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A Male Problem

Posted on Thu Oct 1st, 2015 @ 10:47pm by Suresh & Niro & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Seyla's Quarters

Deep into her accounting work for her business, Seyla didn't notice when the door chime sounded and Bella answered it, letting in a common visitor. Hurrying to Seyla's side, an agitated Bella nudged Seyla and whispered, "I want to leave. He makes me nervous, Sey."

Glancing at her visitor and frowning, Seyla touched Bella and nodded. "Go find Jonah. He'll take you for a chocolate."

Smiling, Bella carefully stepped around the man and hurried out.

"What is it you want?" Seyla asked him.

“Nice to see you too, Sey,” Niro answered. He flopped on the sofa, his expression glum. “Life sucks some days.”

"It must, otherwise there wouldn't be a way to measure good days." Seyla watched him. "Why are you here?"

“To tell you that Reva is home, as is Riley who apparently grew a pair on this trip,” Niro answered. “Now that he’s gotten all he-man, she doesn’t want to see me anymore.”

"Why would that surprise you? The part about her not seeing you, not that he grew a pair - that surprises me as much as it does you. But she had already told you once that she didn't want to see you." Seyla shook her head and shrugged.

“She did, then changed her mind.” He shrugged and leaned his head back, looking at the ceiling. “I could get rid of him but I doubt it would change anything. Maybe she’s not worth the effort. Too much trouble, not like Falasin, who I can’t get to right now.”

"Falasin? The Andorian from that weird little woman's shop? She's worth your effort?" Seyla scoffed. "But, yes, Reva is off the list - Suresh and I talked about her new watchdog, the Orion Robart."

“Male Orion? I’ve seen him in Saturnalia. Interesting. Is he related?” Not that he cared really. He had more important things on his mind. “Yes Falasin. I had her in the palm of my hand till she freaked out and ran off.”

"Robart is, from what my sources say, sort of Reva's uncle. He's one of her mother's husbands, as much of a husband as Orions like Europa have. Reva's father was one of Europa's husbands," Seyla told him. "What made Falasin freak out?"

“She overheard a conversation I was having and misinterpreted it,” Niro lied. “She thinks I’ve done something terrible but I can’t even get to her to tell her what it really was. It’s Six’s fault.” His voice turned venomous.

"Ah. Lots of things seem to be that one's fault. Starting with Reva catching that slave trader's attention." Seyla said, ignoring that it wasn't an accurate statement.

Niro nodded. “She was the one who spoke to Falasin, urged her to get away from me and now she has….and she ran right to Six, who’s keeping her ‘safe from me’ in her quarters. What the hell?”

"That's an awfully good place to keep away from you. Any attempt to get in could be dangerous for you. What will you do? Send her flowers?"

“What will that do?” Niro asked. “I need to talk to Falasin and it’s important, whether Six wants it or not. It’s really none of her concern.”

"Send Falasin the flowers with a message that you want to see her." Seyla shook her head again. "If the message is sweet enough, she just might leave Six's place and come to you."

“Worth a shot. I saw Six and she was obviously not going to help me out.” He frowned a moment. “I think living with Suresh is making her difficult, not that I can’t deal with that.”

"Difficult? She's a fucking Borg." Seyla paused. "Okay, I've given you advice. What more do you want?"

“Your help. Get Falasin away from her. At least get her out in public?” Niro leaned forward as he
spoke. “That’s all I want.”

"Oh? That's all?" She rolled her eyes. "It'd be easier to pull Six and Suresh out of their apartment, leaving Falasin alone."

“Or at least him. Good idea,” Niro answered. “At least him so Six will open the door. And for her sake, I hope she has the good sense not to stand in my way.”

"Him, he's easy to call out. He's my business partner," Seyla said. "When?"

“Soon, before Falasin goes overboard,” Niro grumbled. As he finished speaking, the chime sounded.

Seyla rose and checked the view screen for a visual of who was at the door. Smiling, she opened it and let in Suresh. "My dear partner, Suresh. I believe you know of Niro."

Suresh stepped in and stopped, eyeing Niro. “Hello, Niro. I have seen you here and there, though we’ve never had the chance to talk.” He looked back to Seyla. “Sorry to barge in but I’m on my way to meet a friend and thought you might like to talk beforehand.”

"That seems to be all I ever do anymore: talk to men. Is this a private conversation?" She tilted her head towards Niro.

“Oh?” Suresh smiled at her. “Long dry spell?” He looked to Niro too. “It is private if you don’t mind, Niro.”

"I'm getting plenty, thanks," Seyla growled. "Niro, I'll see you in a bit." She tried to smile, but the smile she managed didn't work well.

“Sure. I’ll leave you two to thrash it out.” He grinned, making his meaning clear as he crossed to the door. “Later, Sey.”

Once Niro was out of the room, Seyla asked, "Well? What might I want to talk to you about?"

“I’m on my way to see Lazan. Anything I should pass along?” Suresh leaned against the wall, watching her.

She noted his gaze. "Pass along to Lazan? Oh, yes, please pass along my love," she said, moving towards him with seductive dance-like moves. "Perhaps I should demonstrate just how to pass that along."

“You barely tolerate me, Sey, why the come-on now?” Suresh smiled as he looked down at her. “Though I suppose I am a better choice than Niro...from what I hear about the man.”

"I have a better man than either of you waiting for me. This isn't a come-on. It's a tease."

He laughed now. “Forgetting I have my woman at home?” He looked around, then back at Seyla. “I don’t see anyone here waiting. What if I took you up on it?”

"I'd put you out the door," she said, smiling. "And then I'd tell Six all about how you couldn't keep your hands off me."

“We both know it’s not going to happen. Now, about Lazan? Then tell me why you associate with Niro. Six isn’t too fond of him.”

"What about Lazan? I have nothing for him. As for Niro, he was useful for a while but now he's not. So there is no association. He failed in the task I asked of him."

“What was that?” Suresh took her hand and led her over to the sofa, then sat. “I’m getting more curious about the man the more I hear of him.”

"I thought you already knew, Suresh. Getting forgetful in your old age?" She laughed. "Reva. Reva was his task. She's back on the Station, but is even more in fascination with Riley than before."

“He’s a nice fellow, Seyla, and cares very deeply for her from what I’ve seen.” Suresh nodded. “So much has happened since then that your project slipped out of my mind.”

"Yes, a nice fellow. She'll be bored with him within a few weeks," Seyla said cynically. "I'm surprised you forgot, since she's been a thorn in your side."

“Personal matters, Seyla, took precedence.” His smile was bright as he spoke. “I’m sure you understand.”

"Hmm. Perhaps." She got up and went to her bar. Lately, she didn't like her life; it was too full of men like Suresh and Niro. Asses, both. And where had Will been the past night? "If you're off to see Lazan, then go."

“I will.” Suresh rose and smoothed his pants. “If there’s anything important you should know, I’ll come by later. Take care.” He departed, leaving her alone in her quarters.

She sneered at the closed door then went back to her books.


The Single Name Gang


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