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The Black-Eyed Monster

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2015 @ 11:52pm by Niro & Owain
Edited on on Tue Aug 25th, 2015 @ 10:36pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Arboretum

* The Arboretum *

Fisher was accustomed to receiving mysterious messages, given his line of work. In fact, he got more requests to meet that were not signed than messages that were. So when this one appeared on the terminal in his rented office space, it did not surprise him. Neither did the choice of venue - the Arboretum. As he wandered along in the direction indicated in the message, he took a look around. Like the rest of the Pit, he’d heard of the attack on Suresh’s arm candy. Not much scared him but he did move a little faster as he passed the grove of trees. He had no desire to be victim number two.

He passed the lake and found a small grotto, just as the message described. It was a lovely spot with a small waterfall and an arbor covered in wisteria that was in full bloom. It was, as secret meeting places went, a good one. Once he stepped inside, he was invisible to those enjoying the park. What he had not expected, however, was the man waiting for him inside.

Fisher was lucky, unlike his now-dead partner. The man wasn’t the Orion; he was a Betazoid. “Hello there, Fisher,” Owain smiled.

Fisher returned his surprised expression back to neutral with some effort. “My, my, It’s not every day I get called by one of the station gigolos.” He laughed shortly. “I wasn’t aware I was your type.”

Owain smirked, “Actually, you’re not, but I think I’ll be your type once you hear my offer.” He stepped to where he could see out of the little grotto. “But, as I’m sure you’ll realize, what I’m about to offer could get us killed.”

“Oh?” Now Fisher was interested. “That means it’s a worthwhile one. The best ones usually are dangerous. What do you have in mind?”

“The removal of a particular Orion. I’ll arrange it so that you can take her; you’ll remit half her sale price to me,” Owain watched the trader closely.

Fisher sat down on a large rock and looked up at Owain as if he’d lost his mind. “You can’t be serious? Do you know how much trouble that one has already been? And how many threats I’ve received if I so much as look in her direction?”

“Oh please,” Owain rolled his eyes. “I thought you wanted to prove Suresh wrong - that you can take her.”

“Nothing would please me more, to be honest. And since you are here, I suppose you have something in mind?” Fisher asked. “I am also well aware of the Enaran that seems to be joined to her at the hip. I will want her far away from him when I do this.”

“That Enaran is mine,” Owain said. “And she’s interfering with that. I’ll put her where you can get her without anyone seeing you do it.” He laid out a plan for the trader. Then asked, “Does that work for you?”

Slowly, Fisher nodded. “It does, and the timing is good. I am due to depart tomorrow. I can have her there and be gone before she is missed.” He studied Owain a moment and smiled. “Even splitting the price will make us both quite comfortable and should get the fly out of your ointment.”

Owain blinked then grinned. “Tomorrow? That’s excellent and far sooner than I expected. She’ll be drugged, and I’ll strip her commbadge from her.”

“Very well. She will need to be disguised so I can walk her to the ship as normal. Best place to hide is often in plain sight you know.” Fisher noted the glee in Owain’s expression and wondered at the connection he had to the Enaran. He decided he really didn’t want to know. This would get him that young Orion and that’s all he cared about. “Expect your payment within a week. I’ll send instructions on how to access it on Archadia.”

“Good. I’ll have her in heavy robes and a hood. So drugged, but walking.” He nodded. “Easy enough.”

“Very well. Need I remind you that if you decide to sell me out, your own ass is on the line too? Betray me and I swear I’ll take you down. Your Enaran will know exactly what you did. Understood?” Fisher’s tone was harsh. “You might want to consider how you’ll keep him from picking it out of your head.”

“I have my ways,” Owain assured him. “And I won’t betray you - I just want her out of my way, so save your threats.”

“Let’s hope it works.” Fisher rose and dusted off his pants. He gave Owain his ship’s berth and the time to be there. “Till tomorrow then.”

"Till then," Owain nodded and waited till the man left first. He slicked his hair back with water from the fall and, looking like he'd been sweating, he left the grotto.

Strange Bedfellows


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