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Niro Takes a Walk

Posted on Thu Sep 24th, 2015 @ 9:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Mamu B'yaga & Ensign Six of Ten & Niro & Falasin

Mission: Further Challenges

Niro had finished bandaging his foot and sat with it propped on the coffee table when Falon returned. Luckily the cut wasn’t too deep, but it was enough to be one more irritant on top of Falasin’s escape. If he didn’t find her, and fast, it could mean a world of trouble for him. He really should get up and get down to the medbay and close up the wound but he wanted to hear from Falon first. Where the hell was he? It didn’t take that long to catch an Andorian. She was blue, how hard could it be to pick her out of a crowd? He growled aloud and kicked the table, instantly regretting it. When the doors to his quarters opened, he looked up, expecting Falon.


“Well what?” Falon shrugged. “Security took her off.”

“Security?” he yelled and was off the sofa in an instant. “Shit.” He’d put weight on his foot and was now hopping. “I need to go fix this foot, and then we have to go. “What did she tell them?”

Falon shrugged again. “That she heard something awful, you were trying to get her and if you do, you’ll do something awful to her.” He offered no help to Niro. “So, the security guy warned me off and took her to Main Security.”

“I see.” Niro was keeping his voice calm with great effort. “Go to the medbay and get the regenerator. Then we are going out to see what we can find.” He sat down on the sofa with a groan.

“‘kay,” Falon left, wandered to the medbay then wandered back to Niro’s quarters. “Here,” he brandished the regenerator. “Put it up on the table.” Niro did and Falon started removing the bandages then turned the regenerator on. “Security probably took her home. You know where she lives?”

“I do, but if she’s babbling that I’m going to do bad things to her, I can’t see them just leaving her at home, and rightly so. I may have to resort to strong measures when I find her. I cannot have her telling Security what she knows.”

“And if she already has?” Falon looked at his boss and suggested, “Perhaps we should head out, deeper into the Delta, for a while.”

“It will take time to recall the crew from Archadia, but do it. Then we’ll go. Thanks.” He lifted his foot and inspected it. “Looks good.” He waved Falon to the terminal and hurried to his quarters to get dressed. Several minutes later, he emerged ready to go. “Everyone all set to return?”

“No,” Falon shot Niro an annoyed glance. “Give me longer than that! I’ve talked to Sam and that’s it, so far. He thinks a couple of the guys are in the casinos, where getting hold of them might be a little tough. He went looking for ‘em. I’ll contact the others. You headed to Security?”

Niro gave him a pitying look. “Do you honestly think they will just let me walk in, tuck her under my arm, and leave? Who knows what she’s told them already?” He checked himself in the mirror, then crossed to the door. “I’m going down to the Pit and see what’s stirring. If I am being watched, that’s the place to lose them. I’ll be in touch.”

* Mamu’s Curio’s *

The call from Security had reached Six in her room down in the Pit that held her regeneration alcove. When she heard what the officer had to say, she was immediately on the move. Several minutes later, she burst into Mamu’s shop.

“Mamu! Are you here?”

There was a loud crash in the back room then the curtain separating it from the main shop fluttered. “Who? Ah, you again, Six of Ten? I am here, yes.” Mamu appeared behind the counter, climbing onto her stool. “Naught I have for you this time.”

“I have something for you,” Six answered. “You have to come with me. I found Falasin, but Niro was with her. I told her to call me if she needed me and Security just called. They have her. She was running from Niro. I promised her we’d come.”

“Unharmed, she is?” Mamu reversed her climb and came around the counter. “Let us walk as we talk. We should not leave Falasin in the hands of Security too long.”

Six led the way out and waited as Mamu locked the door. “She said she’s physically alright but terrified that Niro will manage to get to her. She said she’d tell the rest when we get there.”

“Finally,” Mamu grumbled. “Warn her off from him, I did, but she wouldn’t have it. Like your green friend: strong willed.” She moved along, surprisingly fast for a short person.

“I think something happened. I also wanted to tell you that the necklace works perfectly. I ran into Niro on the way home. He even commented on the fact that he couldn’t read me.” Six smiled as they reached the turbolift. “It was really bothering him.”

“Told you. He is a voyeur. Nasty man.” As they waited for the lift, Mamu shifted and moved behind Six then around to the other side of her. She watched the indicators and shuddered when the lift came. She let Six enter first and slowly shuffled after her. Once on the lift, she took Six’s hand in hers and held on.

* Security *

They arrived at main security and Six gave her name to the officer on duty at the front. “We’re here for Falasin. Lt. Gilroy called.”

“Okay, hang on.” The officer keyed in Six’s name then notified Gilroy. After a few minutes, Gilroy showed up, looked Six over then found himself stuck on Mamu. “You’re Falasin’s employer, correct?”

“For one so tall, you are well grounded in facts,” Mamu replied.

