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Little Kitten Lost

Posted on Tue Aug 25th, 2015 @ 10:37pm by Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Fisher's Ship

* Fisher's Ship *

A slow, sly grin eased onto Fisher's face as he looked down at his new prize. He removed the mask from her and touched her lips with his fingers. He then removed the robe Owain had wrapped her in and debated whether to leave her clothed or not. For now, he decided: clothed. He'd let her get acclimated before taking that small comfort from her.

But her jewelry had to go. He pulled it off, not caring that the chain dug into her neck before breaking. He went to a chest on a shelf, opened it and drew out another type of jewelry: a slave shock collar.He liked this particular collar - it had set him back a thousand latinum strips, but it didn't look like a collar; it looked like a jeweled necklace, one that would look stunning on the Orion. Superior Cardassian design, he thought, proud of his fellow Cardassians' ingenuity.

He brought it back to the bed and settled it around her neck, tightly, before activating the device's controls. The drugs Owain had given Reva kept her from reacting to the collar's initialization, when it cruelly jabbed a probe into her spinal column; had she been aware, Reva would have screamed from the pain. Fisher checked the connection and smiled.

He then chose another piece from his chest of goodies, one that, had he known Lieutenant Darwin's recent thoughts, would have amused him greatly: an ankle shackle. He secured it around her ankle and then to a chain. The chain was old, both the floor, his bed and the wall where it was secured, showed signs of abuse from the chain and its past bearers.

"Now that you're secured, Orion...," he whispered and knelt over her, one leg between hers. He undid his belt --

=^= Sir, you're needed on the Bridge. A Starfleet customs ship is docking. They say it's a routine check. =^=

Fisher snarled and re-buckled his belt. "I'll be there in a moment." To Reva, even though she was still unaware of her surroundings, he said, "Don't worry, they aren't here about you." He pulled a blanket over her, hiding the chain and shackle, then headed to the bridge.

* Later *

Mindful of Owain's claim that he'd have at least three hours before the Orion woke, Fisher had readily opened his cargo space to the customs agent. This time, he truly had nothing to hide about the shipments he carried. This openness eased the agent's concerns and the Cardassian's ship was cleared to depart in short order.

As the Starfleet scout ship detached from their docking port, Fisher ordered his crew to get them the hell out of the Starbase's jurisdiction. "Warp Four. Head for Cha'ru first. We have cargo to pick up there." The crew knew what that meant and their pilot set course for the holding pen there. As he left the bridge, he said, "Don't disturb me, unless there's an emergency."

* Fisher's Quarters *

As he entered his quarters, he heard nothing and grinned, certain he had at least another hour before the Orion put up a fight. Anticipating his first taste of her, he went straight to his bedroom and got beaned by a data device. "Augh!" He shouted, dropping back out of the doorway and clapping a hand to his head. When he pulled it away, there was blood on his hand. "You bitch! You foul creature! You'll pay for that!" He sat against the wall.

"Not nearly as much as you will for what you've done!" Reva shouted back.

He peeked around the door frame and saw that she'd collected a few items as an arsenal. He winced: her aim on the first one had been damned good. He pulled a small device from his pocket. "Orion, I'm warning you. This will be the only time I do, so listen carefully. That collar around your neck is tapped into your spine. I can cause you pain at the touch of a button. This is your warning: the lowest level on it." He thumbed a switch and smiled as the Orion screamed.

Reva's world was black for what seemed like an eon. All she knew in that moment was pain from every nerve in her body. When it finally ebbed, she was face down and prone on the floor. A man she couldn't recognize just yet stood over her, speaking, " I've never had a slave survive level four, so don't push me, Orion. Get on the bed."

Reva tried to move, and, after a struggle with limbs that were still partly drugged and still reacting to the collar's effect, was able to look over the edge of the bed. Her arsenal was gone. Aware he was watching her, Reva crawled onto the bed and sat, breathing hard.

"I take it that the drug hasn't worn off completely," he said, chuckling. "Either that or the collar takes more out of you than I'd have thought." He caught her chin in one hand, his fingers and thumb biting into her cheeks and looked at her. "Part-Betazoid. Your price just increased. A telepathic Orion." He smiled. "You'll be able to anticipate my every desire and that of your future owners."

She struggled to pull away from him, both hands clawing at his wrist, and to shut down her telepathy. She had read enough of what he wanted; she didn't want to know more. Worse, she'd read how she'd come to be here and just where 'here' was. She'd be relying on Niro for rescue - something she doubted Niro would bother himself to do.

Two and a half days, she realized. It would be two and a half days before anyone besides Niro realized she wasn't where she should be. And then, it'd be Chief Jenkins who would miss her reporting in for duty; would the Chief think she was playing hooky? Needed more time to grieve Riley?

Her pheromones, triggered by her stress, perfumed the air. Fisher, who didn't need anything else to make him desire the Orion, was unaware of them. She was Fleet; by his knowledge, she had no pheromones. His grip shifted and he caressed her neck. "You'll follow my every whim, or you'll regret it." He pushed her back on the bed, again unbuckling his pants.

For just a second, her head swam and her hands tingled. She decided to regret it later. With a hard jab, she hit his solar plexus then repeated her jab, this time in his neck. As he reacted, both out of breath and unable to draw in more through his throat, she kicked him off of her and landed a blow low in his groin.

He scuttled out of range of her and, yelling obscenities at her, toggled the switch on his device. This time, he was in too much pain to take pleasure in hers.



Ensign Reva Madhava


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