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Dead Calm

Posted on Tue Aug 25th, 2015 @ 10:34pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Niro & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana & Owain

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna / Saturnalia

Whistling happily, Owain sauntered into Niro's ready room. He had already stuffed all knowledge of Reva's whereabouts behind a mental wall. Like Reva, he hoped it was enough to keep Niro out.

Niro was at his terminal and was just finishing reading over a text message that had come in. It was a follow-up to a previous one and concerned a little project for which his services were requested. However, he had a little time to consider it and so, hearing footsteps approaching, he closed the message just as Owain entered. He looked up with a smile.

“Hey, O, what’s up?”

"Not much. Just thought you might like to go to Saturnalia? Or out for some late lunch?"

“I could do, yes. Wait, where is Reva? Have you seen her?” He turned his chair away from the desk and towards Owain.

Owain let a flash of irritation surface. "It's always Reva lately. No, I haven't seen her. Did you tell her not to go sleep with someone else?"

“I didn’t have to.” Niro grinned and then rolled his chair over to Owain. “I was making sure she wasn’t wandering the ship is all.” He reached up to hook his finger in the neck of Owain’s shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. “I know it’s a hassle for you but we’ll have her right where Seyla wants her soon. Then, she can have Reva.”

He enjoyed the kiss for a moment then laughed. "Seyla will be so thankful, I'm sure. Come on, let's slip out, get lunch and then there's this very private grotto where we could go and have some fun, without worrying about the Orion finding us," Owain wheedled Niro.

“Sounds perfect. I’ll leave a note for Reva here so she’ll know to stay when she returns. I have a surprise for her tonight.” Niro poked Owain in the ribs and stood. “Let’s go.”

As they headed for Saturnalia, Owain asked, "What's the surprise?"

“She’d asked about going down to the planet while she was off-duty and I thought I’d take her down this afternoon, stay overnight. Getting her off the station is a good thing. It will show her there is life beyond these duranium alloy walls don’t you think?”

"She'll love that," Owain said, frowning. He didn't hide his jealousy from Niro. "You should take me down there sometime."

“Oh, I intend to, O.” Niro read the jealousy loud and clear as they stepped into the turbolift. They were alone and so Niro pressed Owain to the back wall, blocking him in with his arms. “Soon.”

Owain kissed him, holding him close. "Good."

The lift doors opened and the two men stepped out. Soon, they crossed through the square and entered Saturnalia. Niro led the way to an empty table and had a seat. “Is this place ever not busy?”

"Well, if one wants to be noticed, one comes here. After all, it's known as Suresh's and Seyla's primary hangouts. So coming here, people can get informed. Isn't that why you started coming in here?"

“I come here because I don’t have to dress up and Suresh seems to have a grip on this place that keeps the fighting down.” Niro smiled. “I hate having my drinking interrupted by a fight. I don’t know how the guy who owns the Wormhole can afford to keep replacing the furniture.”

"Replicators," Owain answered and shrugged. A server came, took their order and disappeared again. "That and Jono charges those who fight a surcharge for the damage." He laughed. "It's gotta be a nightmare being a bar owner around here. Or restaurant owner - Jackson Banning had a guy killed in his office." He paused and added, "I mean... Some guy got killed in Banning's office."

Niro began to laugh. “I was about to ask...Jackson doesn’t seem like the type to have someone killed and if he did, I doubt it would be in his office. He’s so laid back, he’s almost horizontal. Seems like an interesting fellow though.”

"Yeah, he is laid back, unless something happens to his wife or to someone he cares about, like that Enaran kid, Eli. Man, when Chance - the guy in his office - was killed, Eli was over the edge with grief. And Banning was getting that on two fronts - Chance is his wife's kid. Or something."

"Interesting,” Niro mused. “Just goes to show you that you can’t always tell by looking at someone can you?”

"No, you can't," Owain sipped his drink. "Are you taking the whole ship to the planet tonight or just a shuttle?"

“Just the shuttle. No need to disturb everyone and fire it up just to hop down there.” Niro reached across the table to take Owain’s hand. “What are you doing tonight?”

"Oh, a client or three. No one important like you. I would ask Marcus to take them, if you want me to go with you, but he's not quite into guys," he said, partly to see whether his job bothered Niro. Earlier, he'd caught a bit of Niro's thoughts on Reva seeing other men; Niro wasn't a fan of that idea - at least right now, while she was playing Queen of the Korenna.

Niro nodded. “It’s your job, don’t worry about it. It’s not as if they mean anything to they?”

"Beyond credits in my account? No," he shook his head. "The only thing I care about is latinum and getting ahead."

“Is that the only thing?” Niro asked softly. “If so, I might begin to worry.”

"Let's see... there was another thing, wasn't there?" Owain teased Niro then kissed him. "That's right, you."

“Much better.” He gave Owain a slow smile. From their booth in the back, they were all but invisible but as Niro was facing the door, a slight tilt of his head gave him a good view of the main area. A flash of green got his attention, but it wasn’t Reva. What he did see surprised him.

