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Posted on Sun May 22nd, 2011 @ 12:03pm by Major Patrick Smith

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Blackbird

5 Days in a cramped Peregrine fighter is something not many people would look forward to. But for Patrick Smith it was a chance for him to enjoy some of the best music the 19th Century had to offer. As the looming shape of Starbase 900 appeared the young Marine Captain sat upright and disengaged the autopilot. As the computer informed him it was 30 minutes to the docking bay he mused as he realised he was several hours late for his arrival. 'Oh well' he thought. 'I guess that's what a new drive system running solid for so long can do to one of these things. Maybe next time Ill get the old girl flown in for me and take a shuttle.'

=20 Minutes Later=

"Starbase 900 this is Blackbird requesting permission to dock"

=^= ehm we have a space in Shuttle bay 4 held open for you sir. Good to see you finally made it =^=

"Thanks, Blackbird out." Flying gracefully and with all the skills expected of him the new CAG landed in Shuttle bay 4 to see at least 12 other fighters out on the deck looking ready to go. Unfortunately for the New CAG... or rather his pilots this was not what the CAG was expecting. Shutting down his fighter the CAG climbed out of its cockpit and landed on the shuttle bay floor with a surprisingly firm stand for someone cooped up so long. Turning around he spotted two officers approaching. Judging by the ranks he assumed they were one of his flight leaders and his
Maintenance specialist.

"Captain Smith?" the Lieutenant questioned.

"Last time I checked anyway" the CAG joked. "1st Lieutenant T'Kyl'th and Staff Sergeant Kieve Ninian I'm guessing?"

"That would be us sir. Welcome aboard Starbase 900. The Pilots are waiting you in the briefing room. Sir? May I ask what you've done to your fighter?" Ninian asked.

"Unfortunately I can't tell you that. But sometime Ill let you have a look at it to see what you think about my modifications." Lifting his one bag of belongings out of the shuttles rear seat and making a mental note to have a seat actually placed there later the CAG followed his new crew mates to the briefing room. With only one bag packing could wait. For now it was time to get to work.


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