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Not All Surprises Are Good Ones

Posted on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 10:52am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Warrant Officer Awf & Aros
Edited on on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 10:58am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'nos

* Qo’nos *

For the mean time, Awf had been living a rather aggressive life for someone such as himself. Back on Starbase 900, he'd become somewhat accustomed to being known as a rather laid back individual, and few people could have assumed that he would have been the sort to stab his food and suckle live gagh.

Nevertheless, it was at a dinner party, if one wanted to call it that, where such delicacies were served that Awf had been put in a position to meet up with some of the others. He wasn't aware of the challenge just yet, but as soon as he was so notified Awf would have chomped at the bit to defend his honor in such an event.

For now, though, Awf was consigned to his increasingly angry ignorance, instead electing to enjoy his meal wiggle down his throat.

Kalim, recently returned from Patrick’s trials (and smelling like it), slammed down his mug and grinned at Awf. “So, you want the Klingon experience? You get to see Kh’ali remind our low-down cousin what honor is.”

The Ocampa didn’t actually share his grin. “I do not want anything. I crave honor and discipline as much as you do.”

Kalim nodded. “Exactly why you need to be present for this challenge.” He reached for his mug and drank deeply. “My sister is two women, Awf. Today, you see her true heritage.”

“Hopefully the heritage where she is standing over Q’Vahn who has a knife embedded deep in her chest.”

Kalim and Awf turned to see Nick standing behind them. “But I have to warn you, Commander Leroy,” he added, “doesn’t know about this. Yet.”

“Doesn’t know about what?” Patrick asked showing up in the doorframe “And what is this thing concerning heritage and knifed chests?” he ended directing himself to the table to have a seat with the others, a slight limp still evident in his gait, due to a bad bruise on the knee gained during the Kal’Hyah.

He sat down with a grimace rubbing his left knee. When the fit of pain passed he became aware that all eyes were on him. “So? What’s happening?”

Kalim looked at Awf, then Nick, a definite ‘oh shit’ expression on his rugged face. Finally he turned back to Patrick. “Well, that’s a long story - a good one, but long.” He poured a fresh mug of ale and placed it before Patrick. “Drink. You’re gonna need it.” He hoped it would mellow his future brother-in-law enough that he wouldn’t blow his temper. He had to admit however that neither the story of the attack, nor the one of Kh’ali’s challenge were exactly calm, reassuring stories.

"I would prefer not to drink of course. If there were any action, then I would certainly not want anything to dull the pain. If that fight were to spill out into the crowds, then we could really have some fun." It was naturally the Ocampa once again talking a big game.

Patrick didn’t touch the beer mug. His jaw clenched instead and his eyes narrowed as they shifted in turn from Kalim to Awf and Marcinko. A little voice in his mind told him that he was not going to like this thing... Not even a bit.

On the other hand, Awf didn’t show any of the trepidation that Patrick had. Apparently he was getting a bit too far into the spirit of things for the time being.

“I’ll let Nick start since he and Aros were here for the important stuff.” Kalim grinned at Nick. “Tell him.”

“Thanks, dick,” Nick grumbled. Turning to Patrick he started to retell the story. “So, do you remember anything about stumbling home the other night after getting hammered with Kalim and company?” Patrick sat quietly. “Yeah, I didn’t think so,” Nick said with a sigh. “Okay, so before you and Kalim had come home, it was just me, Aros and the baby at the hacienda. Khang and some of his cohorts broke into the house looking for you, looking for the baby--I don’t know. Aros and I killed ‘em. It was messy, but we got it done, and as you know Patrick Jr. was safe as houses. Before we could gather the bodies, though, someone transported them out of there. The only proof I have of them being there, other than large puddles of blood and some brains here and there, are some of the weapons they came in with.”

Nick paused to take a drink. “Almost immediately afterward, you came a-tumblin’ in, not worth a fuck to stand, and we carried you off to bed and started cleaning up. Then the missus came and we all almost shit ourselves because, well, Kh’ali,” he said, as if saying her name explained it all. “But as I said before, baby was fine, you were fine, house was getting cleaned up and we all lived to see another day. And on that other day, Kh’ali went to see some high queen, priestess moonbat woman and decided that she needed to throw down the gauntlet and whup some wholesale ass.”

