” Niro answered. “I will come see you tomorrow.” Remember your promise. I will get you out of this and you will do well in my crew. Plus, you’ll live.

"As the Vulcans say, that would be agreeable." Marat nodded.

“Until tomorrow then.” Niro looked Marat over and planted the suggestion to sleep for the next several hours. The less time he had to reconsider the better. Finally, he turned and made his way out.


"Mmm..," Reva purred, curled up with Riley, and nipped his chest lightly. "You should be getting up."

“I know. One of the other of us should change shifts.” He smiled and kissed her, only to be interrupted by the door chime. “A little early for company isn’t it?”

"Far too bloody early," Reva complained, struggling with the sheets and Riley's limbs to climb out of bed. She pulled on a robe, one Seyla had given her, and was about to go answer the door when Riley spoke up.

“You get back in bed, you don’t have to be anywhere for hours. I’ll go scare away whoever it is.” He pulled on his pants and hurried out to see who was there. When the doors opened, he was looking back at a man whose face he recognized but was having trouble figuring out why he’d be here. “Nico?”

The man laughed and shook his head. “No, I’m his brother Niro.” He stopped to look Riley up and down and now he could understand Reva’s fascination with the man. “I actually was looking for Reva.”

At the mention of his name, Riley knew immediately who it was and a spike of jealousy cut through him. “I see. It’s a little early, she’s still in bed, and I’m about to take off. Alpha shift,” he explained.

Niro smiled, reading the reaction immediately. “Pity. I promised to come spend the afternoon with her and she requested a picnic. I was merely curious whether I should leave off the wine, since she’s working this evening.” His tone was completely unapologetic. “Would you like to ask her or should I?”

What Riley wanted to do was punch the man who stood before him but instead he smiled. “Skip the wine. As you say, she does have to work. If there’s nothing else, I need to get dressed.” Riley nodded to Niro, then closed the door in his face.

"Rye?" Reva appeared in the bedroom doorway, the sheer white robe highlighting her curves. "Who was it, babe?"

Riley re-entered the bedroom and began to dress hurriedly. “Niro,” he answered. He pulled out a fresh undershirt and tugged it on as he crossed to the bathroom.

She caught that he was a bit... miffed, since he'd pushed her aside to get into the bedroom. "Niro? What did he want this early?" She was alarmed that he'd been here while Riley was here.

It took a moment for Riley to answer since he was brushing his teeth but once he was done and his face dry, he answered. “Whether he should bring wine when he comes to spend the afternoon with you.” His tone was tense. “I suggested he skip it since you have to work later.”

She was still in that muddled area between sleep and full wakefulness. "Wine? Ick." It was early to think of such things. His tension communicated clearly, though. "Riley? You're angry with me? Because he wanted to know about wine?"

He paused as he fastened his uniform jacket. “That’s what you’re getting from this?” He sat down and pulled on his boots. “It’s not the wine, Reva. I don’t care about whether you have wine or not.” What he cared about was too much to put into words at the moment, and he’d read Niro well enough to know the timing of the visit was deliberate. He sighed as he stood and smoothed his pants, then checked himself in the mirror.

"He was here yesterday," she said. She'd read his emotions and caught what he was upset about. "We talked, about going to places in the Pit. And he wanted to go to bed, but I declined. Riley," she caught his sleeve and tugged lightly, "I did that because of you."

“Yesterday, yes, you did.” He looked down at her and frowned. “But the other times? And the rest? I’m understanding and open-minded Reva but even I have limits.” He brushed back the errant lock of hair that always seemed to drop to his forehead and it immediately sprang back. He grumbled and turned away from the mirror. “I need to go.”

"The other times? Before Doc Harding fixed my inhibitor?" She frowned, not liking that he'd hold that against her - plus he had said she could have her fun, that he understood! Her temper threatened to flare up.

“Look Reva, I do understand. But this just…” he shrugged. “I guess he just pushed my last button. He knew I’d be here, you see? And yes, I know I said it was alright and never expected you to save yourself for me but maybe I’ve reached that point. It wasn’t so bad when I didn’t see them or know them.” He pursed his lips and shook his head. “Maybe it’s time we revisit that idea.”

Considering that, she unconsciously mimicked him and pursed her lips. "Then we have something to talk about tonight, when we're both done with work." She brushed imaginary lint from his uniform as an excuse to touch him. "When he comes here, it'll be just lunch and I'll tell him I don't want to see him anymore."

He looked down at Reva and his features relaxed just a little. Finally, he nodded. “We’ll figure it all out tonight. Now, I need to go. I have to stop by my quarters before I hit science.”

"Okay. I'll see you tonight. Kiss?"

He smiled just slightly, despite the image of Niro that popped back into his head. “Yes,” he answered softly and leaned down for a brief kiss. “Till tonight.”

"Yup." She saw him out, then went back to bed, stewing on the idea that Niro had intentionally come by at this hour to rattle Riley. That stewing was a bit like putting a tea kettle on a hot flame.

Ensign Reva Madhava

Stirring the Pot (Several Of Them)

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Losing The Zen

Looking at a Promising Future


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