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Posted on Sat Oct 10th, 2015 @ 9:24pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center / Turbolift / Suresh's Quarters

* Piper Medical Center *

Six emerged from Vic’s room and slipped her hand into Suresh’s as he stood talking to Desta and Falasin.

“I’m ready when you are,” she said. “Des, if you need anything, like when Vic’s asleep and you get bored, call and we’ll take care of it.”

Desta nodded. She was holding a tray with two cups of hot chocolate and a plate of small cookies. "Don't worry about me," she said, smiling slightly, and disappeared into Vic's room.

“I’m going to Mamu’s,” Falasin decided. “She went back to the shop and I know she needs some help catching up. Don’t worry though, she said security is posted so we’ll be fine.” She hugged Six, then patted Suresh’s cheek. Moments later, she was gone.

"Mamu... What is she, anyway?" Suresh mused as he caught Six's hand and they moved to leave Piper. "Don't say shop owner."

“That’s a good question, my love,” Six answered. “I honestly have no idea. Do you know she can lick her own eyeball?” They stepped into the lift and began the long descent.

Suresh's reaction was comical: he stuck his tongue out, gagged and screwed up his face, "Oh gods! You're kidding, aren't you? She can lick her... oh, ugh!" He shuddered.

“Would I lie to you?” She smiled up at him. “I saw her do it. She has a mean aim with that stick of hers too. I wouldn’t want to cross her.” She let go of his hand and slipped her arms around him. “Did you miss me?” She sensed some uncertainty in him and she was curious.

“Very much, my love.” He kissed her lightly. “And I’m very glad we’re heading away from Sickbay.”

“Me too. They people there are wonderful but it’s not exactly my favorite place to be. The memory’s still a little too fresh.” She hugged him closer as she studied his face. “What’s up? You feel….unsettled. Did I miss something while I was gone?”

“Just the call from Vic,” he shook his head, frowning and looking past Six at the lift’s number display. “That and something Riley told me. It’s nothing, though.”

“What was it?” She was more than a little curious about this conversation with Riley, wondering why anything he’d said would be a concern. “Tell me.”

“No, no, he told me things...,” suddenly he grinned. “You can’t read me, can you? I’m wearing that pendant you gave me.” He laughed. “Riley couldn’t read me either, then. That’s sort of funny. Anyway, he just told me not to worry about Vic. And then Vic called. I gather that Vic doesn’t know we’re married.”

“I can’t sense anything, I’m having to rely on good old normal senses, but I can still figure out that something’s bothering you.” Then she shook her head. “No. He’s been off the station since we got back. This is the first time I’ve talked to him and I didn’t think that here, with everyone else looking on, was the place or the time.”

“I suppose. He needs to know, though, my dear. Promise you’ll tell him when you see him next.”

“I will, pause lift,” she ordered. “Tell me you’re not worried about him and me?”

“Yes, I am. I worry about you all the time - that you’re safe, that you’re happy, that no one will steal you away from me. I know, even Riley says that I don’t need to worry about that last part. But he is concerned about Niro.”

She took his face in her hands and her expression was stern. “I married you, remember? It wasn’t on a whim either, it was because I love you. I’ve gone through a lot to be here, right now, with you. There’s nowhere else I want to be.” She took a deep breath and decided it was time he was reminded of something. “I chose you. Once we bonded, there was no going back for me. It’s the whole Halanan thing. Even without that, I’d still be here.”

“Riley said that, too.” He kissed her. “I love you, Six. Now let’s go home.”

“Computer, resume lift.” She kissed him once more. “Falasin is worried about Niro too. She said he’s blaming me for all his problems of late - turning her against him, turning Reva against him, she even mentioned being responsible for keeping Eli alive. I’m being careful, though.”

“Good. I’ll make sure that Farco and Patch are informed and aware that they are to kill him if he so much as sneezes in your direction. And I won’t mind a bit if you want to stay close to home for the time being.” He rubbed her back and let one hand move lower to cup her bottom.

“I don’t want to go anywhere until at least tomorrow. It was so strange sleeping alone last night. I actually considered transporting home after they were all asleep, staying the night with you, then slipping back before they got up.” Six smiled as he pressed her close. “Careful, I might pause the lift again.”

“I could handle pausing the lift, though Security might have a fit and is probably watching the security feed already. I don’t really want them to get an eyeful of anything of yours,” he growled possessively and kissed her neck. “I just want to get you home.”

His tone sent a thrill through her and she nodded. “Same here.” She tilted her head back as his lips brushed her throat and the lift doors chose that moment to open behind them. She laughed softly. “Time to go. We have an audience,” she murmured.

An audience indeed: an audience of one Romulan woman who was staring at the two as if her eyes might crawl from their sockets and beat Suresh as he simply laughed and passed the woman by. Several paces on, she was still staring at them and Suresh leaned into Six to nip at her just behind her ear. He was oblivious to the Romulan woman.

“Do you know her?” Six whispered. “She’s really angry...and it seems to be at you. Maybe we offended her?”

“Hmm?” Suresh glanced back just as the turbolift doors closed. He caught enough of a glance of the woman that he stopped in his tracks. His thoughts raced as he matched a name to the face. “Oh shit. That was Xerena.” He recalled now Tog’s ‘chance’ meeting with him and that this universe’s Suresh had been married to her. “I need to talk to Tog.”

“Why? What’s wrong? And who’s Xerena?”

“Um...,” he winced. “My wife.”

Six’s eyes widened and she was silent until they were safely in their quarters. “Your wife??”

“Not mine, but the old Suresh’s. Tog came around a while ago and showed me some personal paperwork from his files, one of the documents was a marriage certificate to Xerena. She’s supposed to be on Romulus, though.”

“So she has no idea you are not him, nor does anyone else in the population at large.” Six began to pace. “And wondering just who the hell I am, I bet.” She paused and turned to face him. “She was also jealous. I am betting your bricks of latinum she’s here to get you back.”

“Those are my bricks! Received thanks to Robart thinking I was going to snuff out Riley and make Reva unhappy!” He laughed despite the seriousness of the wife discussion. “Yes, she’s probably wondering just who you are... either that or she’s convinced you’re just some girl-of-the-week.”

“Lovely,” Six huffed, then stopped. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be upset by this. I know now how you feel about Vic.” She crossed back to wrap her arms around him. “What will you do?”

He chuckled, “You mean we’re even? I don’t know what I’ll do. I won’t leave you for her, so don’t worry about that. But I need to talk to Tog - he was supposed to send her a settlement and get her to sign a divorce decree. If he told her to come here, I’ll kill him myself.”

“Not if I get to him first.” Six laughed. “I can rub his ears till he’s putty in my hands. Simple.” She hugged him tight and sighed. “Let’s worry about her and Tog later, okay?”

“Oh, definitely. Especially when you hold me like this,” he wiggled in her arms then kissed her, directing her back towards their bedroom.

Husband of the Week (Not in a Good Way)

Ensign Six Of Ten
Not The Girl Of The Week


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