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Monsters, Inc.

Posted on Sun Sep 13th, 2015 @ 7:17pm by Falasin & Niro

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna

* EFS Korenna *

It had been some time since Niro had forcibly removed Mamu from the ship. He had returned to his blue bundle of energy and while she had been worried about Mamu, he’d done a thorough job of taking her mind off the old woman. Falasin had also discovered just what life could be like with an Enaran in her head. He’d pushed a bit, enough to know it would take no effort at all to re-wire her into his perfect little playmate, should Reva prove to be a loss. He knew he was hedging his bets, but it was good to be prepared in his opinion.

Now she lay asleep at his side and he smiled, seeing the marks of his handiwork in the bites on her shoulders. He leaned over, intending to have a lick of her blue skin when his terminal sounded out in the living area. Slipping from the bed gently so as not to wake her, he moved out to the terminal and sat so that whoever it was wouldn’t get a good look at his naked lower half. He didn’t care about the naked upper half. The screen showed the seal of Enara and he cursed softly. Now was not a good time. He opened the channel, however.

“Yes?” He said it a bit louder than he intended, then lowered his voice. “I’m a little busy.”

The older man visible in the screen frowned. “When aren’t you busy? I see you’re not dressed, a pity I intruded. I hope she’s worth it.”

Niro merely smiled and let that go. “So?”

“Very well, let’s get down to business so you can get back to your...whatever.” The last was spoken with clear distaste. “Your target should be home by now. We had his parents but unfortunately, they escaped. We will find them.”

The voices in the other room intruded on Falasin's dream, one wherein she was alternately having sex with and being chased by a large creature made of ice. Snapping awake, she breathed a sigh of relief and lay quietly in the bed, listening. Her antennae focused on the slight murmur of the voices and she could make out the words. Target... home by now...?

Sitting up, she slid from the bed and softly padded towards the bedroom door, still listening.

“How did that happen?” Niro asked. He laughed softly and shook his head. “And you question my methods.”

“Reed, as it turned out, was incompetent and assumed that because of their age, they would be no threat.” The man shrugged. “Reed has bigger issues now. As for you, the young man is your priority and I hope you are not as foolish as Reed. Eli has eluded us twice now, even on our own soil against some of our best.”

Niro snorted. “Not that good, apparently.”

“That’s enough!” The man clearly didn’t like having his operatives disparaged. “Loran will find them and take care of the problem. You will take care of Eli and that young bastard he claims as his lover.” It was clear that Eli’s choice of mates was even more disgusting to him.

The man's shout sent Falasin's antennae backwards and she silently snarled. But the mention of Eli and his 'bastard' lover made them prick forward again. She knew Eli and Chance - she'd partied with them at Kaleidoscope once or twice. They were fun young men. She frowned, wondering just what she was overhearing here.

Niro smiled, thinking that this fellow really didn’t want to know how he spent his time. “Alright. Consider it done, but this is going to cost you dearly. It’s going to be a delicate operation here under the Starfleet’s nose.” He was thinking of Darwin and his brother, to name a few.

“Do whatever you have to do and if there is something you need, send word.”

“Will do. Is there anything else? I have someone much more entertaining who needs my attention.” Niro’s thoughts had already moved on to Falasin and he was now glad he was sitting down.

“No. I expect a progress report in four days.” The screen went dark as the channel closed. Niro sat, lost in thought, images of Falasin in his head as well as Eli. For a moment they got mixed and it was Eli who pranced through his thoughts in various suggestive positions.

“Ugh…” he shook his head to clear it. The idea had some merit but it wasn’t where he wanted to go. This was to be a clean operation, short and sweet, so he could get back to more important things.

Hearing the end of the call and then Niro moving sent Falasin rushing back to the bed. As he entered the room, she yawned and stretched. "What time is it?"

“Just the right time," he answered and smiled. He took a moment to read her and his smile faltered. He could read her concern but more than that, he saw her eavesdropping at his bedroom door. He settled on the bed and crawled over her, supporting himself with his arms on either side and effectively trapping her. “So, tell me, my darling. Did you sleep well?”

"Ah," she smiled weakly, "bad dreams, is all." She parted her legs and reached up to press her hand against his ass, pulling him down to her. "And you? You were up early."

“Earlier than I wanted to be,” he admitted. The feel of her body against him threatened to derail his thoughts entirely but he held the desire at bay. “I think you did too. Tell me, sweet Falasin, what did you make of my conversation?”

She had been hoping for distraction. "Your conversation? I... I don't know, I mean, it was vague. What was it about?" She thought about the ice creature in her dream, the fear she had of it, anything to keep him from reading her too much.

He laughed briefly. “That doesn’t work with me, you know. I can see everything in you.” He kissed her throat gently, working his way up to her lips. “I know what you heard,” he whispered. “You are a smart girl, so I know you understood, didn’t you?”

Fear tingled along her spine and she stammered, "Ah... um... I'm not... I mean, I did hear Eli's name. And you're going to do... something ...with regard to him? And Chance? They're friends of mine."

“I know that.” He kissed her again, deeply. The fear that whispered through her now had really lit his internal fire. “And the answer is yes. He is an Enaran citizen and the both have defied Enaran law. I do special jobs for for them now and again and this time I simply am being ordered to fix the situation, that’s all.”

"How... How are you fixing the situation? What law did they break?" She couldn't fathom the two men as law-breakers, which, to her, implied that they had hurt someone or stolen something.

“Eli caused quite a lot of trouble at home by starting a movement against the government. They also see his sexual choices as anathema. Personally, I don’t have an issue with either thing. Most of the rulers of Enara Prime need to loosen up and have a little fun. But I was hired to do a job. My personal views don’t matter.” His lips moved down along her bare shoulder. “Does that frighten you?” He knew very well it did.

Confused, she nodded, "You frighten me. Mamu is right, isn't she? When she says you're a black-hearted creature?" His kisses were small flames against her fear-chilled skin.

“Yes, but I think you knew that, didn’t you? And it didn’t matter. Sometimes the things that scare us attract us the most. It’s okay, Fal. You know I would never harm you and that’s what matters, isn’t it?” His words were a whisper against her skin and as he spoke, he purposely pushed her desire higher.

She didn't know that, actually, but gods did she want him! "Yes." She nodded. "It is, right? Now, just... Niro..., don't make me beg," she moved under him, lifting her hips to him.

“As you wish, but one thing first.” He slipped his hand beneath her, resting it between her shoulder blades. In moments, the memories of his call from Enara and their conversation were completely gone. In its place, he left the wish to stay with him, to belong only to him. He watched as her eyelids fluttered and then a slow smile spread over her face. “Fal? Everything alright?”

She blinked, looking up at him and smiling. "Niro. Yeah, I... I was having a bad dream, but it's silly, especially when I wake up in your arms." She shifted and giggled, "Oh, maybe that's why I was dreaming of a big monster having sex with me." Kissing him, she physically urged him to do just that.

He laughed as well. “Monsters indeed….” he murmured.

The Monster In The Closet

Inviting Monsters In


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