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Three Strikes

Posted on Sat Oct 3rd, 2015 @ 7:39pm by Falasin & Niro & Mamu B'yaga

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh & Six's Quarters

Leaving Seyla's, Niro unhurriedly strolled along, confident that Suresh wouldn't be returning to his quarters anytime soon. If Six were home, then he'd handle her; his goal was simply to see Falasin and convince her to come back to the Korenna with him. He stopped along the way and picked up a bouquet of blue, white and yellow flowers.

Arriving near Suresh's Quarters, he paused just out of sight and stretched his telepathy to determine who was home and who, if anyone, was watching the place. Falasin, he felt easily; he'd been intimate with her and her mind was well-known to him. He was surprised, though, to not sense anyone else: no Six, no guard, no one else. He smiled and strolled to the door to ring the chime.

Six had gone to visit Reva, leaving Falasin to relax in the quarters. She had made lunch for herself, then decided to run through the shower. She was just dressing and fluffing up her wet hair when the door chime rang. Singing a little tune, and assuming it was likely Mamu, she hurried to the door and opened it. The tune died on her lips when she saw Niro. Immediately she tried to close the door but he hand stopped it.

“What are you doing here Niro?” She mentally reviewed the room, considering what might make a good weapon.

"My dear Falasin," he acted hurt - and for this reason, he liked Falasin better than Reva: Falasin couldn't read his real emotions, "I've come to plea my case and ask you to come back. Please?" He presented the flowers to her. "May I come in?"

Her eyes lit up at the sight of the flowers and she reached out, then stopped. Looking up at him, her eyes narrowed as she debated his words. “Why do you want me to come back?”

"Because I miss you. Your energy, your joy; you're unlike other women I've dated and I like that. I like you, Fal." He'd read her desires, what she wanted, and answered them. Now he pushed her, mentally, just a little.

It was enough to get her to take the flowers from him. She held them to her nose, breathing in their perfume. “They’re lovely. Thank you, Niro.” Her tone had softened considerably. “Is this about the other day? Falon seemed so angry and so did you.” She chose not to mention the overheard conversation just yet.

"I know, my dear. I'm so sorry we frightened you, but it was nothing, just a misunderstanding." His words were backed by another nudge, something to promote her to remember that day differently. "Could we talk? Inside?"

“No. I mean, not in here. I don’t think Suresh would want anyone in his quarters when he’s not home,” she answered. The mental nudge pulled her closer to Niro. “You did scare me and I hadn’t done anything wrong. I just heard….” She stopped and her forehead wrinkled in thought. “You were talking with someone but I didn’t overhear what they said if that’s what’s worrying you.”

"That? Oh, Falasin! It was you, you worried me. You looked like something had scared you and then you ran." He carefully reached out to her, putting a hand on her back to pull her a little closer. Conveniently, that was also the hold Enarans used when wiping a person's memory. It was a matter of seconds: he found the memory, saw she wasn't telling him the truth and then wiped it clean, right through when she woke up at Suresh's this morning. "When Six called to say you were here, and safe, I was so relieved."

“Six called you?” Niro’s touch sent a thrill through her as it always had and she pressed even closer. “She doesn’t like you at all, you know.”

"Oh, I know." He hugged her close, breathing in her scent. "That might be Riley's and Suresh's doing - I dated Reva, and those two didn't appreciate that."

“Reva? Really?” Falasin pulled back enough to look up at him. “When?”

"Oh, I figured you knew. It was over a while ago and she doesn't hold a candle to you," he said, smiling.

Her smile faltered, then her expression went blank and her antennae tilted towards him. “The bra in your bedroom,” she said. “And the dresses. I see. It couldn’t have been that long since you still have all her stuff.” She tried to slip out of his arms. “Liar.”

His jaw set tightly and his expression changed. "Liar? Did you just call me a liar?" He grabbed by the arms and shook her, angrily demanding, "Do you know what I could do to you?"

“Six was right about you,” she hissed at him. “And Mamu too. You are a vile worm. Let go of me!”

This was his third rejection in less than two days; his anger spiked and then he yelped suddenly and, releasing Falasin, grabbed at his shin. He then found himself warding off, and failing badly, several blows from a walking stick wielded by his least favorite creature: "Mamu, stop! Stop it, you toad!" He grabbed the stick finally and held it.

"You stop! Manhandle her not or I will unman you!" Mamu delivered a solid kick to his shin and snatched her stick back.

“That’s a great idea, Mamu.” as Niro bent to rub his shin, she kicked, and made solid contact with his groin. “That’s for Reva too. I don’t know what you did to her but I can certainly imagine it.”

His eyes nearly fell out of his head as he gasped for air and tried not to vomit. He had no one to vent his anger and pain on, though, as Mamu pushed him out of the way, pulled Falasin into the quarters and closed the door on him. "Falasin!" He shouted. He kept at it till two of the Station's finest in gold came and hauled him away.

Bad Nut

Good Aim

Mamu B'yaga
Good Timing


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