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Parker's Competition

Posted on Thu Oct 1st, 2015 @ 11:30pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Solaana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Palace - Archadia

Beaming out of and back to the Palace had created a stir - it seemed that everyone knew the Prime Minister had gone to SB900 for one reason or another. Only a few had the story correct: that the Prime Minister's First Consort had gotten sick and needed emergency medical treatment. News spread quickly that the First Consort would recover fully and that the Prime Minister had chosen a new, and third, Consort.

They arrived back at the palace, having beamed directly to Solaana’s bedroom along with Darwin. One of the guards entered and once updated, took the time to share the latest palace gossip. Solaana updated him, including the real reason for Will’s collapse. He didn’t need to be told twice and hurried off to alert the rest of the guards to be on watch.

Will looked around the room, then sat on the edge of the bed. “This is not exactly how I’d planned to spend my time down here.” He smiled at Solaana. “You can ignore what Earl said about my extracurricular activities, however. I’ll be the judge of that.”

"Come on, Doc, rest easy for the night. The Minister has a second one of you," Darwin said.

"I have two, you mean," Solaana sidled up beside Darwin and put a hand on his ass.

Darwin's brows rose and he laughed, "Yeah, just as a cover ....oh." He stopped smiling and looked at William for help.

“Just as a cover,” Will agreed. “She may have a second but for the next few days, and nights, she’s mine. Parker can go fishing or catch up on his reading, if he knows how.”

"Right," Darwin nodded even as the Second they were talking about entered the room.

"Sola!" Parker came in and hugged the Prime Minister. "I heard that there was an attack. Were you hurt?" He caught where Solaana's hand had been and eyed Darwin.

"I'm fine, Parker, I wasn't injured. William was, but he'll be fine. It was unfortunate timing as I had just talked Michael into being my Third," she smiled at Parker then Darwin.

Nodding, Darwin raised a hand in greeting. "Parker. Will's going to be laid up for a few days. We'll have to entertain ourselves."

“But I’ll be fine,” Will informed him. “I know you were worried.” He shot Darwin a glance. “A shame you missed breakfast, it was an interesting time.”

"Oh, I'm sure," Parker drolled. "But I've done a hundred of those. I slept in instead."

Darwin nodded. "Well, it's my first evening as a Consort.... Solaana, perhaps we could find a place to be alone?" Though he'd addressed Solaana and was looking at her, he noted the frown on Parker's face.

Will fought hard to keep from laughing as he looked at Parker. “I think that’s a hint, Parker. We’re keeping Michael tonight and have some things we need to do.”

"Sol--" Parker started to protest but Solaana cut him off. "Parker, you know the rules. Off you go."

With a glare at Will and Darwin, Parker headed out of the room. Solaana sighed, "He's a jealous one."

Will watched him go as well and shook his head. “Solaana, darling, have you talked to anyone here since we transported out this morning? Besides the guards?”

"The doctors who supplied the antidote. That's it. Well, and the chef, since we have one more than usual," she indicated Darwin. "And our servants, though I didn't speak to them directly."

Darwin frowned. Security for this one was a nightmare. "What are you thinking, Will?"

“Well, the people at the breakfast had no idea what really happened, just that I collapsed. We three left immediately and just got home. The guard was told what really happened but in a matter of security, he wouldn’t be talking. So why would he assume there was an attack?”

"Glad you caught that, too, Will. He's the jealous type? Jealous enough that he'd try to eliminate his competition?" Darwin was looking at Solaana as he asked the question.

She laughed and shook her head. "Parker? Try to eliminate someone? No. Just no! He's too.... Besides, he would be the type to beat Will up, use his muscles, not try to poison him. Poisoning takes cunning."

“Unless he knew he’d be suspected and hired someone with the know-how to do it.” Will frowned as he said it. “I’m not saying he did but it’s something to keep in mind. He’s never been happy with my presence here. I am responsible for his...demotion, if you will, Michael.”

Frowning, Darwin couldn't understand that for a moment: the guy was still getting to bed the highest ranked woman on the planet, what more could he want? "Demotion, huh? Does he love you?"

Solaana shrugged. "I suppose. He's a handsome, healthy male."

Will caught Darwin’s look and nodded. “He temporarily got to sit in the first spot and then moved back down. It’s complicated.” He looked to Solaana now. “He likes the position.”

Blinking, Darwin made a herculean effort not to glance up and down along Solaana's figure. Instead, he focused on Will. "Ah... right. The position. I'm sure that's all he likes. Is second that much different from first?"

“He’s playing second fiddle to a human, Mike, and gets pushed aside anytime I am here.” Will smiled finally. “It’s the power more than anything I think and he knows that I’m here because of Solaana, not the court prestige. She and I go way back.”

"And now you want another human in your bed?"

Solaana laughed. "Yes, I would. If William weren't there."

"Uh... If I leave, then Parker will know, won't he?" Darwin looked uncomfortable.

“Know what?” Will asked.

"Know that I left the room and I'm not here, doing.... Ah, acting as a Consort."

"My sitting room is out the other door, Michael. You can sleep there tonight," Solaana informed Darwin.

Looking relieved, Darwin headed for the door. "Doc, don't strain anything!", he called back before exiting the room.

Will looked up at Solaana. “I think you should order the guard not to allow anyone to set foot in here tonight, just to be safe until we figure this out.”

Agreeing with him, she did as he suggested then returned to the bed with a tray of food. "We haven't eaten since breakfast."

“That’s true.” He took the tray as she sat down by him. He reached for a pastry, broke off a bite and offered it to her. “I’d wanted to spend the day with you but not like this.”

"Yes. Hopefully my guards will find the man who did this. When they do, he'll be executed for it." She partly undressed before joining him in the bed and leaned in to kiss him.

He moved the tray aside and kissed her, pulling her close. “It’s been a hell of a day, hasn’t it? I'm sorry I worried you. I could see it in your eyes and I was determined not to let you be without me.”

"I'm glad I'm not without you," she replied.

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.
Lt. M. Darwin


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