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Playboy In Sickbay

Posted on Sat Oct 10th, 2015 @ 2:09am by Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Vic & Falasin & Ensign Reva Madhava & Ensign Chanella Jackson & Desta

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

* Suresh’s Quarters *

“Six is off the station, Ophelia. Is there something I can do for you?” Suresh smiled back at her image in his view screen.

“Oh.” Ophelia debated that for a moment, then nodded. “Vic is here for an overnight stay. There was an incident and he was stabbed and is recovering from surgery. He had asked that I inform Six.”

Suresh maintained his pleasant expression and nodded. “I see. I can certainly call her and let her know. Is he going to be alright?”

“He will be. All the damage has been repaired and he’ll be out of here tomorrow,” Ophelia answered.

“Very well, thank you.” He closed the channel immediately and sat silent, pondering just what this meant. Likely nothing, but then again….suspicion gnawed at him and his conversation with Riley came back to mind. He desperately hoped Riley was right. Even so, there was no harm in satisfying his curiosity. He rose and in a few swift strides, was out the door.

* Piper Medical Center *

“Everything looks good Vic.” Chanella smiled and patted his arm. “As usual. Anything I can get for you?”

He smiled. “Naw, I think I can get whatever I need. Thanks.” Winking, he amped up his charm just a hair.

She laughed and shook her head. “Ophelia warned me to watch out for you. You be good and get some rest and I’ll be back a little later.” She turned as a soft knock sounded on the door. “And you have company. I’ll leave you to it then.” She opened the door and slipped out.

A moment later, Suresh looked appeared in the doorway. “May I come in?”

Tensing slightly, Vic nodded. “Yeah. What brings you by?” Vic had, thanks to the haze of drugs, already forgotten he’d asked Ophelia to call Six.

Suresh moved on into the room, letting the door close behind him. He wasn’t sure what he expected to feel when he got here but it was clear Vic had been through a rough time. Suresh was surprised to find that he was a little worried for this man, despite his deep fear regarding him and Six.

“Ophelia called, looking for Six. She said you’d asked her to call and let Six know you were here.”

“Oh. I did, did I?” Vic licked his lips and nodded. “And... Is Six with you?” He was a touch worried that Suresh was here, particularly if he was here without Six.

“No, that’s why I came. She’s down on Archadia with Reva and two other friends. Don’t worry, I have Farco and Edana watching them.” He’d noticed Vic licking his lips, so he poured a glass of water and held it out to him. “How’re you feeling?”

Taking the glass, Vic sipped the water and considered how to respond. “...well, I was stabbed and had my nose broken. Solis fixed me up, so I feel just fine. How are you doing? Missing Six? How long has she been gone?”

“They went down yesterday.” Suresh sat on the chair by the bed and relaxed back into it. “They were planning to come back tomorrow. She thought it might be good for Reva, given everything she’s suffered the past few weeks. I’m glad they were able to get you well so soon.”

“Modern medicine,” Vic grinned. “That’s great that she and Reva are together; I’m sure Reva needs it. Um... so why are you here? Did you tell Six that I’m here?”

He paused, uncertain how to handle this, and finally nodded. “I came as soon as Ophelia called but I will send a message down to tell her what happened. She’ll be worried.”

“Yeah, I suppose she will be,” Vic nodded then held out the glass and asked, “Would you mind putting this back?” When Suresh reached out to take the glass, Vic made sure to touch him. In that brief contact, he read Suresh’s thoughts and saw bits of his conversation with Riley. “Huh. ‘kay, so you know?”

“Know? Know what?” Suresh wasn’t sure exactly what Vic meant. “You mean who stabbed you? No, Ophelia didn’t say.”

“No, we know who stabbed me. Don’t worry about that,” Vic waved that concern away. “Actually, I meant you know about me dating Six, her choosing you... etc.”

Suresh pursed his lips, then nodded. “Yeah. She said that…..” he paused and rubbed his eyes. “I know that it was hard for her,” he finally admitted.

“And Riley told you.” He shrugged. “Sorry, telepath - I just read a little bit. Six chose you, is engaged to you...” He shook his head.

“I’m sorry, Vic.” Suresh sighed softly. “I made her one promise when this all started - that I wouldn’t push her into anything and that whatever happened would be her decision. It seemed the only fair thing after a life in the hive. If it helps at all, I kept that promise.”

“I didn’t say anything about you, Suresh. Obviously you love her, she loves you. Why are you here, again?”

“To check on you since she is away. Whatever has happened, she cares about you and I care for her. You’re important to her so I thought I’d see if you need anything.”

Nodding slightly, Vic admitted to himself that he was a bit creeped out by Suresh being here. “And see if I have designs on Six still.”

“No. That’s really none of my business.” He realized suddenly that Vic had been away and hadn’t heard the news that was likely buzzing around Intel by now about their sudden wedding.

Vic wasn’t sure how it wasn’t Suresh’s business - they were talking about Suresh’s girlfriend, after all. “Right, then I’ll just remain silent about my intentions and do what I want to do.”

“Do you?” Suresh had to ask the question. “Since you brought it up.”

“Of course, she’s a beautiful woman.” He grinned.

