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Posted on Sun Sep 13th, 2015 @ 11:32pm by Seyla & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Solaana & Marcus
Edited on on Sun Sep 13th, 2015 @ 11:36pm

Mission: Further Challenges

* Saturnalia *

It had been a long time since Will had ventured down into the pit, thanks to recent events. Sickbay had been very busy indeed. But now things were calm again, Seyla was down in her quarters dealing with the night’s business, and he felt the pull of one of his favorite places where he was largely unknown and could just unwind without being bothered. He entered the bar and took a seat by the wall.

Shelly, recognizing him, hurried over. It wasn’t often someone like the doc turned up down here, though he did on occasion. He was always polite and she liked that about him.

“Evening, Doc, your usual?” When he nodded, she hurried off and was back in record time. “You enjoy and I’ll bring another soon.”

“Thanks Shelly.”

He smiled up at her as she moved away. The place was busy tonight and most of the tables were full already. He had a few sips of his drink and had settled in nicely when the mention of Seyla’s name at the next table caught his attention.

“Yeah, I heard that too! Do they think that’s being sneaky? I mean, going to Archadia just to have sex there is a bit obvious,” a male voice said.

“Ugh..,” a female expressed disgusted agreement, “Truly, Seyla could just ‘entertain’ Suresh in her quarters, like she used to do. No one gives a damn, anyway. But they pretend to go there to ‘check in’ on their houses. I’ll bet the only thing they’re checking in those houses are the beds.”

“We all know they’re sleeping together,” the male said, “It’s her business. How much do you think she kicks over to Suresh every month? I mean, he’s not taking payment from her just in sex - he can get sex from his Borg girlfriend.” His tone was derisive and insulting.

Will couldn’t miss the conversation and he felt suddenly numb. The male’s face he recognized as one of Seyla’s stable. Slowly, he lowered his drink to the table, remaining silent as the words chased round and round in his head. Several conclusions presented themselves. They could be mistaken, of course. He knew a little more about the Suresh situation than they did.

Appearances were often deceiving and in this instance, both Seyla and Suresh had a certain appearance to maintain. The second was that they were just completely wrong and lacking for anything better to speculate on. The last was the one he didn’t like to think about - that they were right. He had long suspected Seyla’s attachment to the old Suresh but not this one. Even so, the mind working as it did, it would be too easy to transfer those feelings to another who was just like the old. Well, like the old in appearance anyway. The question was, which was right? He took another drink, listening in to see if there was more.

“The Borg,” the female voice was sour, “She’s such a hoity-toity one. I thought Suresh liked ‘em dirty. Remember Isha?”

Marcus shook his head, “I wasn’t on the Station when she was alive. I’ve heard of her, though. She wasn’t one of Seyla’s, right?”

“Right. And her quality showed.” The woman shuddered. “Maybe that’s why he’s doing Seyla now. I bet she does stuff the Borg can’t even imagine.”

Laughing, Marcus nodded. “That’s not a bet I’ll take. I’ve talked with Six and her friend, Reva, and, yeah, those two... well, Six at least, seems kinda innocent.”

That was an understatement, Will thought. Their feelings for Isha were yet another example of how little they knew. So why should their speculation about Seyla bother him so much? He shook his head and finished off his drink. Because he was involved with her, it was simple. He loved her and had finally convinced her to give it all up for him. Or had he? She’d been gone a lot over the past few weeks, barely home he realized, now that he thought about it. Well, there was a simple way to settle this. When Shelly left his second drink, he downed it and casually rose from the table, not wanting to attract attention. In no time he was out of Saturnalia and in the turbolift.

* Seyla’s Quarters *

Bent over her books, having found a discrepancy and looking to see just where it was and why, Seyla said, “Bella, answer that, honey,” when the door chime rang.

“Sure thing!” Bella was still taking things relatively easy since her confinement in a sheep shipping container. She went to the door and opened it. “Doc Harding! Wow! You never come down here! Oh! Did I miss an appointment?”

“No Bella, you’re not due for another week.” Normally, Bella could pull a smile out of Will in an instant but tonight, it just wasn’t happening. “No problems since I saw you last after your recent misadventure I hope?”

Bella was just shaking her head to respond when Seyla, eyes wide, swung around to look at him. “Will? Is something wrong?” She glanced at Bella and said, “Go on dear, ask Jonah to take you for a chocolate.”

Bella clapped and squealed, “Ohh! Chocolate!” She dashed past Harding, any questions about why Seyla had called him Will already forgotten. “Jonah!”, she could be heard calling him as the door closed behind her.

