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Baby Did a Bad, Bad Thing

Posted on Tue Oct 20th, 2015 @ 9:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Ensign Reva Madhava & Niro

Mission: Further Challenges

Feeling very full of herself, some might say smug, Xerena smiled and reclined on the sofa in her quarters. The bracelet on her wrist sparkled despite the low lighting in the room. She admired it a moment and chuckled. "He'd bought this just before we met for drinks," she told Niro, "Isn't he thoughtful?"

Niro rolled his eyes at her as he crossed the room to sit down. “Shows how much he thinks of his little Borg toy. If he’d known you were going to get it, it would likely have been dipped in poison.” He laughed at the thought. “So tell me what happened?”

"Oh, come now, Telepath, I don't want to kiss and tell," she smiled. "You probably like reading memories better than hearing it, don't you?"

“I do, and it will spare me at least some of your gloating.” He slipped into her thoughts and let the scenes replay for him. Finally, he shook his head. “Wow. I expected turmoil but he’ll be lucky if she ever even looks at him again. It’s perfect. Without Suresh hovering, I can get her and go.”

“Yes, now make yourself and her disappear,” she smiled.

“As soon as I can find her, consider it done,” Niro answered. “She’s been off the radar the last few hours. I have a man watching Suresh’s place, however, in case she comes home or he goes to meet her.”

“Aww, you mean she didn’t stay to hash it out with him? Such a shame,” she gloated. “I can’t wait to comfort him.” Her version of comfort matched that of the old Suresh’s.

“Not that I can tell. He went out, was gone about an hour, then came home. He is still there according to my last report,” Niro answered. “But I have little doubt that if I watch him, eventually I’ll see her.”

“I wonder where he went during that hour. Did you follow him? Or read him when he returned home?” She sounded a bit concerned, a bit less smug now.

“No. I can’t get close to him. He despises me because of Six, so seeing me is not a good idea.” Niro shrugged.

“Hmm... perhaps I should go and see if he needs a shoulder. Then again, perhaps I should let the dog lie.” She plucked a piece of lint from her dress. “What’s the first thing you’ll do with the Borg?”

“Put several hundred light years between us and this station,” Niro answered, then smiled. “After that? I don’t know that you really want to know, do you?” He relaxed back in the chair and crossed his legs. “We won’t be seen around here for a while, not until she no longer cares about anyone here.”

“With you persuading her, that shouldn’t take long. You have a mental ability that he lacks.”

At that, Niro began to laugh. “I have a lot of things that he lacks, Xerena. Why she wanted someone twice her age is beyond me. But it doesn’t matter much in the end. You did what you wanted, and now he’s ripe for your picking. I hope you two are very happy, and that he doesn’t kill you in your sleep soon.”

“Or that I do so to him,” she said then startled as the door chime sounded. “Did you invite someone else?” She stood and crossed to the door.

She opened it before he answered her question. “Oh, Station Security. Look at that,” she laughed and turned toward Niro.

”To answer your question, no, I didn’t invite them. They are at your door, not mine.” He smiled slightly, curious as to what was about to happen. Too late he considered the idea that he should have gotten to Xerena, removed the memory of his part in all this.

“Are you Xerena?” Gilroy asked, stepping forward so that the door couldn’t shut.

“Yes, Xerena, Suresh’s wife. I’ve been gone from the Station for a while. Who are you?”, she flirted with the big part-Klingon.

He frowned. “Lieutenant Gilroy, Xerena. Would you come with me to the Security offices to answer a few questions?”

“What happens if I say no?”, she laughed and it was suddenly obvious that she’d been drinking.

“Then I will be forced to arrest you and you’ll answer my questions from a cell,” he answered. Part of him hoped she’d push that option. Part of him hoped she’d require a ‘helping’ hand on the way to the Brig.

Xerena laughed and looked at Niro. “Who knew the Security on this Station had such as sense of humor?” She turned back to Gilroy, “Come now, you know Suresh. I am his wife.” The way she said it made it clear that she expected special treatment.

“What’s the trouble Lieutenant?” Niro asked Gilroy. He wanted to get up, touch Xerena, protect himself but with Gilroy there so close he didn’t dare. It would look too suspicious.

“It’s an ongoing investigation, Niro. Xerena, if you’ll come with me,” he gestured toward the door and revealed that there were two other officers in the corridor.

She glared at Gilroy. “What part of me being Suresh’s wife don’t you understand, Security?”

Glancing at Niro, Gilroy sighed. “The hard way, then. Xerena, you’re under arrest. Come peacefully....” He reached for her and she backhanded him.

The tussle was short and ended with Gilroy pushing a cuffed Xerena out of the quarters to the waiting officers. “Get her to the brig.” The two caught her, saluted and hauled Xerena away.

“Now, you, Niro. My primary witness has a sudden memory issue. But once I have a shred of physical evidence against you, you’ll be in the brig as well,” Gilroy warned Niro.

“For what exactly?” He frowned at Gilroy. “What witness? You sure you’re not looking for Suresh?”

“I’m quite sure,” Gilroy said, “You poisoned Eli and have done who knows what else on this Station. It’s about time to recycle the filth.”

“I poisoned Eli? Where did that come from? I haven’t seen him in a while except that one night at Kaleidoscope when he passed out and they had only been there a few minutes, so you might want to look elsewhere. Like the hundred or so people in that bar that night.”

“Keep claiming your innocence. I have a recorded statement from Falasin; evidence just might turn up.” Gilroy shook his head and exited the quarters.

Did a Bad Bad Thing

Did Nothing...If You Believe That

Lt. Gilroy
Did His Job


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