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Posted on Fri Aug 21st, 2015 @ 7:38pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy

Mission: Further Challenges

"Woah, wait a minute!" Darwin stared at Oralia like she'd gone nuts. "You're heading off with Li and the Admiral for a few days? But...." He glanced at Gilroy, whose glower could have chilled even Iggy's normal ebullience.

"They came by, Li said 'we', so I'm going." She nodded, smiling. "My parents and Chance's father will be fine. I told them that if they need anything, they can contact you, Gilroy." His glower fell as his jaw dropped. "Well, after they contact Jackson." He looked somewhat relieved. "Iggy's children still number seventeen. There's no indication yet whether they take after their mother or their father. Maybe by the time we get back, there will be."

Darwin did a double take, "What children? Her eggs hatched?"

Gilroy grumbled something about stomping out the pitter-patter of little tarsi. Oz shot him a glare and said, "Seventeen survived the hatching process." When Darwin gave her a look that asked for more information, she added, "Ensign Bren counted 87 live hatchlings two hours after the egg sac split open. He said it's completely normal for spiders to, ah... the stronger hatchlings eat the weaker as a primary food source and then.... disburse. So he and I disbursed them to smaller containers and tanks." Oddly, she grinned at that, recalling the soft, nearly weightless touch of the little spiderlings.

"Wow, that is some infant mortality rate," Darwin mused and winced when Gilroy slapped his bicep.

Oz nodded. "So, Gilroy, you're in charge. Commander Winter is temporary XO, Sakkath is CO. Be good to them. Darwin, check in on Madhava and try to keep things at a low simmer down there. Chief Jenkins gave her time off starting today. I'd hate to see any situation involving her boil over and have Sakkath need to step in."

They both nodded, though Darwin internally groaned.



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