“Well, if it’s not the other Orion….and Suresh’s toy. I guess she’s back in one piece after her adventure with Riley.”

Owain leaned toward Niro and saw the two women taking a seat at Suresh's usual table. "Interesting. I find it odd that Suresh replaced Reva with another Orion. I wonder if that was intentional."

“Well, looking at her, I don’t think I’d cross her, would you?” Niro laughed. “From what Reva says, she’s on the payroll. The girls are still tight as far as I know. We stopped in to see her in Sickbay the other night. You want to have some fun? Take a look at that whole situation in Reva’s head sometime. She’s convinced Suresh is ruining her friend.”

Owain's face screwed inward for a moment. "And she doesn't think you're ruining her? Is she really that daft?" He was incredulous. "You've gone and gotten her an antidote to her inhibitors, you're showing her all the high points of life in the Pit and points south."

“It’s always easier to see what’s happening in someone else’s life than in your own, O.” Niro reached for his drink and sipped it. “It’s perspective. The view from outside is clearer than being inside and looking out.”

"Yes." Their food was delivered and Owain took a bite before saying, "This should be entertaining," he nodded towards Six and Edana.

Over at the table she shared with Edana, Six sat looking the place over. Finally she turned back to Edana. “The usual crowd I see. And Niro, but Reva’s not here. That seems a little strange.”

Edana glanced in Niro’s direction only an instant and shrugged. “Six, honey, there is no telling what Niro will do or why. Maybe if we’re lucky, Reva got tired of him.”

“I don’t know,” Six answered. “He is something of a siren, isn’t he?”

That got a nod of agreement from Edana. “Always has been and it’s a mystery to me as to why.” She laughed as Shelly arrived to get drink orders then moved off.

Robart had entered Saturnalia several minutes after Six and her Orion escort had. For a large green man, he was surprisingly unobtrusive and had taken a moment to observe the main area. He caught just a glimpse of two men he recognized: Niro and his gigolo toy, Owain, and debated joining them, if only to ask why their Reva Madhava was not with them. But then he caught sight of the former Borg and her Orion. Suresh's woman.

He crossed the main area to approach the two. "Good evening, ladies." He bowed slightly. "May I join you for a few minutes, please?" When the two shared a look, he added, "I have had a conversation with Suresh. He is aware who I belong to, so I believe he would not mind my speaking with you. Particularly as it involves a mutual interest of ours."

“Oh?” Six looked up at the Orion with curiosity, then over at Edana, who nodded slightly. “Of course. Please, have a seat.”

He took a seat, carefully, as his size made the chair look frail. "I am Robart, ladies." He looked Edana over for a moment, sniffing in her direction, then remarked, "You have no pheromones, do you?"

“Little personal don’t you think?” Edana asked. “But since you brought it up, I do, I just have the good sense not to blast a bar full of testosterone and other assorted hormones. It would be very bad and you know it.”

"As the young Orion discovered last night," he said, nodding slowly. "Neither of you were here, but Cyllene - Reva as you know her - was here, with Niro. Something happened, I suspect she was upset on your behalf, Six, because Suresh was being tended to by one of Seyla's women, and Cyllene set off two testy males."

Six nodded. “Marabeth.” She studied the large green man for a moment. “So what do you want with us? It’s not often we see Syndicate around here.”

"No, you haven't. Europa has a vested interest, however. So I am here. You are friends with Cyllene. Tell me about her."

“Europa sent you?” Edana leaned in closer. “Why? Before we share anything about Reva.”

He frowned and leaned toward her. "Cyllene is her daughter and was recently harmed. That is not acceptable to Europa."

“Then her daughter needs to learn to stay away from places like this, and people like Niro,” Edana stated. “She seems to court danger despite being ordered to do otherwise. Sorry Six, I know that sounds harsh but it’s true.”

"Had she been raised properly, she would already have gone through this phase," he said, shrugging. "It seems that Niro has aided her in getting her pheromones back, but you lump him in with dangerous people. Why?"

“Let’s just say he and I go way back and leave it at that.” Edana frowned. “So Reva….” She looked to Six.

“Ed’s right, as much as I hate to say it. I don’t know that I’ve been much help though, since I am no longer bound by Fleet life and do whatever I like, while she’s still dealing with duty shifts and officer regulations and expectations. I am worried that it’s like that old human saying about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence.”

"For her, it will be," Robart countered. "She will have her mother's backing, everything she needs to be successful."

Six frowned. “How so?” She didn’t much like the sound of that.

He turned his focus on Six. "As Europa's surrogate in the Syndicate," he spoke as if he couldn't understand why he had to explain this. "Cyllene is here, so we will set up business here. It seems already that Madame Seyla is eager to divest her business to her. I will help facilitate that transfer."

“Don’t you think Reva should have some input before you forge ahead?” Edana asked. “There are a lot of other considerations as well besides her.”

“And she enjoys what she does,” Six added. “Being an engineer I mean. Despite chafing a little at the regulations at the moment. She’s just getting some bad advice.”

