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Shifting To Offensive

Posted on Sun Sep 20th, 2015 @ 1:49pm by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali
Edited on on Sun Sep 20th, 2015 @ 1:59pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'nos

* Qo’nos *

Kh’ali had cleaned up and made herself presentable. It wouldn’t do to arrive for a meeting with the Mistress smelling like a sweaty targ. She’d checked on D’Veidh and then given in to Aros’ insistence that he’d keep an eye on Patrick, refusing to let her even look in since it was against tradition at this point. Finally, she arrived at the home of the mistress, a bag in hand, and knocked.

A guard opened the door looked her up and down then showed her in “You were awaited.” He stated gruffly as he led her to an ample room.

“Here.” He said then gesturing to the door “The Mistress has singled out this locale in the palace for your convenience. To carry out your ritual of the candles. Settle yourself, the Mistress will come soon. Without waiting for Kh’ali’s response the guard turned and walked back to his previous post.

The room seemed gloomy and foreboding even by klingon standards she thought. Then she spotted a small carpeted area to the other side and furnishings surely to be used in the ritual.

She hefted the bag onto the table, then removed a smaller one from it, holding it carefully. Crossing back to the door, Kh’ali opened it and demanded that the guard take her to Sirella. “It’s something of an emergency or I wouldn’t ask,” she added.

“What for?” The guard asked somewhat surprised “She’s coming here in a few anyway you’ll be able to tell her anything you want.”

The guard seemed reluctant to the idea of possibly disturbing Sirella at an inappropriate time the Mistress had quite the reputation through the entire House.

“How about the fact that four warriors invaded my house, attacked my men, and seemed intent on taking the baby?” she demanded. “IS that good enough reason?” Kh’ali’s voice had lost its usual calm as the stress of the evening caught up with her. “Now go!”

Without arguing anymore the guard led Kh’ali through the palace until they came to a room even grander than the one she had been. The guard made explicit Kh’ali’s desire to meet the Mistress and stood in respectful waiting. Sirella nodded and dismissed him with but a gesture of the hand, then moved closer to Kh’ali folding her arms.

“You’re not much for the protocol, are you?” She said slightly inclining her head.

“Given what’s occurred tonight, no,” Kh’ali said flatly. “I returned home from the hunt to find the front door broken, windows broken, and blood scattered all over. Four warriors invaded the house to try and get the baby. My men took care of them and then the bodies transported out. The worst of the bunch was killed in the baby’s bedroom, but left this behind.” Kh’ali handed over the bag. “It was Khang, my cousin’s lackey.”

Sirella eyed the bag without taking it from Kh’ali’s hand. “A knife is no great proof. It can be easily replicated as windows can be easily broken as furnishing and all…” Sirella had started pacing as she spoke “There are no bodies you say and wounded on your part? Your men have taken good care of the problem as you stated. It is not unusual for klingons to have bitter enmities ending up in a feud and aggression. Perhaps one of your followers… Or your betrothed have such one. So, what would you want from me?”

“Three people saw him!” Kh’ali paused, trying to settle down a little. “His blood in my house proves it. And it’s well known who he works for. Q’Vahn has turned him into her little lap dog who can’t wait to do her bidding. So no, it wasn’t some follower. We both know what’s going on here. She has an issue with me fine, she should do the honorable thing, not send her goon to go after a helpless infant.”

“My question stands, what would you want from me? To have her dragged here? Maybe in front of the Council to stand trial? This Khang and his companions have tried something against your family but the perpetrators have been eliminated by careful guarding of your home... It takes a long step to prove that this is Q’Vahn’s doing.”

It didn’t escape to Kh’ali that Sirella had said ‘prove instead of just say about pointing out Q’Vahn as the mandator. The enmity between them was a long known matter of fact in the House still, she thought, if confronted Q’Vahn would have denied any involvement letting all the fault to fall on the dead’s shoulders.

Kh’ali considered that for a moment. “Perhaps she would prefer it if word got out that she was so dishonorable as to have lost control over her man to such a degree that he stuck at her own cousin. If so, I can live with that.” Kh’ali smiled now. “Imagine the reaction to the news that Khang was picking on a baby. Perhaps it’s the only fight he could surely win anymore.”

A thin smile flashed on Sirella’s lips for an instant “Slander, intrigue…” she said quietly “This is not going to take out your enemies. This is not how klingons handle such matters.”

“Then she will face me directly as she should have done,” Kh’ali answered. “He was hers, she is responsible. I will not allow her to harm D’Veidh. He now stands between her and the line of inheritance. Her reasoning is quite clear.” Kh’ali brushed back her long hair as she paced. “I will not give up and go away as she hopes, either.”

“If your fears are true, I greatly doubt Q’Vahn will make such a move. More probably you’ll be not safe anywhere again. You... Or your son and betrothed.”

“Until what? She’s dead?” Kh’ali turned back to Sirella. “Or proof that she is behind this?”

Sirella met Kh’ali’s gaze “One or the other... Or both.” She shook her head then “That Federation of yours has ruined you. You know what should be done, what a true klingon would do. Q’Vahn will stalk you forever.”

“Then issue the challenge,” Kh’ali answered. She’d known this day would come from the moment Q’Vahn set foot on 900 and learned of D’Veidh.

“Q’Vahn will be made aware of your desires according to the traditions.” Sirella nodded taking on a pensive look for some instants. Then she looked at Kh’ali again:

“Would you now show me your Var’Hama candles?”

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Embracing The Klingon SIde

Drawing The Bride To Klingon Side


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