He blinked and looked at Six, bemused. “Right. Falasin’s back this way,” he turned and led them to a safe room, which he keyed open after knocking and announcing who was there.

Falasin was sitting on the bed when they entered, holding onto her pillow. Seeing Six, then Mamu, she squealed and jumped up to hug one, then the other. “You came! Thank you, thank you! Mamu, I’m so so sorry. I should’ve listened. I didn’t and now, things are awful!”

“Bosh! Hush, Falasin. Like others your age, you think someone like me has less wisdom, less intelligence.” Mamu hugged the Andorian back. “This is part of growing up.”

“So what happened?” Six pulled a chair over for Mamu, then perched on the bed next to Falasin.

Falasin reached over to give Mamu a hand to help her into the chair. She took a deep breath and began the story that started when she’d left Six at Saturnalia and ended with her arrival at Security. “It sounds like he did something to Eli unless I misheard. He he didn’t say directly that he did it but…” She shrugged. “He was furious.”

“Doctor Harding confirmed that Eli’s illness is from a contact poison, something that was spread on his hand,” Gilroy told the women.

“Filthy trick, exactly what Niro would do,” Mamu spat.

Six cursed aloud. “Is there any way to prove who did it?” she asked Gilroy.

“It would seem that, based on the speed of the effect, the poison had to have been put on him after you arrived at Kaleidoscope. Chance says they were dancing before you and Niro arrived, then Niro brought drinks over. He doesn’t recall seeing Niro touch Eli, though. Falasin, do you recall if he did?” Gilroy hoped she did.

Gil’s words made Falasin’s eyes go wide. “They were dancing? Oh dear, the place was packed that night.” She frowned as she concentrated, trying to recall details. With the panic surrounding Eli’s collapse, what had happened just before was something of a blur now. “I….I don’t know. It was so loud and then he slipped out of the chair and it all got so crazy. Chance was panicking and Niro was trying to keep the people back and….” She was silent for a few seconds. “I don’t know,” she wailed. “Maybe…”

“Shh, Falasin,” Mamu patted her hands. “It is okay that you don’t recall.”

Gilroy nodded. “It’s usual to not recall things like that. Most witnesses don’t. Perhaps Harding will be able to determine the poison and the source.”

Falasin nodded. “I hope so. If I can’t remember and Chance doesn’t, what happens?”

“We’ll see. We have the computer data from the club that night. Possibly Eli will remember,” Gilroy blew out a breath. “We’ll have to see, Falasin.”

“Till then, home, you’ll go,” Mamu said.

“Can we take her home Gilroy?” Six asked. “Though you might feel safer with Mamu or me if you want, Falasin.”

“Falasin, would you feel safe at home or with either of them?” Gilroy looked at the young woman.

Looking from one to the other, Falasin considered, then nodded. “No one can get the best of Mamu, and with Six, there’s Suresh. No one crosses him.” She hesitated a moment before she continued. “Where is Niro now?”

"Last report, his ship. I've got officers watching his dock; if they see Niro or Nico, they're to follow him," he answered. "It's your choice if you wish to leave."

Mamu asked, "To Six's then, yes? We will all go. Too bad I do not have my stick."

Gilroy looked at the little woman, clearly wondering what she meant.

"Stick: a staff, like a broom handle," Falasin told him.

He made a noise halfway between a laugh and a snort. "Against Niro? How about I send an officer with you, just to get you where you're going?"

Six shook her head. “It’s probably best if I don’t go strolling home with a Security officer in tow. I have someone I can call to see us home. We’ll be alright.” She smiled reassuringly at Falasin. “You and Mamu can take the spare bedroom. It’ll be just fine.”

“Thank you.” Falasin hugged Six once more, then stood. “Ready when you are.”

“Let me make a call and we’ll be out of here shortly.” Six crossed to the small terminal and sent a brief message. “We’ll meet him out front.”

"I'll escort you out, then," Gilroy opened the door and led the three back to the main entrance. "If there's any trouble, don't hesitate to contact us," he told them, focusing mostly on Falasin.

"Fine, she will be, Lieutenant," Mamu assured him imperiously.

* Saturnalia *

Mamu, Six, and Falasin had arrived at Suresh’s quarters with Patch as escort. Falasin was left there in his care and now Six was back at Saturnalia with Mamu in tow. They stopped outside and Six turned to the old woman.

“Have you ever been here before?”

"Many places I have been! This is not one of those places," Mamu looked the place's exterior over. "Shall we?" She went up to the door and opened it.

Six stepped in with Mamu and it was probably the first time in the history of Saturnalia that the place fell silent. Every eye turned to look at Mamu. Six rested her hand on Mamu’s shoulder and murmured, “Don’t worry, they are likely struck dumb by your beauty.” Her admonishment worked and the usual crowd immediately went back to their drinks and conversations. “Come on.” Six led the way through to Suresh’s regular table and had a seat.

