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Darwin Brings The Hammer Down

Posted on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 8:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Marabeth & Solaana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia

* Marabeth’s Quarters *

It was her first free evening in a long time. She had the night off from her usual business and she intended to enjoy it. She had stopped in Saturnalia earlier, just to see Marla, and the place was buzzing with some gossip that worried her. A friend had stopped at her table to give her the whole story - that Suresh had been caught with his old wife in his own quarters by Six and that she had been seen running away while he yelled at her to come back. Knowing what she did, Marabeth viewed the story with a healthy dose of skepticism, though she didn’t say so.

Marabeth had a feeling that something was screwy in all this and wondered who was trying to mess with Six and Suresh.

When she stopped at their door and rang the chime, no one had answered and so now she was at home, stretched out on her sofa and reading a romance novel by her favorite author. One of her regulars had once told her that this writer was actually the Chief Diplomatic officer Kh’ali writing under a pseudonym, though Marabeth wasn’t sure she believed it. She was getting to a really good part in the novel when her door chime rang. Thinking it might be Suresh or Six, she marked her place, left the book on the coffee table, and went to the door. Darwin was the last person she expected to see.

“Oh. Darwin. I’m off tonight. What’s up?”

"Could I come in?" He looked around her into her quarters. It wasn't often that he was in the quarters of one of Seyla's girls. "I need a woman, and Seyla said I should ask you."

That surprised Marabeth. “Oh. Well, since you know I'm off duty, I suppose this isn’t your normal 'I need a woman now’ sort of thing is it?”

"Um..., oh, yeah, no." He laughed and stepped into her quarters. "What I really need is someone to seduce Will Harding. There's a situation on Archadia - Harding was attacked and poisoned and I think I've found who did it, but I need to flush him out. Would you be willing to help?"

“Oh good, because I don’t want to piss off your green -- wait...what? Someone poisoned the Doc? What for?” She motioned Darwin to have a seat and returned to her spot on the sofa.

He took a seat. "The Doc is the Prime Minister's First Consort. When she named him that, she demoted," he used air quotes around that word, "a fellow named Parker to Second. He's pretty angry about that and I think he poisoned the Doc to get his position back."

“Why that little shit!” she exclaimed. “I’d like to kick his ass for doing that to Will. He’s too nice a man for that! does seducing him, and I’m assuming I won’t really be doing it, get this guy into your hands?”

"By getting him to think I'm on his side. If we just let the situation go, then Parker will try again and he might have better luck. By working with him, I can get evidence against him, maybe even find out who helped him poison Will," Darwin explained. "We'll clue Will in beforehand. Are you game?"

“Sure, as long as he doesn’t try to poison me.” She smiled at Darwin. “Or lay a hand on me. I don’t mind the Doc doing that but not this little weasel, whoever he is. When do we start?”

"Parker won't touch you, Marabeth. I'll make sure of that. We can start... as soon as we get to Archadia. How soon could you leave?"

“Well, if I’m going to be in seducing mode, I’ll need to get ready. Half hour?” she was already on her feet and heading for her bedroom.

"I'll wait," Darwin said and settled in.

* Archadia - The Palace *

They had entered through a hidden side door of the palace so as not to be seen. Even so, as they hurried along a corridor, Marabeth couldn’t help being impressed with the place. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered to Darwin. “But I’d be afraid to be here all the time for fear of breaking something valuable.” She sidestepped a table with a huge vase of flowers on it. “Like that.”

"Eh. I figure that the replicators can reproduce anything I break here," Darwin laughed and pulled her towards him, as if they were lovers. As they came to the doorway for Solaana's sitting room, he looked up and down the hallway then opened the door and peered in. No one was there, so he hustled Marabeth inside.

"Wait here a minute." He hurried through another door.

She took a moment to look around the room, stopping to examine pictures on the walls, a sofa that made hers at home look rather pitiful by comparison, and a small statue in the corner that she would be willing to swear was a likeness of Will. If it was, she was suddenly sorry she’d never managed to tempt him into bed.

"Okay, so here's Marabeth," Darwin said as he came back into the room, followed by Parker. "Marabeth, this is Parker. We understand the plan, right? Parker, it's your plan, how about you explain it?"

Parker smiled in greeting, "Marabeth. You're one of that escort service's employees, right?" His look was borderline contemptuous.

Her gaze swept over him and she nodded, not liking his tone. “I am, one usually reserved for more high profile clients.”

"Like Will," Darwin said. "Not that he's a client.... Anyway, Parker? The plan?"

"She doesn't really need to know but to remind you, Mike," Parker rolled his eyes, "The idea is to have Sola catch him in bed with ...," he gestured at Marabeth, "her so that Sola will revoke his Consort standing and we'll move up."

Darwin nodded. "Darn sight better than killing him," he agreed.

"Tried that already," Parker scoffed. "Bastard has more than one life."

“Whatever,” Marabeth answered casually as she shot a glance to Darwin. “Let’s just get this show on the road, shall we? Where’s the old man?”

"Parker, how about you go find Solaana and bring her back this way?" Darwin said. "Marabeth and I will set Will up here."

Nodding, Parker smiled, "This'll be good, making sure Harding gets what he's due." He left to go find Solaana.

"Wow...," Darwin laughed. "Did he really just admit that?" He looked at Marabeth.

She leaned in close to whisper at his ear. “Are you recording?”

"Yeah, of course. We need evidence." He smiled. "C'mon, let's find Will."

Marabeth nodded, adjusted her dress, and followed Darwin through a door to the bedroom. Marebeth sucked in her breath at the opulence of the room and immediately decided that if it meant a bedroom like this? She’d sleep with the Prime Minister. The thought made her laugh.

