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Sitting Watch

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2015 @ 12:18pm by Suresh & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh's Quarters

Edana sat on the sofa in Suresh's living room and watched as he paced across the room once more. This time, he detoured through the kitchen and returned with two mugs of coffee. When he reached her, he held one out, then sat down in the chair at her side.

"You should get some sleep," she commented. "And thanks." She sipped the coffee, still watching him. He was wound up nice and tight, thanks to the news she and Darwin had delivered regarding Riley. She could certainly understand why. If that Iconian slab translation was behind this, he had good reason to worry. If he knew how Riley had been taken, she suspected he'd be climbing the walls right about now.

Suresh's laugh was brief. "Like that's happening tonight."

He glanced towards the short hall that led to the bedroom he shared with Six. Edana knew he'd left the door open and was listening to every shift and sigh that came from that room.

"I understand. We're doing all we can, I promise you." Except if whoever it was really wanted Six, Edana wasn't so sure they could prevent it based on what Commander Winter had said. She sighed aloud and drank some more coffee.

Suresh watched her intently and frowned. "We thought her being here undercover was the most dangerous thing she'd face. Crazy, huh?" He shook his head and sipped from his mug. "It's funny, Edana. You think you're prepared for anything and that your life is pretty well-ordered, then someone like Six appears out of nowhere and turns everything into chaos. Nothing is what it was anymore and you realize that you don't want it any other way." He smiled for a moment. "But it brings out your protective instincts too, and you know suddenly, that if they are faced with some danger, that you'd do just about anything to keep them safe. It's huge and a little overwhelming. You fear losing them and it's always there, tucked away in the back of your mind."

Edana nodded. She understood the sentiment very well and for a moment was glad he didn't know about Vic, who was potentially a bigger threat to his happiness than some mysterious someone who'd snatched a science officer. Maybe. Tonight, she'd had the chance to watch Six and Suresh together, here at home where they could truly be themselves. What she saw was so vastly different from their public personas and if she were honest, she envied them. His touch was at times almost reverential and at others, the touch of a man whose passion was barely contained. They seemed to fit so well together and for the first time, she suspected that Vic was due for a disappointment. Still, it wasn't her place to deal with that or figure it out. She was here to watch Six's back. If that ran counter to either Vic or Suresh, well.....that was the job and they would have to deal with it. As for watching Six, she hoped that having so many people around her would be a good deterrent.

"I have some business tomorrow that should interest you and Darwin," he said suddenly.

"Oh?" Edana pulled herself back from her mental wandering. "What's that?"

"The associate of your friend in the blue shirt," he answered and smiled. "He's not so bold since his business partner's in the brig. It seems he's a little more careful now that he's on his own and having to face me. I sent word that his friend had crossed the line and that now he had my full attention. Apparently, that's something he was hoping to avoid. I'm seeing him later."

A slow smile spread over Edana's face. "Is that so?"

Suresh nodded. "I'll let you know how it goes, though I suspect he'll be watching his step. We certainly will be. He's also likely trying to figure out a good way to depart and leave his friend here without looking bad."

"Makes sense." Edana paused and studied Suresh a moment. "Are you going to sit up all night?"

"Likely," he answered. "You should get some sleep if you're on duty down here later." He stood and turned towards the hall. "I'll call if anything happens."

He watched as Edana stood and moved off to the guest room. Finally, he went to his own bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed where Six lay asleep. What he said to Edana was true. He likely would be awake for a while, just in case. Six's hair lay spread out over the pillow and he reached our to run his finger over a curl, reminded of that first night he'd walked her home and his need to touch it. Finally, he shed his clothes and slipped in to bed beside her to wait out what little remained of the night.

SCPO Edana
The Watchers


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