He looked at Patrick, then Kalim and then to Awf, all seemingly confused and mystified by what he’d just said.

“What?” he asked with a shrug. “That’s how I remember it.”

“In other words,” Aros appeared in the doorway from the kitchen, “Q’Vahn was responsible and Kh’ali has issued a challenge. She really had no choice in the matter.”

“She really didn’t,” Kalim agreed.

Nick belched loudly, also agreeing.

With a raised brow, the Ocampa looked around to the others as he listened to the story and eventually smirked. "I have to admit that the way that you got to this point sounds as though it were completely without honor. I trust that it will be restored."

Patrick stood there a moment incredulous to what he’d just heard. Debating if the entire universe has suddenly gotten crazy. Then he rose from the chair, the look in his eyes steely.

“Have you all lost your mind? Is this perhaps a funny thing, like taking a leisurely stroll through the country, to be dealt with such easiness??” He shook his head in disbelief “You, Kalim. You knew all of this and dragged me away for four days! And didn’t you even think that it was worth f----ing mentioning??” His voice had now risen several notches as he continued turning to Marcinko:

“And you, Lieutenant. Are you able to think what will you write in your report once we get home?... We went there… Someone made difficulties… And we killed them. Ah… Wait. The right wording is removed the threat in your department is that right?” Leaning slightly on the table Patrick got hold of the mug and slammed it down spilling the drink all over “Or perhaps you’re going to end it like ...And we’ve lost one of ours.” Patrick’s lips twitched into a sneer, albeit distorted by rage, with the last words.

“I’ve accepted all of this charade, coming here, submitting to Klingons’ uses and costumes... Just to avoid this danger. And now I see this has all been for naught! My family’s threatened. Kh’ali’s about to confront a deadly combat… And all I hear is this ranting about honor!”

He stood silent then. Focusing on an invisible spot on the table as the others exchanged quick glances.

“There must be another way.” Patrick reprised, his voice low almost as if speaking to himself “I must get to Kh’ali…”

Kalim sighed aloud. “You know you can’t, my brother. Q’Vahn has acted without honor,” he said, addressing Awf’s point. “She sent her men to break in here and whether they were after you or D’veidh, the issue is the same. She intended harm to this family. It’s doubly bad when one of the targets is a defenseless baby. What Sirella said is true - unless Kh’ali ends it here and now, crazy Q’Vahn will not stop until she is successful. Besides, Kh’ali can kick her ass without breaking a sweat.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. All of you seem to consider Q’Vahn as an idiot. She’s Klingon, isn’t she? Perhaps she’s trained every day of her life to pursue this obsession of hers, to come to this day. A thing that Kh’ali hasn’t done.”

Patrick turned to Aros then “Where is the baby now?”

“Asleep in the kitchen. After that night, I didn’t want him too far away. If you want, I can get a message to Kh’ali since you can’t see her right now?” Aros asked.

Patrick considered at least a half-dozen messages he would have wanted Aros give her, ranging widely from irresponsible to I love you but, in the end, he decided to avoid the risk of upsetting her coolness in this delicate moment.

“No…” he responded to Aros walking past him into the corridor. “Now leave me be. I want to stay with my son for a while.”

Patrick reached the kitchen door when, as an afterthought, he spoke over his shoulder:

“Tell her… Good luck.”

“I will. Are you coming to watch?” Aros asked.

“I will.”

Aros waited until Patrick was gone, then looked back at the three men. “Let’s get moving, we don't have much time to get ready, Nick.”

Looking back for a brief moment or two, Awf stood up fully and smirked to himself as he phrased his rather idiosyncrasy-laden response, "This should certainly prove to be entertaining. 'IwlIj jachjaj...may your blood scream, gentlemen!"

With that he started to walk off for the time being, feeling that he had needed to get ready.

Nick had taken it all in stride. He knew Patrick would be pissed and didn’t hold a grudge for his words. But despite his comments, Nick knew that his actions were righteous. He hadn’t gone hunting anyone, they had come to him. It was self defense and would be dismissed as such. Normally one to argue the point, this time he let it go. Patrick wasn’t the same type of person as Nick. So, he stood, gave Patrick’s shoulder a hard squeeze of support and left with Aros.

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Bad Storyteller

Calming The Waters

Ready For A Good Fight

Very Confused About his Species

Patrick Leroy
Not Liking The Story


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