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Suresh's Intel

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2015 @ 10:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Marabeth

Mission: Further Challenges

Entering Six’s room in Piper, Darwin smiled at her, “Hi, Six. You look like you’re feeling better.”

“I am. Solis has ordered me to take it easy for another two days before I start getting back to training, but he’s letting me go home.” She smiled back at Darwin. “I’m glad. This room’s getting a little dull.”

“Excellent!” Darwin grinned then did something that usually only men like Farco and Patch did to her: he dismissed her presence and looked at Suresh. “I’m going to pull you away now. We need to make an appearance at Saturnalia. Edana will be by later to take Six home.”

Suresh raised an eyebrow, then nodded. “It has been a couple of nights since I was there, understandably.” He rose and leaned down to kiss Six. “Sorry, darling, but he’s right, I need to. You need anything before I go?”

Six shook her head. “Go, enjoy yourselves. You’ve been cooped up in this room too long.” She looked past him to Darwin. “Make sure he has a good time. Well, not too good,” she joked.

“Right, I’ll inject just enough angst to keep him from ultimate good times,” Darwin laughed. He caught Suresh’s arm, “Come on.”

* Saturnalia *

Saturnalia was busy, given the time of day. When Darwin and Suresh entered, the noise swelled as greetings were called out to the pair. Suresh gave a general wave as they moved through the crowd to Suresh’s regular table, which was empty (of course). He caught Shelly’s eye and she nodded as she passed with a tray of drinks and Suresh took a seat.

Darwin followed Suresh to the table a few steps behind. He wasn’t greeting people the way Suresh did; instead, he was looking around the establishment, looking for people who shouldn’t be there, such as Reva. He didn’t see any green skins in the place, so he took a seat by Suresh and accepted the drink Shelly brought him: his usual. “Did I warn you that Reva might be here tonight?”

“Joy,” Suresh commented dryly. “Although, if it’s like her last few trips down here, she’ll be wrapped around Niro and won’t give us the time of day. We can hope anyway.”

“Hmm,” Darwin looked unhappy about that. “I suppose.”

“As long as she doesn’t cause an issue, it’s all good.” Suresh smiled and reached for his drink. “So, what made you long for my company tonight? Aside from a good reason to get out, and to make myself seen?”

“That’s the only reason. Little bird told me you were missed around here.” He leaned back in his chair and sipped his drink. “Same little bird told me you and Six are getting married.”

Suresh’s smile widened. “We are, but keep that to yourself. It can’t get out down here, of course.” He pulled his attention back to Darwin. “Sorry I didn’t tell you. It all happened like the day before the attack and I’ve been a little distracted. So have you.”

“Yeah. I’m just glad you realize no one can know.” His look was sour. “Anything else you haven’t had time to tell me?”

“No, what about you? It’s been a few days since we had time to sit down and catch up. What’s happening with Riley?” Suresh sipped his drink, keeping his tone and expression casual, though the subject of Riley was anything but.

“Riley’s out of the Brig. There’ll be no prosecution of him because there was quite a good deal of meddling in his head.” Darwin looked at Suresh and spoke quietly. “We’ll have to figure out how to... work this so that Suresh doesn’t lose face down here but also doesn’t kill Riley.”

Suresh nodded. “Six was telling me that you all suspected as much and she said herself that something was wrong with him. I have mixed feelings on the subject and I’m doing my best to understand. I know it wasn’t really him but my gut reaction is to keep him away from her and I don’t know if that’s the thing to do. As for down here? I’ll give it some thought. If I were to be suddenly in his debt, that might cancel it out. Maybe. I do think it’s best if he stays topside for a while though.”

“Eh, it’s not like he really ever came down here, except when Reva made him come here. And speak of the devil...,” he nodded towards the door, where Reva and Niro were just entering. The two took what was usually Seyla’s table.

Suresh regarded the pair for a moment and shook his head. “She’s still slumming I see. We could get her banned from here if that would help.”

“Gods, no. That’d just drive her somewhere else and then what? Then I’d have to figure out where she was going. Better to just let her stay around here.” Darwin paused again as another figure came into Saturnalia. “Now... I’ve seen him around but haven’t heard a word about him.” The figure was a large green Orion; he took a seat in a corner near the door.

“It seems there is one more thing I haven’t told you,” Suresh admitted. “I was speaking with that gentleman when Farco arrived with news of Six’s attack. Look at the jacket he has on...check the pin near the collar.”

Darwin looked at Suresh. “Maybe if I had Six’s implant. What’s the pin? And who is he?”

“Orion Syndicate. He’s an associate of Reva’s mother, here to keep a watchful eye on her darling daughter. He and I had a most pleasant conversation.” Suresh gave the Orion a slight nod, then looked back to Darwin.

Darwin drained his drink and signaled Shelly for another. “An Orion here on orders of Europa? To watch over our Ensign?” He paused to think for a moment, ticking off something on his fingers. “That woman has least four people watching out for her. Why is Europa so interested in her?”