He looked mildly surprised. "She seems to want this, Seyla's business. Why else would she associate so closely with her and with her partner, Niro?"

“You are aware what species he is?” Edana asked. “He could make her think she wanted to jump out an airlock or convince her she’s a tree in the Arboretum too. Does that make it a little more clear?”

He growled, "Then he will need to be removed."

Six lowered her voice as she leaned closer to Robart. “It might be easier just to convince her that he really isn’t what she wants. He isn’t, by the way.”

"Removal is one of my specialties, though," he said, sounding for a just moment as if she'd taken away his joy. He eyed Six. "Do you know what it is she wants?"

Six nodded. “Of course. That’s an easy one. She wants Riley, and he wants her but a lot of things, and people, have gotten in the way.”

"I see," he sat back, digesting the information. "Isn't he the one that tried to kill you?"

“Well, yes,” Six admitted, “but it was due to some mental programming by some unknown people, not because he really wanted to kill me. He’s been released.”

"You are forgiving. From what I hear, it is unlikely Suresh will be so generous." He frowned. "Which would be bad. My instructions are to make certain Cyllene is happy."

“Then her parting ways with Niro is a good start,” Edana said. “Getting her to stop running wild would be the next step so she and Riley can work things out. It all goes hand in hand.”

"If this Riley wants docile, he shouldn't date an Orion," Robart grumbled. "First things first, then," he agreed, "Niro must be removed."

Six grumbled and drummed her fingers on the table. “If you want to drive her further towards him, then go ahead. A lot of people have already tried to shoo her away from him and it’s backfired in a big way. With Reva, you have to make something else look better, not try to make Niro look worse.”

Edana laughed. “As if you could.”

"Make Riley look better?" He imagined the pale fellow in a suit instead of a uniform, but decided the man needed more work than that to make him look better. "It would be easier to remove Niro."

“Trust me. I know her, you don’t.” Six smiled finally. “Give it a few days though. Riley’s just getting over all this mess and it may take him a little time before he's moving about the station. It’s been a traumatic time for all of us.”

"Indeed. Nearly dying is an unpleasant experience. How are you now, though? Feeling any residual pain?"

“None, thanks to good doctors.” Shelly stopped back by the table and Six looked to Robart. “Care for something?”

He nodded, accepting Six's hospitality, and sat with the two women for a while, getting to know them. After all, if Six was Reva's friend, then he might be around them more often.

Niro took one more look at Six and Edana and the unknown Orion, then turned back to Owain. He was curious but hadn’t bothered to try and read him. With the bar as crowded as it was, it would mean a major headache.

“So O, one more little piece to this mystery. See what you can find out about him.”

"Big and green," Owain noted. "Should be easy once I get close to him. Want me to go say hi to Six right now?"

“Depends,” Niro smirked. “Will she be happy to see you?”

"Oh...," he flexed his fingers. "I don't know. Hey, no time like the present to go find out, right? Just no touching." He chuckled and stood to hurry to Six's table. As he came up to it, he put a hand on the big Orion's shoulder. "Six, good to see you again, dear," he grinned at her.

Robart looked at the man's hand then flicked it off his shoulder. He met the man's gaze unsmilingly.

“Hi Owain. You know Ed.” She gave Owain a brief smile. “What brings you over?”

"Just thought I'd come over and see how you're doing after that psycho attacked you," Owain said, full of concern.

“I’m fine.” She noted he was keeping his distance. “And getting back to normal. I appreciate your concern, though.”

"And, hey, I don't blame you for the beating Suresh ordered." He smiled, patted the Orion's shoulder again, ending with not touching the man, and added, "And I'd better get back to Niro, before some pretty lady snaps him up."

Niro watched as Owain returned and took a seat. “Well? Anything I should know about?”

Owain looked a shade paler than normal. He stood again and motioned, "Let's go back to your ship."

“Very well. I need to track down Reva too. It’s not like her to be out of sight this long.” He slipped out of the booth and started for the door.

Once they were away from Saturnalia, Owain took Niro's hand and started thinking at him, He's here about Reva. Did you know her mother is in the OS?

“No, but that’s very interesting,” Niro commented softly. “And potentially useful. I have to assume Reva knows but for now, let’s keep this between us. She hasn’t mentioned this man, do you think she knows he’s here?”

"I don't think she does," Owain shook his head. "Her mom's name is Shodar Europa. Never heard of her, but then... It's not like I've ever had dealings with the Syndicate. He wants to get Reva set up in business here."

“Interesting. I wonder what she would think of that idea. Or Seyla for that matter, but it would get her out of the Fleet, which is a good thing.” They arrived at the Korenna’s docking berth. “I’ll have to think on that for a bit. You coming in?”

"Nah, Reva's probably in there, waiting for you with spread legs," Owain winked. "See you tomorrow." He lightly kissed Niro and headed off while Niro went into his ship.

Sly Bastard

Always Looking For An Angle

Ensign Six Of Ten
Back In The Pit

SCPO Edana

Finally Making Friends


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