“Will?” Seyla stood and crossed the room to him. Taking his hand and frowning with concern, she pulled him to the couch. “Why are you here?”

“I know that normally I don’t show up down here, except on rare occasions,” he began. “But there’s something I need to know.”

“If I were telepathic, I’d tell you already,” Seyla smiled lightly, putting a hand on his cheek. “Will, dear, what is it?”

He met her gaze, his own tender, for a moment. Slowly, he began to speak, relating the conversation he’d overheard at Saturnalia. “I know how gossip goes in there but when it comes from some of your own people….”

Her smile faded, as did her concern, replaced by a slight frown and a mild anger. “What vile gossip! I’ll handle Marcus,” she hissed then changed her demeanor. “Oh, Will, I can’t imagine what you’re thinking! Suresh? This Suresh? No, never, not for all the money in his accounts - which aren’t even his accounts! Ugh.” She held his hand in hers. “The gossip is not true, my dear. Those two are speaking out of turn and have no clue what’s really going on.”

“Suresh and I went to Archadia and visited a few of the houses we have there. Yes, we made it look like we were having a dalliance at one of the houses - it’s expected of us. But, I promise you, nothing happened. I find this Suresh vile.” She kissed him on the cheek, lightly.

That interested Will. “Really? I’ve found him to be a thoroughly decent man. You should’ve seen him in ICU with Six.” He smiled finally and shook his head. “You are correct about one thing, they don’t know what’s really going on. So why have you not been home much at all of late?” He wrapped his arm around her and settled her in at his side as he relaxed back on the sofa. “I miss you, you know.”

“And I, you.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “Things have been a little crazy here. Some of the girls and boys are concerned about the abductions. And now Reva has been spirited off the Station.” A rare feeling encroached on her and she fell silent, feeling out just what it was. With some surprise, she realized it was guilt. Guilt that she was lying to him, being dishonest by omitting any mention of Niro and her ...entanglement... with him. “I spent a couple of nights with her while Riley was missing. And then he broke up with her....”

Will nodded. “I have some extensive reports on that whole situation.” He left it at that. “Has there been any word on Reva yet?” He turned to kiss her forehead. The more he thought about Suresh, the more he doubted the gossip, especially considering what he knew of the man. He had also seen evidence of Seyla’s feelings towards him. Perhaps it was insecurity….he realized she was answering and he pulled his attention back to her.

“Darwin told Niro that two ships are pursuing the slave trader. One is Fleet, headed by Ensign Carter; the other is an Orion ship. Robart, the Orion, took Riley with him,” she shook her head, “But that’s all I’ve been told so far.”

“Riley?” Will frowned, not so sure that was a good idea, though he could understand Riley’s desire to ride out and save her. “Let’s hope we have good news soon then.” Her mention of Niro caught his attention then. “Niro’s still here?” He didn’t sound all that pleased. “You should be careful around him. Nico’s made it clear he’s a dangerous one.”

“He is,” she nodded then clarified, “Both here and dangerous.” And, she was sure, wouldn’t hesitate to stab her in the back. The easiest way would be to ruin her life with Will. Biting her bottom lip, she debated her next words then sat up and faced him. “Will... I... I’ve gotten tangled up with Niro. In business and in bed.” She held her breath, fearing his reaction.

Will immediately stiffened at her words. So, the people in Saturnalia had been right, but about the wrong person. For a moment he found it a little hard to breathe. His thoughts raced as he pulled his arm away from her and moved up to the edge of the sofa. He realized he had no idea what to say to her. When he opened his mouth, one word came out.


Yes, why? She swallowed hard. “Business, Will. It was ...a payment, of sorts.” Putting a hand on his arm, she added, “I love you, Will; there wasn’t anything emotional with Niro.”

He snatched his arm away and glared at her. “A payment? Latinum wasn’t good enough?” He rose and began to pace before her. “And what sort of business could it be? Saying it was not emotional...does that make it better?”

Immediately, she set off her pheromones; her stress heightened the amount she released. “Doesn’t it? I didn’t bed him because I like him! I did so because... he was persuasive... I don’t really recall just why, but he refused latinum.”

The weakness of her reasoning hit hard, and then he smelled the pheromones. He was angry, hurt, and somewhat aroused all at once. It was a bad combination and he was still coherent enough to realize it. He turned away from her and started towards the door.

“I need….to not be here right now Seyla or I may do something I will regret.” His control was slipping more by the moment. “Trust me.”

“I do, more than you know, Will,” she said quietly. She didn’t get up to stop him from leaving, though. She didn’t want him to leave, but if he needed to be away from her, then she’d let him go.

