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Movin In Together

Posted on Wed Oct 21st, 2015 @ 2:36pm by Major David Lorenz
Edited on on Wed Oct 21st, 2015 @ 2:36pm

Mission: Further Challenges

David Lorenz was in his private quarters on the base, relaxing after returning from the harrowing escapade on an unknown planet. Captain Franklin's insane twin brother, John, had tried to have Quentin Harrison and his Recon Platoon of Marines killed. Harrison and most of the Marines made it back, but there were some casualties including two of the finest equipment techs David had known. The Crouch siblings' bodies had been immolated on the planet,but there was a memorial wake planned for Sgts Georgia and Robert Crouch.

Dave raised a glass of Terioq's Ale to his lips and took a sip. Terioq's was a potent Denobulan Ale that most humans found repulsive, yet Dave drank it with gusto, relishing the complex flavors. Sam Elliot had presented David with the bottle of potent liquor as a birthday present years ago during the infancy of Nebula Gold Security. There had been many times the bottle of Terioq's had changed hands, each time after one or the other saved his friend's life.

The doorchime beeped. "Enter," David sighed.

The door opened and Amanda Fulton walked into the residence. David looked up to see the Xenexian woman dressed to the nines in a clingy, revealing silk gown that accentuated her muscular curves. It was not generally known that David and Amanda were a couple save for their close friends. Amanda was known as a ball-busting man-hater leading several of the Marines and Fleet personnel to speculate that she preferred women over men. David and Amanda had first come together during an escort mission for Nebula Gold. The VIP got drunk on Jibetian ales and so David and Amanda decided to relieve their boredom. Over the course of several months, David and Amanda had grown closer.

"Hiya, handsome!" Amanda smiled as she slid onto David's lap.

"Hello there, gorgeous!" David smiled as his lips found hers. "I am very glad to see you!"

"I'm glad Team Four stumbled onto you guys," Amanda said when their lips parted. "Sam was getting worried and was going to deploy the Specter to find you."

David shrugged his shoulders. "We made it back thanks to NGSC and good ol' Max Kamarov, but I don't think that's why you're here!"

"Nope!" Amanda smiled and kissed him again.


The bedroom was dimly lit with bulkhead lights and candles Amanda had placed in the bedroom. Amanda was draped over David's body, her head resting on his chest. David lay on his back, his eyes closed, yet he was alert. Amanda was used to her man's "patrolman's rest" and had given up nagging him about relaxing. Instead she ran her fingers lightly across the skin of his neck and smiled contentedly. She never would have dreamed she would wind up on a starbase in the Delta quadrant falling in love with a Marine. Was she in love, she wondered, then smiled as she knew she had fallen for the dark haired man underneath her.

"I am empathic, you know," David smiled. "I think you are quite content."

"I am glad that my man is back," Amanda replied with a sleepy smile.

"I am glad to be back, honey. I was beginning to think we would never get off that rock."

Amanda slid up to lay on his shoulder, facing him. "How did Quentin's guys find John?"

"He had them pinned under a magnetic shield and had built a transport inhibitor field. Sgt Crouch and her brother built a magnetic resonance interference generator and overloaded the inhibitors' power coils. When we showed up to pull em off the rock, John Franklin ordered the merc fliers he contracted for to ambush us. We went down, and had it not been for Team Four..." David shuddered and pulled Amanda closer to him, pressing her closer. "I thought I would never see you again."

Amanda returned his hug. "I was worried, but I knew you would come back to me."

David looked into her violet eyes and smiled. "God, I just wanna keep you here!"

"I won't object if you ask me!" Amanda grinned impishly at him.

Dave's eyes widened. "Seriously?"

Amanda nodded, still smiling. David pulled her into a kiss.

"What about your past?" Dave asked.

"I was a prostitute on Betazed because I had no one," Amanda had been kidnapped from her homeworld of Xenex by Orion slavers looking for the family of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. Amanda killed her captors and escaped to Betazed where she was a prostitute until being taken in by a Starfleet diplomat and her family. "I have you now, and I want to be with you when I am not working, and I know you want to be with me. Nothing I have done has changed me to the point that I no longer desire to have a family, and I know you are a proud, fearless warrior; the kind of man ever Xenexian girl wants for a mate."

David nodded in agreement. "I don't give a damn about what you were, what I care about is who you are now."

Amanda slid on top of him, reaching behind her neck to slide off her nightgown. "I am yours, major."


Lorenz walked into the MCC with a crooked smile on his face. Captain Franklin came over to stand next to Dave and hand him a padd. "Here's the daily report. "Contingent on Valhalla is asking for more perimeter defense platforms, there's a small fracas brewing up near Northig VI involving a squabble of the lineage of the ruler's family, and it would seem that our illustrious commander got himself some last night, hooah?" Franklin's smile was evil.

"HOOAH!" the MCC personnel replied.

"As you were! You fuckers are just jealous!" Lorenz grinned shamelessly.

Franklin lowered his voice. "She's a helluva lot better looking than Sgt Crouch!"

"That bitch was a fucking mistake!" Dave growled, remembering the cavalier way Crouch had used him for sex. "Okay, let's keep Recon stood down for another two weeks. 4th Platoon can take over for them. also, we wanna rotate the guys at the firebases. Bring back the NCO's and send out new food and gear with the replacements."

"Very good, sir. When is she moving in?" Franklin smiled again.

"What the hell, do you have my place bugged?! Nosy bastard, get a life!"

"I have one, sir; and right now I'm enjoying it immensely!"

"Get lost, captain!" Dave smiled as he went into his office. He didn't mind being teased at all. Amanda was probably moving her things into his place this very moment. David resisted the urge to contact her and began reviewing the accumulated padds of paperwork. It was going to be starnge, having his girlfriend living with him, but he was a Marine and no Marine ever backed away from a challenge.

=/\=Holbridge to Lorenz,=/\= the intercom chirped.

"Go, Bouncer!"

=/\= You just cost me three strips of latinum, you horny bastard!=/\=

Dave could hear the amusement in his friend's voice, which was a good sign he was grieving properly for his wife. "Tricia liked her, man. I'll get you paid back..."

=/\=Hell, no, it's about fricken time you and Amanda got cozier. I'm starting a new pool on how long it will take her to kick your ass and move out!=/\=

"Ye of little faith!" Dave snorted,

=/\= I have faith in you, buddy; I just know that she will get tired of your slob-like habits and punch your yambag!=/\=

David laughed at his friend's joke. "Put me down for three months!"

=/\=Done! =/\=

"Lorenz out!" Dave leaned back in his chair and remembered the previous night's lovemaking with Amanda. He hoped that he and her could go the distance. she was fine woman, a good Marine and even better merc. It would be a challenge, but no Marine ever said no to no challenge!


David Lorenz
Horny Toad


Amanda Fulton
Silky Future Mrs Dave

Cameos by

MCPT Tom Franklin
Marine XO


Jim Holbridge
Solo Flier


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