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Posted on Sat Aug 22nd, 2015 @ 4:27pm by Commander Sakkath & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: XO's Quarters

Li & Sakkath’s Quarters

Following the meeting with Tog, Li had called the brig for an update on Riley, then stopped by Piper. Six had been sleeping, but she had time to talk to Suresh and get caught up on recent events down in the Pit where he and Six were concerned. Finally, she has begun the trek home, wondering if she wasn’t partly responsible for putting Six in danger. Danger was, however, a fact of life when you worked in Intel and she was somewhat relieved by the fact that Six had some rather unique facets that helped protect her.

She arrived home and touched the panel, passing through the doors into the soft lighting of the living room. It felt so good to be home, even if it was only for a few hours. The flicker of candles drew her attention to her husband where he sat watching the flame.

“Hello, my husband. My apologies for being so late. Too many irons in the fire tonight."

Sakkath did not turn his head, either at the sound of the portal or of her voice. "Imzadi," he greeted her, his attention still intent on the flames burning before him. It was noteworthy that he still wore his uniform, and not his meditative robes. "No apology is necessary. Norval and I paid Saturnalia a visit. It was an... enlightening experience." He could think of several other adjectives to use, some perhaps more apt. But now was not the time. Right now, he required focus. The episode in the turbolift had been decidedly uncharacteristic, despite his strong feelings where Connor was concerned - a product of the meld he shared with Li following the shuttle crash that had nearly claimed the doctor's life.

Li stood silent, watching him. The direction of his thoughts was clear to her and she sighed softly. “It’s sometimes surprising how things from the past will leap up and take hold, isn’t it?” she asked. “I was thinking on the way home that I may have pulled the young ensign into a difficult life, which led to my own thoughts of the past. It’s never very far away, is it, no matter how much time goes by.” It was Li’s way of letting him know she understood. She would rather have touched him, drew him close but all in good time.

The Vulcan nodded his assent. "I wish that it were only one young Ensign in danger," he gave voice to his doubt. "Six of Ten is capable, and makes her own choices. Ensign Madhava knows not of all the hands that guide her. And too many on this station fear to tread a place they call home. It is not as I would hope it could be." He unfolded his legs and stood, taking time to extinguish the candles individually before he drew himself to his full height and faced her, extending his two fingers in the customary fashion.

She pressed her fingers to his as she considered his words. Finally, she spoke. “I agree with your assessment and it leads me to make a request.” She turned her hand and wrapped it around Sakkath’s. “You are correct in that Reva has some bad influences. I would like for you to be one of those who isn’t afraid of being on the spot. Security cannot watch her all the time and perhaps you, who she is less than familiar with, might drop in now and again? In case the worst happens and help is needed immediately.”

"A request in that regard is unnecessary. She is a member of this crew, and I will ever intervene on her behalf," he said, though he understood why he might not always be able to do so. His visits to the Pit would need to increase, as would his contacts with Lazan. "I trust you can inform our Romulan friend," it was almost difficult to use that word where a Suresh, any Suresh, was concerned, "that I may require information?"

“Consider it done. I’ll send word to him in Piper before I…” She stopped realizing she hadn’t brought up the morning departure yet. “Before I depart in the morning. It was a last-minute idea but I think the Admiral needs it.”

Sakkath raised a quizzical brow, but their hands remained in physical contact, allowing him to read her thoughts as easily as his own. He almost smiled at seeing the Oppenheimer again. Almost.

"I see," he said at length, breaking contact with her as he draped his hands behind his back and regarded the stars in the viewport. "I trust your judgment, my wife, but I might question the timing. You are removing the first, second and fourth rungs of command from the station at a time when the fifth and sixth are in the Beta Quadrant. You might inflate a man's ego with such trust in him to command in light of such absence." He turned to regard her, a slight twinkle of amusement in his eyes and over their bond. "If he had one."

Li laughed softly. “There is nothing that could happen here that you wouldn’t make short work of, my darling. Commander Winter has been notified to be available to assist you as needed.” Li moved closer, standing beside him at the portal. “If you had such an ego, it would be justified. If you did. We should be gone no longer than ten days. That will give us just a few days there to see things, then come home. I do not relish the time away from you but it must be done.”

Sakkath gave her a nod of acceptance, and draped a hand around her waist, drawing her into his side. "Do you recall when we transferred here? How we believed it would mean more time together?"

The question brought a smile to Li’s face and she nodded. “I do, but that was before….so much happened, and before I was pulled in as XO, and before you had such a massive starbase in the palm of your hands. We still haven’t managed to find all that extra time have we?” She leaned her head on his shoulder as she considered where the question might be going.

"It was also after so much happened," Sakkath countered, bringing to mind the Berkeley and O'Connell... and Rhys. He did not dwell on the latter part of that thought. "You overestimate the size of my palm," he almost-joked, "but no, we have not found that time. If I have a regret, it is that, Imzadi. I would sooner be here than aboard the Hammond or Takei, and sooner see you spend some time in your office as opposed to the field," he offered some slight admonishment.

She nodded slowly. “Agreed. Are you saying you miss me and want me home more?” She turned her head, meeting his gaze. “I am hoping that after this, I won’t be going anywhere for a while and will be here where I should be.”

"Hope," the Vulcan repeated. "I hope," he stressed, "that it will be so. But the universe has its own wishes, Imzadi, and we have seen too much of it to hope. I know the import of what you do, and will not deprive the cosmos of your influence." He leaned down and planted a kiss upon her lips. "Let us make this a better place for us, and for our crew, to live."

She paused, enjoying the kiss, and finally nodded. “That sentiment does include us, you know. Maybe it’s time we took a little time for ourselves while we’re looking out for everyone else.”

He could not fault her logic. "How long," he wondered, "before you have to leave?"

“Not till 0800,” she answered. “What do you have in mind?”

"Look," he invited her into his mind across the bond they shared, "and see." Between the two of them, there was no further need of spoken words.

Captain Li Hawke
Home At Last

Commander Sakkath
Where The Heart Is


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