He nodded, then turned and hurried through the doors.

Certain that she’d just watched her one good thing walk out the door, Seyla turned her anger towards someone she could rage at without repercussions. “Computer, locate my employee Marcus and tell him to come here immediately.”

=^=Message delivered=^= was the computer’s reply.

Grinning broadly, Marcus arrived at Seyla’s and strolled in. “Seyla! I don’t get summoned by you nearly often enough! How may I be of service, my beautiful boss?” His grin faded quickly as Seyla turned toward him; there were few things scarier than an angry Orion, in his opinion.

“You have just cost me in ways you can’t even fathom,” she growled at him, advancing till she was in his personal space. As he backed up, she followed him. “I should take you to Archadia with me. There, they still allow public lashings.”

“Ah...?” His brows went up even as other parts shriveled with fear. “What... what have I done to be on your bad side?”

“You and another were speculating about my sex life,” she hissed. “That is not acceptable. Is that clear?”

“Yeah, yeah, “ he nodded. He’d backed up as far as he could and Seyla was almost pressing against him. In another context, this would have been rather sexy. Right now, it wasn’t; it was a bit scary. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again!”

“Make certain it doesn’t,” she said, satisfied she’d scared him enough.

* * *

His flight from Seyla’s had taken him straight to the shuttle port and sometime later, he found himself in the main square before the palace. All the way here, the conversation with Seyla had gone round and round in his head and his mood had gotten no better. Seyla’s pheromones had only set the flames burning and he knew if he’d stayed, things wouldn’t improve. She’d had a weak reason for turning to Niro. His reason for being here seemed far more sound, at least to his addled mind. He had to burn off the anger and everything that came with it and what was needed was someone who could safely withstand it.

Moments later, he was standing outside an entrance unknown to the public, one used when the palace dignitaries needed to slip in and out. He entered the code and stepped inside. When the door closed, the guard inside looked up, surprised.


Harding nodded. “I need to see Solaana. This is not something to be put off, or ignored, Jholan. It’s an emergency.”

The man hurried off to inform the Prime Minister. Frankly, Will’s appearance worried him.

Several minutes later, Will was led to a chamber where Solaana, dressed in a sparkly, form-fitting gown, sat at a vanity table. The guard left them alone and she turned to look Will over. “I thought we were done, William.”

He took a deep breath and hurried to where she sat, dropping to his knees and taking her hands in his. The expression in his eyes was wild as he looked up at her.

“What if I said I made a big mistake? On several fronts? Would you just accept that and not press? Something happened tonight and I need….you. Please just don’t ask me any questions till...later.”

“Need me?” She assessed him carefully then laughed. “On my terms? Then you best strip.” She set her brush down and stood, drawing him towards her bed.

He moved with her and pulled her into his arms for a fierce kiss before he let go and did as she requested. He’d held on just about as long as he could. “I’ve missed you.” His voice was rough with emotion.

“Apparently,” she said, amused by his need for her. She could sense he was bursting with it. “Do you want my permission to be rough with me?”, she asked, lightly teasing him by unbuttoning her dress and slowly shrugging it off.

“Yes.” His answer was little more than a growl. As her dress hit the floor, his gaze swept over her and he knew that, for now, he was a man lost and in trouble.

“Oh, good,” she whispered, smiling. No other lover had thrilled her quite like Will had. “Then, please, be rough, William,” she moved close to him, pressing her body against his. “You can’t hurt me, you know.”

“I know.” That was part of the reason he was here. He took hold of her, pulling her roughly to him and for the next few hours, not one of her guards dared enter the room.

Quite a while later, Will stirred and turned his head to kiss Solaana as she slept beside him. He glanced around the room and was glad they were here and not in her regular bed chamber as this one was a wreck. The small vanity was in pieces and Will hoped it wasn’t an antique. His gaze returned to the woman at his side and he considered the fact that he’d left one woman who had not been faithful to rush to one who never would be. He expected it to bother him but surprisingly, it did not. Curious. He’d think about that once he’d answered Solaana’s questions.

Aware he was looking at her, Solaana stretched languidly and smiled at him. “You are back for good, correct?”

He smiled back at her. “Does that mean that your previous offer holds? I can still take care of my duties on the station?”

“Perhaps. I would need to speak with Admiral Wegener, to see what arrangements can be made. It would be preferable for you to remain here, always.” This was a harder stance than she’d had for him before. “And, of course, you may have no other.”

“You agreed before and it will work this time.” He smiled once more, glad to see that he felt a bit more peaceful at least. “I know you’ve missed me too. I still hear things, even if I’m not here.”