Suresh had to laugh at Vic’s comment. “I have to agree with you there. She’s --” He stopped as the sound of several excited voices reached them through the door. Suresh was secretly glad of the interruption to head off news that Vic really didn’t want to hear. “I think the girls are back early.”

“Vic, hey --- oh gods, you!” Reva was first in the door and backpedaled when she saw Suresh. Warily eyeing the Romulan, she edged around him to Vic. “Hey, how are you?” She leaned in and hugged him.

“Reva,” he held her and put his hand on her hair. “I’m good. How are you?”

“Surviving,” she whispered to him. “Oh, this is our friend, Desta,” she turned slightly and gestured at Desta.

When she was pointed out Desta stepped back, trying to get out of the spotlight. She nodded slightly as she looked from Vic to Suresh and back.

Six took her hand and held it for a moment. “It’s okay, Vic’s a good friend of ours and this is Suresh.” She leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Thanks for calling.”

“Sure,” he answered with a smile.

Six stepped over to the bed to give Vic a quick hug. “Glad to see you’re all stitched up. You know, if you’re really good, Ophelia will bring you ice cream.”

Vic nodded in greeting at Desta before Six hugged him and he hugged her back. “I’ve tried charming her, but she’s been resistant to the idea so far.” He shrugged and smiled sweetly. “You okay?”

“I’m good. We were out on the lake when the message about you came in so we got cleaned up and hurried back home.” Six looked at him quizzically, wondering why he and Suresh were here in the room together but didn’t ask.

“We did stop in town and got these for you.” Falasin placed a large vase full of bright purple and yellow flowers on the table by the bed. She stepped back and nodded. “Much better.”

“Well, thank you, Fal! Those are great,” Vic grinned. “I should get hurt more often - this is rather nice having four beautiful women come to see me. Now, if any of you would like to stay the night? Reva, not you. Six, not you either. Volunteers?”

“Vic,” Reva laughed and slapped his arm playfully.

Off to the side, Desta smiled shyly. “I’ll stay,” she said quietly.

“Oh, no, Des,” Reva laughed. “You’ll come home with me. Vic’s a big boy and can handle being here all by himself just fine.” She went over and put an arm around Desta then whispered in her ear. Desta blushed and said, “Oh, I won’t.”

“Company’s always good in here, trust me.” Six looked at Reva and her eyes twinkled. “He’s under strict orders to rest anyway. You’ll be safe here Desta.”

“Safe? Then I’ll stay,” Desta contradicted herself. “Vic has been injured, so he’ll rest and no one else will be coming in here.”

“Well, that’d be rather nice,” Vic said. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a sleepover that involved just sleep.”

“Hmph,” was Six’s only comment to that, then she turned back to Desta. “We’ll have them bring you in something to eat, Des.”

“I can stop in later too, if you want,” Falasin added.

"Come sit with me, Desta," Vic drawled and patted the bed beside him. Desta was quick to do as he said, perching beside him.

Reva shot Six a frown then leaned in to hug Vic again. "I'm going to find Riley. Desta, whenever you want to come home, just call me. See you in the morning, otherwise."

Vic squeezed Reva's hand and thought to her, Don't worry about Desta, I'll just talk with her.

"Right," Reva nodded. "Six, Suresh, thanks for the trip to Archadia." She hugged Six but stayed back from Suresh - the idea of hugging him made her skin crawl; at least she hadn't yelled at him, though. Or about him.

“Have fun with Riley.” Six winked at Reva, then turned to Falasin and Des. “Fal, why don’t you take Des down and see what Ophelia can get her for lunch?”

"Sure thing. Des?", Falasin waited till Desta joined her then they headed out toward the nurses' station.

Vic watched the three go before focusing on Six again. "Who is Desta?"

Six rested her hands on Suresh’s shoulders and squeezed them. “Will you give us a minute? I’ll be right out. I just need to brief Vic on a few things.”

Suresh stood and took her in his arms, hugging her close. “Sure, I’ll be right outside. Take care Vic.” Suresh, too, left the room and when the door closed, Six moved back to the biobed. “Desta was found on the slaver’s ship Vic. She’d been there two years and somehow she survived it but it’s left her in a shaky state, which is putting it mildly. Please, be careful with her?”

"Oh... No wonder then that Reva... She's living with Reva?" He frowned. "No worries, I'll be a perfect gentleman. After all, my heart's still set on someone else."

“She’s staying with Reva for a little while, yes. I’d suggest leaving the door open. She’s very wary.” She squeezed Vic’s hand. “Anything you need tonight?”

"No, I'm sure Ophelia or Chanella will feed me and I'll have Desta here to talk to. I'll be good, Six. I like the idea of leaving the door open, too." In his statement, it wasn't the physical door to his room that he meant; he meant the door to a relationship with Six.

“You be good and we’ll catch up once you’re out of here. I want to hear about Enara too.” She started to step back but his hand tightened on hers. “I should go.”

"Dinner again? Like we did before? Away from prying eyes?"

“We’ll discuss it once you’re out.” They could hear Desta and Falasin talking with Suresh outside now. “Glad you’re okay.” She leaned over to hug him once more.

"So am I," he agreed, hugging her close before letting her go.

Lt. Ophelia Payne
Ensign Chanella Jackson
Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six Of Ten


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