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Sometimes Goodbyes are Easy, Part 2

Posted on Sun Sep 27th, 2015 @ 10:03pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Niro

Mission: Further Challenges

“Reva?” Niro stood at the door, relief evident in his face. “You really are home. Are you alright? I was so worried. I came as soon as I heard you were here, hoping it was true.”

"It is," she nodded. "Five hours of surgery later, yeah, I'm okay. I guess you raised the alarm?"

He nodded and advanced into the room. “May I?” He indicated the chair by her bed.

Reva nodded, feeling strange that he'd asked permission. Niro usually didn't ask, he just did what he wanted. "Did something happen to you?"

"What do you mean?” He sat, resting his forearms on his knees. “I’m fine, just worried about you. I know Fisher’s type and I didn’t want to alarm you.”

"Oh. Yeah, Fisher was...," she looked away, tugged at her sweater then looked back at him. "...I've had better vacations."

“You’re right, it was me. When I couldn’t find you, I called Darwin. He traced you to that dressmakers’ shop and then it came out what Owain had done. I offered to leave immediately, to track him down, but he wanted the Fleet to handle it. The last report I got said they were closing in, then nothing. At least you’re home and in one piece.” He ran his hand over his face, wanting to scoop her up in his arms and he passed along the wish to Reva mentally. “I persuaded Owain to confess and he’s being dealt with.”

She felt his desire and though she frowned, she gestured to him to come hug her. As he did, she said, "Owain hasn't been dealt with. I haven't seen Darwin to ask, but I want to see Owain." Some rather violent thoughts passed through her head, many of them dealt with Owain losing his at her hand.

Niro held her tight and nodded. “I had the same urges, Reva,” he whispered. “I didn’t realize he was so twisted and messed up. I’m so sorry. If you do see him, do you want me to go with you?”

"No. In fact," she pushed him back a bit and looked at him, "I don't want to see you again. We had fun. I needed to use you, but that's done now."

He was surprised just how much her words stung him, and with them came a rising tide of anger. “Are you sure? Or is this about Riley?”

"Of course it's about Riley. I love him. He rescued me - he dropped everything when he heard and came to get me. He killed Fisher for me. Even before that, surely you read what he means to me - I was devastated when he said we were done, that it was too late. Did you think I wouldn't go back to him as soon as he beckoned?"

“So the moment he crooks his finger in your direction, you go running? Is he willing to accept you for who you are Reva? Or does he still expect you to follow some stiff set of rules and principles, forcing you to fit to what he thinks is acceptable?” Niro rose and moved away, pacing the length of the room.

"I don't know. What I think is acceptable has changed, that I know. Did you read what Fisher did? In my memories? I know you have no issue just reading other people's memories. Go ahead, read those, see what he did, maybe you'll see why...," she broke down sobbing.

He rushed back to sit beside her, wrapping her in his arms once more. “I did,” he whispered. “I wish it had been me to end his miserable life for what he put you through.” He stroked her back gently. “I wanted to be there. I should have ignored Darwin.”

"Robart did, but apparently he answers to someone who would have him killed if he hadn't," Reva sniffled. "It's not on you for not coming after Fisher. The Korenna can only hit 7.2. You'd have been behind the Fleet ship. And the Fleet ship was a good eight hours behind Robart's ship." Her mood swung and she smiled, "That ship can sustain warp ten for over six hours! I can't wait to see those engines!"

Her enthusiasm finally pulled a smile from Niro. “At least you’re home, he’s dead, and you’re safe. That’s what matters. As for us, are you certain? I don’t want to be without you.”

She looked at him skeptically. “I don’t think you want me necessarily - I think you want someone; anyone will do, though. You were seeing Owain without telling me, you’ve been involved with Seyla... and I don’t doubt that there was someone or a few someones while I was gone. I am certain, though, Niro. I adore Riley.” It helped that he had rescued her and that he hadn’t been in his right mind when he’d broken up with her and told her it was too late for them.

“Seyla’s over, though it was a couple of random things. Owain was nothing emotional, it was for his benefit, and I’m glad I found out what he’s really like. I regret the day he crossed my path, all because he was about to be in trouble and needed help.” He sighed aloud. “He was right to be jealous of you. You are the one I want.”

She blinked, unsure whether to believe her own senses; she could read that he was telling the truth, or what he believed to be the truth. “Oh, Niro, ...,” she whispered, shaking her head slightly.

He caught her face in his hands, leaning closer. “You can read it in me. It’s only you. Come back.” His lips brushed hers lightly, then the kiss deepened. Pleasure flashed through him at having her back here with him. The possessiveness that had haunted him since he’d met her raged full-force.

“I think it’s time for you to go.” Riley stood in the doorway, his attention riveted on Niro. “She made her decision and I can see you know perfectly well what she said. She and I have both had a rough time and have no desire to have you screw things up again.” His tone had shifted from calm to icy. “So take your hands off her and get out. Now. It’s over.”

Niro smirked at Riley, then turned back to Reva. “Reva? Is he making your decisions now?”

“No, he isn’t. But what he says is right: it’s over, Niro. It has been and kisses and wishes don’t change that.” Reva looked up at Niro. “Goodbye.”

Niro studied her face for several seconds and finally, the tenderness in his expression faded. “I see.” His voice had taken on a reserved tone. “Very well.” He stood and crossed to the door, where Riley stood with his arms crossed. He simply nodded and passed on through to the corridor.

"Rye?" Reva sounded very small and stressed. She scooted back on the bed till her back was against the head of it; her eyes were wide.

Riley hurried across to the bed and slipped over beside her, drawing her close. “It’s alright, I’m here. And he won’t bother you again. I know….” He could read her distress over the anger they had both sensed in Niro. “I’ll see to it that he stays away. Don’t worry.”

The rising rage she'd felt coming off of Niro matched what she'd felt from Fisher in her last hours with him. She shook in Riley's arms and held onto his shirt. "He's mad. I'm glad we'll have new quarters. He won't know where we are."

“I’ll be there too, so you two don’t have to worry about anything.” He also intended to speak to Darwin about the situation too, since he’d likely be around soon. Riley suspected that he might have words with Niro before Reva did. “Not a thing.” He decided to change the subject, hoping to settle her down. “Was Solis here?”

She nodded. "He said my tingly nerves are normal and should ease up." She put her head on his shoulder. "While you were in the Brig, I got a taste of what life would be like without a Fleet career. It seems like it'd get boring pretty quick."

“I think so too. Besides, you’re really good at what you do. Why do you think Chief Jenkins rides you so hard?” He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Hmm. I thought she just didn't like me. Female competition and all that. After all, I'm prettier than she is," she joked before yawning.

“You are, but don’t tell her I said so.” He noted the yawn and smiled. “Time for sleep for you. It’s been a big day.”

Nodding, she got up long enough to do a trip around the room and come back to fluff the pillows and settle in. "I'm good."

“I have a few reports to catch up on and a message from Tess to get to, so I’ll be awake a bit longer. You get comfortable.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Tomorrow, I’ll take you home.”

"You're not leaving me alone, are you?"

“No, I’ll be right here. Just leave me some room so I can crawl in later.” He kissed her once more and slipped from the bed. “I brought the padds with me.”

She smiled and was soon asleep.

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Ensign Reva Madhava


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