“I have, William.” She nodded and rose, moving about her chambers naked, gathering a robe as she walked towards a set of windows. “You may share quarters with my Archadian consort, Parker.”

Will started to object but given his own unspoken circumstances, he could deal with the arrangement. Still, he wouldn’t be Will if he didn’t at least make a show of it and she would expect it.

“Share quarters with another? You can’t be serious.” He rose from the bed and crossed to stand behind her, wrapping her in his arms. “You would never be happy with that and we both know it.”

Chuckling, she leaned into him slightly. “I am serious. The chambers are large and, when I wish for your company, we’ll be in my chambers. You can’t ask me to displace Parker simply because you’ve changed your mind?”

“I can.” He waited to see how that would fly. “I know well enough that you rank your men, my darling.”

Turning in his arms, she kissed then lightly chided him, “William. You are my first consort. That ranking, I’ll give you. Does that soothe your ego?”

“Very much so. Besides, if I’m in with Parker, we can talk about you when you’re not around.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Make plans….plot...get up to no good…” He watched as the idea of that settled in her mind.

“Oh... that should scare me?” She laughed. “Perhaps I like the idea that you two would conspire... perhaps even gang up on me,” she whispered before kissing him.

“Such ideas,” he murmured against her lips. “We’ll negotiate later….” Reaching down, he pulled open her robe and pressed her to the wall. “Maybe. Or maybe we should eat. You do work up an appetite.”

He didn’t have a robe to pull open, making it easier for Solaana to reach between them and convince him that food wasn’t that interesting at the moment. “I’ll have something brought to us later,” she murmured.

“You’re very convincing.” He wondered when she would corner him about his state and his words upon his arrival but this would put it off a while longer. He very willingly gave in.

* Later *

Lying on her side on the bed, her head propped on one hand, Solaana traced a finger down William’s chest and stomach, waking him. “William, before we go further.... what prompted this visit and your change of heart? Or... is it simply a change of mind?”

“That question supposes that my heart had ever changed,” he answered, looking up at her. “A lot of things changed, Solaana. I realized that some of my previously held ideas no longer apply. Should I stick to some of my old-fashioned ideas if it keeps me from having what I want?”

She leaned over and kissed him. “I am glad that you have let those old ideas go. Tonight, then, you, Parker and I will have dinner and celebrate.”

“How will he take to my return?” Will asked.

“Possibly not well. At the moment, he is First Consort, so ...being shifted to Second may not be quite what he wants. But it isn’t as if his situation here changes. He stays in the same chambers, gains a roommate and occasional fellow bedmate. The only change is his status in the eyes of my court,” she shrugged, as if such a change shouldn’t matter to anyone.

Will shook his head for a moment, knowing full well that Parker wouldn’t like it. He knew as well that court opinion was not something to be so casually dismissed and that it would be a big blow to this man. “We will see how it goes,” he answered. His tone turned serious now. “Thank you. For being here for me, for letting me do what I needed to do. It’s been a difficult night, at least until I returned here to you.”

“There are times when I wish I were telepathic, William,” Solaana smiled sadly. “Not many, but every once in a while. This is one of those times. What made it such a difficult night?”

Will swallowed as he debated how much to tell her. “A betrayal that I should have seen coming,” he answered and left it at that. “I was fooling myself about what I wanted and what was possible...and what I was giving up.”

For a long moment, she didn’t respond. She simply looked at him and considered his words. “A woman, then? You gave me up for her, she has betrayed you? And now you will give up all others for me?” She frowned. He was her first choice; it would seem she was not his, if her guesses were correct.

“I left here because I couldn’t be your only one, remember?” He sighed aloud. “I wanted too much I suppose, expecting you in your position to give me that. I left and thought I’d be fine, make a new life but we see where I am. What does that tell you, my darling?” He rolled from his back, pressing her beneath him. “And it’s not that you are a second best if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“No? Won’t that same issue arise again? At least with her, if she has another, so could you,” Solaana said.

Will shook his head. “You promised not to ask too many questions. Please? I want you and I want to leave the rest outside these walls.”

“For how long? It can be for all time, William. I can negotiate that with Wegener, send them one of my physicians to replace you,” she offered. “But will this betrayal not follow you wherever you go?”

Will shook his head. “No. I’ll keep my position there and I promise you’ll be happy I came home.”

“Very well, then.” She kissed him. “We will have the tailor come and measure you for a court suit. Are you hungry now?”

“I could eat.” He leaned down to kiss her once more. “My lovely Solaana,” he whispered.

“My dear William,” she said back, smiling as she kissed him.

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.


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