Mamu laughed the whole way, which made some of the patrons very nervous. "I know why they look, dear," she regarded the chair a moment then hopped into it and settled in. "Not often one sees my kind in here. But then, you know about attracting attention, too, don't you?"

Six nodded. “Everywhere I go, and not all of it the good sort of attention.” She looked at the hardware on the back of her hand and frowned. “This and this,” she pointed to the implants she still had around her eye, “make some angry and others want to make use of me, if you get my drift. I was lucky enough to escape Fisher’s net. Reva was not.”

"In your blood, it is." She saw a server approaching them and said, "Whatever you have, I will have."

"Two waters with lime,” Six ordered. Once the server was gone, she looked back at Mamu. “I generally avoid alcohol in here. Better to keep my senses sharp in this place.” The drinks arrived quickly and Six had a sip. “I learned that the hard way.”

"With your Orion friend, Reva? Or alone?"

“Both from what I heard.” The voice that answered Mamu’s question belonged to Niro, who had appeared seemingly from nowhere. He rested his hand on Six’s shoulder, the gesture almost intimate. “Hello, lovely. I was hoping you’d show up again.”

“Hello, Niro,” Six answered. “Hands off unless you want to start some trouble down here.” A few tables over, she could see Edana now sitting up at attention. “What brings you over? I thought you were too busy for me.”

“I can always make time.” He eyed Mamu and smiled. “Hello troll.”

Mamu sneered and threw her lime wedge at him. It wetly smacked him in the face and lodged in the collar of his shirt. "Troll with good aim," she said.

Six snickered and Niro’s grip on her shoulder tightened. He tossed the lime away with his free hand, and wiped his cheek. “Very funny.” He leaned down, his lips brushing Six’s ear. “So, I see the interference is gone. Curious. Also curious that Falasin chose to stay with you. She has no need to run from me, you know.”

Six shot a glance at Mamu before she spoke. “She’s just tired of you, that’s all.”

“I don’t think so.” He smiled. “Once you’ve come under my spell, there’s no going back. She’s mine and she knows it.”

"To no one she belongs but herself," Mamu stood in her chair, reaching only as high as Niro's chin, and admonished him. "You are a perverted, vile ogre." Several patrons within hearing range snickered.

Niro laughed as well and shook his head. “No, just a man used to getting what he wants.” He moved his hand along Six’s shoulder to caress her throat. “Falasin has nothing to fear from me. I just want her to come home.”

Six did her best to think of something mundane, anything but Falasin, as Niro touched her. I’ll have her, count on that…. The thought from Niro rose in her mind and she reached up to brush his hand away. “Touch me again and I’ll break your hand.”

"I'll happily break his everything, whether he touches you again or not," Mamu offered to Six. To Niro, she said, "Go home, go away, go anywhere but here!"

“I got what I came for.” Niro smiled sweetly at Mamu, then turned and traced his finger over Six’s lips. “And then some. See you soon, Six.” You can count on that too. When she snapped at his finger, he pulled it away. “Save that for later.” He turned and strolled away from the table.

Behind him, Six had half-risen, her temper demanding a response but she stopped and sat back down. “That man must have a death wish.”

“He does. He wishes death on all but himself,” Mamu said. She carefully sat back down. “You come here often?”

Six nodded. “It a regular place for Suresh and I’m here a lot with him. Sometimes without but there are those watching who will step in if there’s trouble. This place can be dangerous for most but ironically, it’s one of the safest places I can be.”

“Mm, I count three,” the little woman nodded. “You like this life?”

“I took on this life because I love the man in it, not because I wanted the lifestyle,” Six replied. “It was a big, and sometimes scary, step but we do a lot for those we love. I had to make a choice and I did.”

Looking around the establishment, Mamu waved to Edana and the dark-haired man with her. “This seems like it could get boring very quickly, sitting here most of the day, being on display.” She shook her head. “But then, in your head I am not.”

“I’m in and out.” Six’s reply was purposely vague. “But yes, it does at times. Do you want to get home to Falasin?”

“Certainly,” Mamu was already up and waiting for Six as she answered. “This has been tiring.”

“You can say that again.” Six stood and escorted Mamu back towards the door. As they passed the Table where Edana sat with Darwin (who looked exceptionally curious about her companion), Six greeted them. “I’ll catch up with you two in a bit.” Then she and Mamu reached the door and stepped outside. “Have you had dinner, Mamu?”

“I ate yesterday. Shall we take something to Falasin?” Mamu looked up at Six from under her hood; she blinked, first the right then the left eye.

Six decided not to comment on the fact that most people ate every day, and several times. “We can be lazy and have something delivered. Let’s go.”

“Bubba’s barbeque? It seems that would be a good option,” Mamu made the decision and let Six lead the way to Suresh’s apartment. This day had included several new things for the little creature and she was ready to nap somewhere comfortable. The spare bed in Suresh’s spare room would suit her just fine.

Mamu B’yaga
Ensign Six Of Ten
Lt. Gilroy


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