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Nexus Visitation

Posted on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 11:43pm by Janice Gree & Ensign Six of Ten & Vic

Mission: Further Challenges

* The Nexus Club - Jan’s Dressing Room *

Vic entered through the main bar as the patrons slowly filed out. It was closing time and he knew he’d find Jan in her dressing room. He waved to Sam as he passed through.

“Aren’t you supposed to be off work and enjoying yourself?” Sam asked.

“I thought so,” Was Vic’s glum reply. “I’m just here to chew on Jan’s ear a bit.” He passed on by and soon was knocking on her door. “Jan? It’s me.”

“Vic? Come in!”, she stopped what she was doing and turned towards the door. As soon as he entered, she knew something was off. “What’s wrong, dear?”

“Long and frustrating night,” he answered and sat at the foot of her velvet sofa. “There were some new developments in the issue with Six after I left here.”

“Oh dear. Go ahead, tell me. What did she do now?” She paused but then didn’t let Vic answer. Instead, she started in on a tirade: “What is with you men? First Jackson with our destructive Oz, now you with the misguided Six of Ten. Are you two just gluttons for punishment?”

Vic gave a hollow laugh. “I’m beginning to wonder. Part of it is my own fault. The situation tonight? Not the best time to make my move, given the emotional state she was in. But there’s more to it than we knew earlier. Security has discovered that Suresh was drugged by something that made him suggestible, then made him black out. All of it was staged by that woman. In short, it wasn’t his fault and I just got a report in that she is in custody and has admitted to it.”

“That woman? Xerena? She’s been around lately. She... drugged Suresh? That’s just so... weird.” Jan couldn’t figure that out. “Why drug him? What was it she suggested he do?”

“She claimed she wanted her husband back and they have a son. The idea, as I understand it, was to purposely put him in that situation so Six would see and leave him. It was to get her out of his life, basically.” Vic stretched out and looked up at the ceiling. “The scary thing is it almost worked. It would have, had it not been for Darwin.”

“Darwin,” Janice smiled. “He’s a good egg. Smarter than he lets people know. At least Xerena is in custody. I assume she’ll face charges for what she did. And now you. Six is back in bed with Suresh, right? Or, home with him at least.”

Vic nodded. “Darwin was something of a blessing and a curse tonight. He’s the one who suspected something was amiss and the one who came to tell us. He...uh….interrupted something that almost happened but not quite, Jan. So after his news, Six agreed to talk to Suresh and then called me to say she’d gone home.”

“Good thing he interrupted, then. Can you imagine the fallout if you and she did the deed and then she discovered Suresh had been put in that position against his will?” She moved to sit next to him on the chaise and held his hand. “So, now, can you convince yourself to move on?”

He squeezed her hand tight. “I don’t know, but I hope so. Logically, I know this wouldn’t have worked. She’s Halanan originally, and you know what that means. But deep down, I guess I wanted it enough that I thought it wouldn’t matter.”

“Yeah... monogamy forever and ever,” Janice was a little intimidated by the idea. Of course, she’d lived longer than most of the people on the Station. “How can I help you move on?”

“Wave your magic wand and make me forget how much I wanted this? Kick my ass for waiting too long in the first place?” He managed a smile. “Convince me that I’ll get past it and be able to be her friend?” he asked.

“Vic, honey, you’ve been in love before. You survived it; you’re friends with some of those ladies. You can be friends with her, eventually. We just need to set you up with a few dates, get you laid.” She smiled.

He rolled his eyes but his smile widened a little. “Not my style, kiddo.” Even so, a face had popped into his thoughts and he passed it on to Jan. “Maybe in a little while.”

“Oh. Well,” she smiled. “Yeah, perhaps in a while, then.” She was struck by how different this new face was, compared with Six, at least. “Go on home, Vic. Get some sleep and tomorrow, we’ll see.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Thanks for listening, Jan.” A tap at the door got his attention. “Expecting someone? Eli maybe? Or Raj?”

“No... Raj is in my quarters.” Patting his hand, she got up and went to the door to answer it. “Hello--- oh hell no,” she said vehemently. “Shouldn’t you be at home, sweety?”

“I just need to talk to Vic,” came the soft voice. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting, but it’s important.”

“Oh, I have no doubt. Come in, please.” Jan let the woman in and stepped back to tap Vic on the shoulder. “Vic, this woman is here for you.”

“Who is--” Vic’s question died on his lips as he looked up and saw Six. He sat up immediately. “Six?” It was only when she turned to face him completely that he saw she had no implants on her face. “Umm. Jan?”

“I see that, too, honey. So... what do you need with Vic?” Janice asked.

Six’s smile was rather shy. “Can we talk for a moment, Vic? Just us? I know a lot has happened tonight and it’s been...difficult.”

“Oh, that would be my cue to get out,” Janice said with humor. “Excuse me. Vic, holler if you need me.” Stepping around the two, she left her dressing room.

