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Qo'nos - Part 2

Posted on Wed Sep 2nd, 2015 @ 9:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Aros & Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko
Edited on on Sat Oct 3rd, 2015 @ 12:25am

Mission: Further Challenges

* * * Outside * * *

“....You make some noise breaking the windows and I’ll take the front door. All clear?” Khang said with a dark grin “Remember the half-breed is mine any other occupant must be dealt with by you.”

Nodding in silence his three companions sneaked to the sides of the house to carry out his orders while he breathed deeply preparing for the upcoming fight.

A few seconds later sounds of shattered glass came around and Khang bolted with his whole mass against the old design door which went down in splinters.

* * * * * *

Nick heard the glass break and instinctively grabbed the throwing knives and started for the door. But when he heard the door crashing down he stopped and grabbed a few other items which were hastily shoved into his pants, one of which was an old Type 1 phaser. It was about twenty years old but he’d taken good care of it and made a few modifications which made the small, almost flat phaser not only concealable but a bit more powerful.

Standing at the top of the steps he looked down into the darkness of the first floor, listening for anything specific. He heard what sounded like Aros in the back of the house, likely coming back into the kitchen through the rear door, but there was someone in the front entry way. He could hear occasional heavy breathing, despite their attempts to disguise it.

“Twelve steps,” he thought to himself. He could jump, grab the top ledge and land on the first floor without any serious damage. He did have the advantage of being above these intruders, but if they didn’t come to the second floor he would have been useless. But just as he was ready to launch himself to the ledge, he froze. “The baby,” he thought again. “Dammit. If I jump into the fracas, get my ass kicked and Aros winds up losing, the baby’s helpless.”

Fall back. Regroup. He looked around. The lights were out, mostly, throughout the residence. The top of the steps were poorly lit as well so he grabbed a black cloak that had been hanging in his room, shrouded himself near the top of the steps, with a bit of a view coming up, and waited with his phaser in hand.

Down in the kitchen, Aros hadn’t yet begun to cook when the front door exploded inward. He grabbed the large chef’s knife and ducked down behind the counter and sat silent, listening. He also reached out with his thoughts, sensing the house. Someone in the entrance. There were more still outside….three he sensed. Nick still upstairs. Closing his eyes he focused and reached out for Nick. Four...three outside. He thanked his lucky stars the baby was asleep and hope he stayed that way. It would force whoever was here to search room by room in the large residence, possibly buying them some time.

“Save me the time half-breed... Show yourself and fight like a warrior if you dare.” Khang’s loud voice echoed through the house carrying his challenge. The large Klingon stepped carefully forward keeping the stairs and the doors to the other rooms under a watchful eye.

More shattered glass and a loud thump came from the back of the house and to the side as two more other klingons entered from broken windows.

Khang moved slowly to the foot of the stairs. When he looked away, checking the other side of the room, Nick slid out his phaser and fired. Since he was in hiding, though, the shot went just a bit wide and missed Khang by mere inches.

“Shit,” he said aloud, then launched himself to swing down to the bottom of the steps, his full body weight and momentum impacting Khang’s left ribcage. It knocked him down, but for such a large man, Khang was quick and returned to his feet faster than Nick would have imagined him being capable. “Well, I had been complaining that I hadn’t killed anyone in a while. Feel like volunteering?” he asked as he pulled a Mek’leth from its sheath.

Khang actually stepped back a bit, not expecting such a large weapon from the half-breed. Nick noticed the D’k tahg Khang held and grinned. “You should have come a bit more prepared, asshole.”

Hearing the fight in the front of the house, Aros held his knives close and slipped along the floor and out of the kitchen. Peering around the wall to the back hallway, he could see the first of the Klingons crawling in through the window. The man’s head and shoulders where through the window and Aros knew it was now or never. Taking careful aim, he threw one of the smaller knives. Its blade embedded in the Klingon’s throat and instantly a gush of blood appeared. He roared aloud and began to pull back through the window so he could get at the blade. Aros dashed forward, settling the larger blade at the man’s throat and stopping him.

“Where’s the other one?” he demanded. The Klingon grunted and refused to answer, but his glance towards the ceiling told Aros all he needed to know. The baby. He studied the man before him and could easily read that there was no mercy in him. “Fine.” The blade in Aros’ hand moved with lightning speed and the Klingon’s body sagged, then fell back out of the window. In moments, Aros was on the move again.

“Nick!” he yelled, then sent the rest of the message more directly. Another moving upstairs from outside.

Nick sagged for a moment. “Seriously?” he said, then looked to Khang. “How many did you bring with you?”

Not waiting for an answer he lunged at Khang with the Mek’leth forcing the large Klingon to step backward, falling over a heavy footstool. Nick didn’t wait around to finish him off. He had to protect the baby. Running full speed up the steps he burst into the room and found another Klingon assassin standing entirely too close to the crib. He turned to face Nick which was a fatal error as the Mek’leth that Nick had thrown sunk deep into his chest.

