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What A Day This Has Been

Posted on Sun May 22nd, 2011 @ 9:14am by Jackson Banning V

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: The Nexus Club

* * Jackson's Office, The Nexus Club * *

"Turn slowly, let me take a look at you, darlin'."

With a rather self-conscious smile, Janice did a slow turn before the desk where Jackson sat, his feet propped on its polished surface.

"You look wonderful. You'll knock 'em dead tonight. And thanks for takin' the first set on such short notice. Nenita had something urgent to take care of and apologized all over the place."

"I feel like a trussed turkey." Janice pursed her lips as she stood facing him again. She looked nothing like a turkey, however. She wore a strapless dress in black satin covered over in a fine web of crystals. It fit her curvy figure like it had been spray painted on and the overall effect was breath-taking. "No, I amend that. I feel like a chandelier."

"Well, you look just perfect. Trust a guy with an eye for women, huh?"

"If you say so. I honestly do not know how Nita and Li stand such formal dresses and high heels under those stage lights and look so calm, cool, and at ease."

Jackson lowered his feet and propped his elbows on the desk. "Let's put it this way -- when you spend much of your life in disguise and on the brink of death if you are discovered? Singing on stage is a vacation."

Janice smirked at him. "Point taken."

"Besides," Jackson continued. "How old are you? Like three hundred or so?"

"Give or take a few years, yes. Why?"

"I'm sure that by now, in three centuries, you've managed to conquer stage fright along with whatever else you've conquered. Including that one fella back on --"

"That's enough, smartass." Janice cut him off, but she was smiling. "That's enough sass from you kiddo." She leaned against the door frame and fanned herself for a moment. "So how are we settling in? Everything in order?"

Jackson rose, smoothed out his white dinner jacket, adjusted his black bow tie, then stepped around to take Janice's hand. "Right as rain, as my granddaddy used to say." He raised her hand to his lips in a gallant show of etiquette. "Seriously, though, everything looks fine. I've gone over the books like a pig sniffin' for truffles and there's no irregularities to be found. Had it not been for our 'friends' lack of self-control, he'd have been fine."

"Self-control? But I thought it was just some money owed." Janice's expression was curious now.

"Now Jan honey, do you really think he would tell us the whole story? The money was the majority of it yes, but he apparently needed to make a fast exit from this quadrant too, for personal reasons."

"Just how personal?"

"Let's say that he proved how handy he could be to the lady of the man he owed money to. Get me?"

A low, husky laugh slipped from Janice and she shook her head. "Oh I get you just fine. Unlike you, not everyone has the backbone to resist when they should." She gave him a speculative look now, knowing he'd get her point.

"Yeah, that's true. And I don't wanna get into that Jan. It was the right thing to do. You and I both know it."

She nodded and gave his cheek a pat. "She got a promotion you know."

"Yeah I do know. I'll be sure to send my congratulations. Later. Right now, it's show time. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, go introduce me."

Jackson led the way out of the office and along a back hall to the stage door of the show room of the Nexus. It was their official opening night and in addition to the regular crowd, Jackson's friends had gathered. And he had a lot of them. Stepping out into the glare of the stage lights, he took the microphone and greeted the assembled crowd as the applause swelled.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, you're most kind. In fact, you're every kind." The comment was met with laughter from the audience. "Tonight, I have a special treat for you. Here to entertain you, with a voice that'll knock your socks and appendages off, my business partner Miss Janice Gree."

The room went dark, and moments later, a single spotlight opened on the stage, illuminating Janice and setting the crystals on her dress ablaze in hundreds of tiny twinkles. The orchestra behind her opened with a jazzy pickup. Janice joined in, her husky, soulful voice spellbinding.

What a day this has been
What a rare mood I'm in
Why it's almost like being in love

There's a smile on my face
For the whole human race
Why it's almost like being in love...

Jackson stood by the side curtain, a smile on his face. She would be a smash hit he knew. Finally, he strolled back down the hallway, then out into the lounge to his reserved table to enjoy the show.

Jackson Banning
Owner & Vic Fontaine Fan
The Nexus Club, SB900


Janice Gree, NPC


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