Six watched the door close, then slowly approached Vic. Stopping by the chaise, she reached out to touch his face.

He wanted this; he wanted her to touch him.... But her implants, he wondered about them and reached up to touch her face. “Six... No, who are you?”

“Six too,” she answered. “Just a part you do not see often. We met once, in your quarters, remember?”

“Gods, yes, I remember. How could I forget?” He touched her and she was as solid and warm to the touch as he thought she’d be. “I thought I had lost my mind that night. Why are you here?”

“I wanted to make sure you were alright,” she answered. “It has been an awful night for you. I wish it had gone differently.” She covered his hand, where it rested on her bare midriff, with her own. “It’s just that some things cannot be changed.”

“Yeah, you’re married to Suresh. That’s an unchangeable thing, Six,” he was well-aware of the feel of her belly under his hand. Reluctantly, he pulled his hand away. “You need to talk to yourself when you’re awake and aware, get on the same page, ‘cause I can’t hang out and wait for you.”

“She isn’t aware that I’ve come to see you, either time,” the vision of Six before him answered. She settled on the chaise beside him and took his hands in hers. “There are things she wants and cannot have.”

Devastated in ways he couldn’t articulate, Vic gasped and complained, “There are things I want that I cannot have. You are one of those things. Coming to me in this form is unfair. Don’t do this again. This is just cruel.”

“I am not her but I was worried about you.” She stood and stepped back. “I’m sorry, this was a mistake. She wouldn’t like knowing I came.”

“I appreciate that concern, Six. I do, but... I need to move on. You’re married to Suresh and that’s how it is.” He did not appreciate how this felt.

“You do.” She reached out to touch his face once more. “That’s what I hope for you too. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”

Blinking, he bit back a surprising sob as he felt her emotions. Sadness mingled with love, and the knowledge that she had made a choice. “You love him, so you need to go home to him, Six. I do love you, but you’ve made your choice and, when you’re awake, you’re more than happy about it.”

“Take care of yourself, Vic.” She leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Besides, Six is not the only one who desires you.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m attractive to lots of females. There’s this one,” he had taken on a joking tone, “she’s a beauty. Eight legs and I think she loves me now because I saved her egg sac. But, she’s a hard one to read.” He chuckled and shrugged. “Let me move on first, Six, then I’ll find someone.”

She smiled at the reference to Iggy. “I know. You both will and get to a place that works for you so you can be friends. You don’t love someone this much and lose them altogether. Goodnight Vic.”

“Right. Good night, love,” he reached up and pulled her down to him for a kiss.

She hesitated only a moment, then gave in to the kiss. “No regrets, Vic,” she whispered.

“Right, no regrets.” He kissed her again and stood. “Off to home for you.”

She nodded and crossed to the door, then stopped. “He wants to say thank you. He may not be the man you want to see right now, but he owes you a great deal and he knows it.”

“He owes Darwin, too,” Vic said. “Things will settle down and we’ll be friends.” He watched her go and was still contemplating what had happened when Janice came back in.

“So... that was strange. You okay?”, she asked him, looking at him with concern.

Vic sat up to face Jan. “I...I’m not exactly sure.” He shrugged. “In a way, it was an ending to this dance we’ve been doing, and having her here hurt like hell. But in another? Maybe I needed to hear what she had to say so I can begin to get past this. She was not guarded tonight and now I know exactly what she has been feeling.”

“That can be good and bad.” She sat next to him and hugged him. “You’ll be okay. You know you mattered to her, more than she even knew, maybe.”

“She loves me,” he whispered. “She was here, well this part of her was here, to make sure I was okay and to tell me that Suresh was very grateful. She just had to make a choice.”

“Yes, otherwise you and Suresh would have been at each other’s throats over her. Or, really... considering how zen you can be, Suresh would have been ragingly jealous about you and might have hurt you.” Her hold on him tightened and she didn’t hide her concern.

“He won’t. Strangely, Jan, I think it will be okay with him. He really has no need to fear losing her. You know she seems to think there is someone else here who desires me, as she put it. I wonder who?” He smiled finally. “Anyhow, you should get home to your man.”

“Who? Let’s see... Camille? I think Reva had a crush on you, particularly after your spider hunt with her. Truly, what woman on this station wouldn’t want you?” She laughed.

“You do have a point.” He smiled and stood, pulling her into a hug. “Now go home, because I am. I want to flop down on my sofa and do something mind-numbing, like watch a movie, then go to bed.”

“Stop by Lao’s and get an order to go. A double-order. Those things are so good as comfort food. I’d join you, but you already noted, I have someone at home,” she kissed his chin (it was all she could reach). “Good night. And if you need an ear, you know where to find a counselor.”

That finally got a laugh from Vic. “Tell Raj I’ll be calling. Have fun, sweetheart.” He followed Jan from the club and then set out for Lao’s.

Janice Gree
Ensign Six of Ten


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