He leaned over the body and pulled the blade out then sliced his throat for good measure, then looked into the bed. His eyes were wide. “How the fuck are you sleeping through this, kid?”

Footsteps. On the stairs. He shook his head at the baby and ran out into the hall and found Khang at the top of the steps.

“Are you finished with your scampering VeqNuj?” The large klingon growled. Without waiting for an answer he threw his D’k’tahg at Nick who skillfully deflected it with the Mek’leth, in so doing he was distracted though and in the mere heartbeat it took him to regain his bearings Khang was over him a hand clenching his right wrist and the other his neck.
Lifting him effortlessly from the ground Khang slammed the half-klingon against the wall, twice.

“Ow,” Nick said nonchalantly. “Ow,” he repeated as his head bounced off of the wall. His vision blurred a moment but his free left arm was already moving with an outstretched thumb to Khang’s eye. He buried his thumb into the socket at deep as he could, hoping it would distract Khang enough to loosen his grip and allow Nick a big gulp of air.

Behind Khang, Aros slipped silently into the room. With Nick’s thumb in his eye, he likely wouldn’t have noticed Aros if he came into the room tap dancing and singing. Seeing the situation, and the two of them so close to D’Veidh’s bed, he dashed across the room. Moments later, the larger kitchen knife was buried between Khang’s shoulder blades.

With a roar the large Klingon let loose of Nick and flailed wildly behind him with an arm to get his assailant. Aros was quick to jump back avoiding Khang’s fist although he wondered about the strange grin forming on the Klingon’s face.

A strong arm got him around the neck and a fist planted itself into his back with a sickening thud. A third klingon must have been sneaking around tailing him from the kitchen Aros realized too late as he began struggling for his life.

Relieved to have evened the odds and uncaring of the knife protruding from his back Khang turned his attention to Nick again.

“You’re dead.” He said focusing his remaining eye on him.

D’Veidh chose that moment to start his wail in protest.

Nick had slumped to the floor but managed to pull a smaller knife from his boot. Khang’s fatal error was not seizing Nick immediately and then turning to the baby when his cries began. Without hesitation, Nick jumped and sank the four inches of steel into Khang’s left temple. The large Klingon stopped immediately and slowly began to lean toward D’Veidh.

“Ohh no you don’t,” Nick said, grabbing the handle of the knife again and steering Khang away from the bed. When his body hit the floor, the Klingon having his way with Aros stopped and his grip loosened.

“So, your leader goes down and you lose your courage, Klingon?” Aros’ voice was hoarse from the Klingon’s grip. He slammed his elbow into the man’s chest and as he hunched forward, Aros turned and landed a blow to the man’s throat. Like Khang, he slipped to the floor. “He’ll only be out a short time Nick. We need to restrain him before he comes around.”

“Fuck that,” Nick said. He followed up with a hard bootheel to the neck of the Klingon on the ground, snapping it in two. “Nobody tries to kill me and lives, Aros. Nobody.

He craned his head out into the hallway and then back in. “Wasn’t there another one? And what about you. Injuries?”

“I got one that was coming in through the window.” He was silent a moment, checking the house mentally. “Gone. And I’ll live. This answered one question though...looks like Kh’ali wasn’t just being paranoid.”

“She’s too smart for paranoia. Smartest damn Klingon I’ve ever met--including my own damn mother.”

Aros laughed, then rubbed his throat. “She is. Now….who sent them? And what do you want to do with them? They’re stinking up the place.”

Nick looked around and found the blade Khang had been wielding. As with most Klingons, it had his family crest and names of many family members on the hilt. “We need proof,” Nick said, snatching up the knife and beginning to wipe the blade clean on Khang’s clothes.

“What’s it say?”

“It’s essentially his signature,” Nick said, still scanning the room and trying to listen in the house. “Aros, would you please shut--I mean, quieten the kid? I’m not entirely sure we’re safe yet!”

Aros scooped up the baby and without a spoken word, immediately calmed him down. Mental communication was much more direct and efficient for that sort of thing. In the silence that followed, they could hear….singing. Rather drunken singing at that. It was faint at first but was getting louder.

“Stay here with him,” Nick said before ducking back into the hallway and down into the darkened first floor level. He stationed himself just around the corner of the door and waited, knife in hand.

The singing stopped when the two drunkards arrived at the door. Nick could hear them trying to tiptoe into the home but it sounded more like dragging a log. As soon as the first foot stepped over the threshold, Nick’s leg shot out and tripped the possible drunk intruder ass over teakettle. In seconds, Nick was straddling him with the knife to his throat.

“Patrick?” he said, quickly pulling the knife away. “You silly drunk bastard. Get up.” Nick stood and held out a hand to help him to his feet.

Patrick Leroy
Very Far From Real Self

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Finally! He Killed Someone

Following Nick’s Example

Bad Influence (Or Is That Good?)

Close But No Cigar


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