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Further up Schidt Creek With No Paddle

Posted on Mon Aug 10th, 2015 @ 11:27am by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison
Edited on on Mon Aug 10th, 2015 @ 11:28am

Mission: Further Challenges


The Marines on the planet were dug in expertly, thier firing positions were camouflaged with native flora and discreetly placed holographic emitters. Quentin himself was dug in in the cntral firing position overlooking a vast open field that was dotted with rocks, grass, fallen logs and the occasional booby trap built by the ever-resourceful Sergeant Crouch.

The aforementioned Crouch was near a tree, furiously splicing a detonator into an improvised explosive when a sudden blast from an energy weapon neatly decapitated him, vaporizing his head and leaving the lifeless, headless body to fall on the explosive charge he had rigged, detonating it with a loud bang.

Harrison's eyes narrowed at the loss of his techno-sergeant. "Position one, tell me what's out there, laddie!" he ordered, trying to stay calm.

"Lots of confused thermal images, sir! There is a steadily advancing ring of thermal images closing on our position..."

A loud roar from overhead sounded suddenly, causing Harrison to grin. "There goes the shield!" Harrison smiled. While John Franklin, the platoon's captor had been talking to Quentin, Crouch had sent a drone on a search for where Franklin was hiding. Once the base had been located, the drone became a kamikaze quantum micro-torpedo, destroying the facility, including the shield generators.

=/\=Harrison, this is Lorenz, how copy?=/\=

"Five-by-five, major." Quentin looked up to see the CSAR gunabout descending steadily towards his position. The big Scot felt a sense of relief wash over him at the sight of his friend's ship.

=/\=SITREP, lieutenant!=/\= Lorenz ordered

"I'm in concealment on the western edge of a wooded area seven klicks south-southeast of the crash site. There are multiple inbounds on foot, unknown species of size and strength." Harrison was scanning the horizon, looking for danger.

=/\=Um, I have eyes on your gomers, big man, and the are just standing still. Sensors are picking up a carrier signal to each one of their brains...God, they are ugly!....have Crouch look at 'em!=/\=

"Sergeant Crouch is dead," Quentin said quietly. "Three more have percussive injuries, and we're all pretty much beat to hell after the crash."

=/\= Copy that, Q. I'll have the pilot set down and then we'll call the base and get a ship sent to exfil the ones that aren't hurt......=/\=

David Lorenz's voice was cut off as a large, spidery-looking vessel suddenly decloaked and fired three micro-torpedoes at Lorenz's CSAR ship, staggering it with savage impacts to the aft engine bays. the gunabout plummeted several hundred feet to the ground, impacting in the churned yellow-brown dirt.

Instantly, the surviving thirty-seven Marines broke cover and made a dash for the the wrecked gunabout. The spider-like ship turned to face the Marines, preparing to fire.

An enterprising young Marine shouldered an portable photon micro-torpedo launcher and fired at the ship attacking the Marines. The ship exploded on impact.

Quentin ran over to where the CSAR gunabout had crashed and ripped open the wrecked airlock door. Once inside, the big Scot quickly assessed the condition of the flight crew and, with the help of his Marines, pulled the survivors from the wreckage, including Major Lorenz. who was unconscious.

"What a fine mess you got me into, Stanley!" Quentin growled as he began to salvage what he could from the gunabout.


Lt Quentin Harrison
Oliver Hardy


Major David Lorenz
Stanley Laurel


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