“Wow! No wonder Parked is so stingy with her time and attention.”

"Yeah, and I've been sleeping on that damned couch out there," Darwin grumbled. He went to the bathroom door and pounded on it, "Will? Come out. I have a surprise for you."

Will emerged in a black silk robe and seeing Marabeth, he smiled. “Good evening my dear, how are you?” It was only a split-second later that it hit him - one of Seyla’s women here, part of this little plan but seeing his situation and knowing about Solaana. He glanced at Darwin for a moment, but didn’t ask.

“I’m good and it’s always a pleasure, Doc.” Marabeth kissed his cheek.
"Seyla was surprised by my request, Commander," Darwin said. He shrugged and added, "We need to get you two in a compromising situation."

“Oh dear,” Will mumbled. “Not good. But yes, let’s get this underway. Solaana is aware so if he admits anything she will hear and can deal with it appropriately.” He smiled at Marabeth and motioned to the chaise by the wall. “Let’s get comfortable. We absolutely cannot use the bed, so this will have to do.”

“Understood.” Marabeth smiled and crossed to the lounge. Once Will was stretched out, she settled on top of him, her skirt hitched up and one shoulder of her dress pushed down. She was careful not to expose too much as she didn’t want the Prime Minister’s displeasure raining down on her. Then she leaned in and left some lipstick marks on his cheek and his throat.

“How’s this look, Darwin?”

"If I were into watching, good." He nodded, then withdrew to the other room, calling back, "Soon as she's here, I'll make some noise."

They didn't have long to wait. Solaana, accompanied by an amorous Parker, was laughing as she entered her chambers. "You flatterer," she said to Parker and pulled him through to her bedroom, where she promptly yelled, "Will!"

“Solaana!” He made a show of lifting Marabeth off of him and pushing her to the floor. At once he tried to adjust his robe and smooth back his mussed hair. “You were supposed to be having lunch out. I didn’t expect you back so soon. It’s not what it looks like,” he added for good measure.

Marabeth hurriedly pulled the shoulder of her dress back up and stood, moving away to stand behind Darwin.

"Yes it is!", Parker cried. "You're in bed with another woman! How could you do that to Solaana?"

Casting a glance at Parker, Solaana sighed and shook her head. "I should have known, my dear Will. I shouldn't have demanded your fidelity."

"That's right, you need to leave," Parker said.

“I don’t think so, Parker.” Then he turned to Solaana. “It’s nothing. She is nothing, I promise you that. She’s even still dressed.” He took her hand, pulling her to him and away from Parker. His arms encircled her, pulling her in close against him and his lips brushed her throat. “Surely you can overlook this little slip, hmm?”

She hugged him and said, "Yes, I can. For you, Will, I can forgive this."

Behind her, Parker choked on his rage, "Forgive him? But...! This is against the rules!"

Laughing, Solaana shook her head and glanced at Parker over her shoulder, "I'm the Prime Minister, I can change the rules for Will if I want to. And I do. Don't argue, Parker."

"What? Augh!" Parker shouted and launched himself at Will, shoving Solaana aside and going for Will's throat. "That poison should have worked, old man!"

Darwin body-checked the man before he got his hands locked around Will's neck. "Marabeth, get the Palace Guards," he said and wrestled Parker to the floor.

“Gladly.” She resisted the urge to kick Parker as she hurried out into the corridor. A few seconds later, three guards rushed in, followed by Marabeth.

“Thank you Marabeth,” Will murmured. He drew Solaana away from the scuffle, holding her close. “I want to know who the man with the cane is.”

"Guards, arrest Parker and detain him in the dungeon until further notice," Solaana said, pushing Will away and into the background slightly. The women converged on Parker, who was yelling that Will was the one who should be arrested, and hauled him away.

Darwin, watching them go, smiled. "They'll figure out who the old man with the cane is. My bet is that it was either a paid hit or a relative."

"Either way, you're right, Michael, my officers will find out who that was," Solaana said.

Will breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad that’s done. Knowing someone is out there trying to kill you doesn’t do much for your peace of mind. I’m sorry it was him, my darling.”

She shook her head, "I am simply glad that my new Consort was able to ferret him out." She smiled at Darwin.

"Ah... Right. That cover story can go away now," Darwin assured her, "And I can return to the Station."

“So can I.” Marabeth looked over to Solaana now. “Prime Minister, my apologies for having to uh...slightly manhandle your consort but it was for a good cause. If I’m not needed any longer, I’ll go back with Darwin.”

“Yep,” Darwin caught Marabeth with one arm around her waist. “Solaana, it’s been fun, if uncomfortable. Will, I leave you to her. Don’t be too long in coming home,” he winked at the Doctor and pulled Marabeth out of the room.

“Oh, William,” Solaana kissed him. “Are you leaving as well?”

“Not yet. I’m not back on shift till tomorrow evening. I offered to take a few night shifts and relieve the guys who’ve covered while I was recovering.” He hugged her tight and smiled. “What will you do with him?”

“Execute him once we determine who his co-conspirator was,” she answered. “Let’s put him out of our heads and enjoy ourselves. I could take you out and show you off.”

“Yes, you could.” He kissed her deeply, now that they’d been left alone. “I can be here during the day till my schedule is back to normal. Would you like that?”

“I’d rather have you well-rested and back here at night. During the day, I have meetings and people to see,” she said.

“Very well. In three nights then. Now, let me get dressed properly and we’ll go make the rounds.” He smiled back at her. “But don’t be surprised if I beg you to cut the outing short.”

“Hmm... I like the idea of you begging,” she kissed him softly. “Yes, I do like that idea.”


Lt. M. Darwin
Lt. Commander William Harding


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