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Splitting a Partnership

Posted on Sat Oct 17th, 2015 @ 5:42pm by Janice Gree & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Further Challenges

Jan’s Quarters

Waking up next to someone was unusual for Janice; she paused to remember just who this was and smiled as she recalled their night. The recollection brought with it the knowledge that she hadn’t had much sleep, so what had woken her?

Her answer came in the form of her door chime: it rang. “Oh...,” she sat up and lightly brushed a lock of hair from her lover’s brow. She then got up and, drawing a robe around her, answered the door. “Gods... do you know what time it is?”, she complained at her visitor.

“Yeah, I’m sorry sugar. Oz is leavin’ early on a mission and so I had to get up. Then we couldn’t find Iggy, then Oz had to get to the ship. Security is scannin’ the station to see if they can spot Iggy.“ Jackson stopped to take a breath. “Anyhow, I had an idea that I wanna talk to ya about.”

“More guessing about who I’m taking time off to see?” She chuckled and stepped back to let him in. “Where is Oz off to?”

“They didn’t say exactly. Dae can be pretty close-mouthed when he wants ta be.” Jackson stopped and looked around the living room, then gave a low whistle. “Someone wants to impress you.”

“Oh, he already has,” she laughed, cupped one of the flowers in her hand and smelled it. “They’re beautiful. Surely Iggy will turn up; ya don’t think she’s off making another sack of eggs with some random gigolo, do you? You should have her on... pregnancy control or something.”

“Hey, I don’t even wanna think about that.” Jackson sat down, then shook his head. “I doubt it though. She’s likely off in search of breakfast. All three of her kiddos were sleeping in their terrariums when I left. They’ll be picked up later before I go to the Club.” He stopped and looked at all the flowers scattered around the room. “I’m the one who’s impressed Jan. Whoever this is seems to be goin’ all out for ya. That’s good ta see.”

“He is,” she nodded. “Don’t think that Woody didn’t - he was great fun, Jackson, and I dearly adore him. But he knew we were just playing around. This one, J, is more serious.” She took another deep breath of the flower’s scent. “What idea has prompted you to show up at this hour?”

“Yer right about Woody. You both knew just what the deal was and he’ll be fine. The distance was just too much too, ya know?” Her other comment made him curious though. “Serious? How ya feel about that? It’s kinda a switch for ya Jan.”

“I’m in love, J, so it’s all sorts of giddy happiness,” she said, letting some of that happiness radiate outward in her smile. “It is still a little strange. He and I have been separated for a bit, but he’s here now and that’s all that counts.”

“Separated? So you knew him before. I see.” A slow smile spread over his face. “Well good for ya an’ him too.” He rose and moved over to the replicator and ordered two cups of coffee. He gave one to Jan and resumed his seat. Then it hit him. “Oh….oh wow. He’s still here isn’t he? Am I interruptin’?”

“He’s sleeping,” she confirmed that he was there. “The only thing you’re interrupting is my sleep. Now, c’mon, spill it, what idea has you so excited at this hour?”

“I’ve been thinkin’ about Vic a lot lately,” he admitted. “He’s been with us a long time and he’s been through a lot recently.” He shrugged slightly. “I have no idea what’s gonna happen with him and this whole Six thing but his chances aren’t lookin’ too good right now. What he needs is somethin’ to keep him busy.”

“Something?” She gave Jackson a blank stare. “He needs someone to keep him busy. How about setting him up with Hope? Or... hell, there are other eligible women on the Station.”

Jackson shook his head. “Six’s the first one since we got here that he really pursued an’ I don’t think it’s just a casual crush. He needs some time to get past this, unless somethin’ big changes an’ Six comes back. So, here’s my idea. As long as he’s been with us, he deserves a step up don’t ya think? Let’s make him a partner.”

"Of course," she had no objection to that idea. "That'll give me more time with," she nodded her head towards her bedroom.

“And give me more time with Oz, when we’re both home at the same time.” He smiled. “I thought you’d agree. I can have Ray draw up the forms and come by tonight. Let’s surprise Vic with it.” He glanced back at the bedroom door and smiled. “This’ll at least keep him busy while he works through it all. I’d like to sit Six down and see what’s what, but it’s not my place to interfere ya know?”

"Nor mine. Not that that'll keep either of us from getting involved. Just like no protests of mine will keep you and Vic from playing a guessing game."

“All in good fun Jan, honey. Besides, if we figure it out, we won’t tell you we did.” He smiled back at her. “Alright, I’ll get hold of Ray and have him meet us all there tonight.”

"Tonight, then. For now, I'm going back to bed. Sleep is optional."

“Yeah, it’s still early and I’m gonna check in with Gilroy to see if --”

Jackson was cut off by the familiar beep of a comm badge. =^= Ensign Bonham to Lt. Amani =^=

Silence fell and a wide smile spread over Jackson’s face. “Well, well……..”

Jan's eyes went wide. "Oh, crap!", she cursed then fished the commbadge out from under Jackson's butt and took it into her bedroom. When she came back out, she shook a finger at Jackson, "Don't go blabbin' that all over, now."

“My lips are sealed. You realize, though, that our new partner is a telepath so he’ll know. Partners don’t keep secrets though, huh?” Jackson rose and took her hand. “We both know that Vic’s good at keepin’ secrets.”

"We all are, my dear," she hugged him. "Now go on and find that monster of yours." She shooed him out the door and returned to Raj.


Jackson Banning V
Owner & Early Riser
The Nexus Club

Janice Greer
Owner & Secret Holder
The Nexus Club


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