“Good question but she is one of only a few Orions in the Fleet. Maybe she’s hoping to make use of the connection eventually - if she ever gets out that is. I don’t know about the Europa here but the one I knew...well she wouldn’t need to be out to make use of her daughter,” Suresh answered. “Funny isn’t it, how many of us are hovering around that kid?”

“Well... I can tell you that the combination of Orion and Betazoid makes for a very dangerous woman. Seduce you with pheromones and then read you while you’re distracted.” Darwin frowned. “And pretty rare, thankfully.”

“Indeed.” Suresh nodded. “I will say that I don’t see him being an issue for now, and he and I have reached an understanding. If there’s an issue with that little bird, he can likely be counted on to step in if none of us are around.”

“Sweet,” Darwin grinned. “A tiny bit of good news. What’s his name?”

“He didn’t say.” Suresh shrugged. “But do me a favor, if you want to meet him, let me set it up. Can’t have him thinking I have loose lips.”

“Okay. So long as he stays in the background, I don’t see a need to talk to him.” He watched Reva and Niro for a moment, frowning and recalling the jealousy he’d felt earlier. It wasn’t gone and watching as Niro laughed and apparently goosed Reva under the table made him grind his teeth. “Why isn’t he stepping in with Niro, though?”

“He apparently doesn’t see him as endangering Reva at this point. Now you, on the other hand…” Suresh gave Darwin a speculative look. “Are circling dangerous ground don’t you think? And about to break your teeth too.”

Shelly brought them drinks and Darwin carefully sipped his, “Seyla gave her something that has given her pheromones, hopefully just temporarily. She dosed me earlier.”

“Ahh, shit,” Suresh grumbled. “Isn’t that some sort of violation? What the hell’s she doing dosing you of all people?”

“Trying to learn what life is like as an Orion,” Darwin said. “I would have put her on violation, but Nico had to erase a bit of her memory. She read that Six and I have been lying to her.”

Suresh’s eyes widened, then he reached up to rub his forehead. “That’s too damn close, Darwin.” his voice was tight. “I almost lost her this time, I won’t go through that again. If Reva knows it everyone in the Pit will know it.”

“We fixed it, don’t worry. And really, Reva wouldn’t be the one telling people. It’d be Niro, reading her, that would be the problem.”

“Exactly. Such knowledge would be worth a fortune for him.” Suresh turned his glass slowly in his fingers. “So how are you going to prevent a repeat?”

“By avoiding her touch at all costs,” he answered. “You can see why Seyla wants her on her payroll.”

”Yeah, and she’s drooling over her like you do over steak.” A laugh escaped Suresh. “Or over Edana.”

“I can’t quite figure out why Seyla would let Niro have so much time with Reva, though. Lately, it’s as if she’s just letting him have her. Here comes Marabeth,” he noted.

“No idea unless Niro is her method of turning Reva.” Marabeth reached the table and he raised his voice to normal level.

“Marabeth, you are a sight for sore eyes.” Suresh moved back from the table a little and patted his lap. “Have a seat.”

She flipped her hair over her shoulder and gracefully settled on Suresh’s lap. “It’s so good to see you here, Suresh, particularly without Six,” she brushed her fingers through his hair and leaned in to look like she was kissing his cheek. She whispered, “It’s good Six is going to be okay.”

“Agreed,” Suresh answered her and smiled ear to ear. “I’m glad you dropped in, you can have a drink with Dar and me.” He slipped one arm around her, settling her closer and waved for Shelly.

At the booth that backed up against Reva and Niro’s booth, an argument suddenly erupted. Two men got heated about something and quickly came to blows.

Marabeth looked over, amused, and commented, “How weird. Usually fights happen at the Wormhole, not here.”

“One guess, Dar.” Suresh watched as two large men emerged from the back of the bar and hurried to break up the fight. They hustled the men out through the front doors. “Someone is either testing the waters or doesn’t know how to wield her weapon.”

“Or she’s seen Marabeth on your lap and is having a lapse in control,” Darwin gave him another option. “Come on, Niro,” he muttered, “Get her out of here.” He saw Reva send a glare their way.

As if Niro had heard Darwin’s plea, he rose and Reva followed him from the booth. He held her hand tightly and leaned down to speak at her ear.

It was good Niro had a hold of Reva’s hand, as she continued to glance murderously toward Suresh. For a moment, Darwin worried that he’d have to get up and hustle her out of the place himself, but Niro said something to her and directed her out the door.

Darwin noticed that as they passed him, the Orion in the corner lifted his head, sniffed the air then snarled and followed the two.

“See what I mean?” Suresh murmured. “At least he got her out of here. I suppose that’s something in his favor, however small.”

“He probably just doesn’t want anyone larger than he is to challenge him for her,” Darwin said.

Marabeth laughed. “He might still have a problem with the Orion that just followed them. He hasn’t shown interest in anyone until now.”

Suresh shot a glance at Darwin. “We’ll see. That one is going to have to deal with the results of her actions sooner or later.” It was pure bullshit, said for Marabeth’s benefit. “She’ll learn.”

“Let’s hope she lives through the lesson,” Darwin commented.

Ensign Six Of Ten
Lt. M. Darwin


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