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Not So Fast, Niro

Posted on Tue Oct 27th, 2015 @ 9:05pm by Niro & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna / The Brig

* EFS Korenna *

Up on the bridge, Niro sat in the captain’s seat, fidgeted, and immediately rose. He paced the length of the bridge, then back. “Doren, as soon as engines are ready, get us out of here.” He turned to the officer at communications. “Has the clearance come through yet?”

“Getting it now, Niro. We’ll be departing in fifteen minutes.”

“Good.” He turned back to Doren. “Lay in a course for Ozum and file that. We aren’t going there but they don’t have to know that yet.”

“Got it.” Doren tapped his console, then nodded. “Course laid in.”

Niro tapped the panel by his seat and opened a channel to engineering. “Falon, everything ready down there?”

“We’re good to go,” he answered.

“At least something is going right,” Niro muttered.

Moments later, the comm officer cursed. “Maybe not. I’ve just received an order to power down and prepare to be boarded.”

Doren muttered as he checked his console. “Docking clamps have not released. They mean business Niro. If we try to take off, we’ll shear off the starboard side of the ship.”

“Very well, gentlemen, they seem to have left us little choice. Let them in.”

Moments later, Station Security stepped onto Niro’s bridge. Gilroy said, “Niro, Owner and Captain of the Korenna, you are under arrest. Please stand. If anyone else moves, they will accompany you to the brig.”

The bridge crew all looked at Niro and managed to do so without moving too much. Niro’s gaze swept over Gilroy and he crossed his arms. “For what?”

“Attempted murder, for one. I’m sure there are other charges pending,” Gilroy answered. “Are you going to resist arrest?” He sounded almost hopeful.

Niro actually looked surprised. “Murder? Of who? I’m sorry Gilroy. I’ll be glad to answer some questions but murder? You’re joking, right?”

“Attempted,” Gilroy stressed, “Of Eli Ziyad.”

“That’s impossible,” Niro answered calmly. “I barely saw him before he collapsed. I was at the bar and just after I sat down, he passed out. But, if it will make you feel better, I will come and tell you the story.” He turned to Doren. “Power down Doren and wait to hear from me.”

Doren only nodded, not looking away from Gilroy.

“Shall we then?” Niro turned to Gilroy and smiled.

“Indeed,” Gilroy motioned to two of the officers behind him. They stepped forward to usher Niro off of his ship. To several of the others, he said, “Search the ship. You know what we’re looking for; it might be located in a shielded lockbox or cabinet.”

That got Niro’s attention and he turned back to Gilroy. “What exactly are you looking for?”

“The poison,” Gilroy said. “According to the medical report, the poison was Enaran in origin.”

“You don’t say,” was Niro’s comment. “I’m not the one who has been back to Enara recently.” He shrugged and followed the security officers out.

* The Brig *

“You really should watch out for those bulkheads, Niro,” Gilroy said, “They can reach out and hit hard every once in a while.” He and the other officer escorting Niro to the Brig had, at opportune moments, body-checked Niro into nearby walls and door jambs. As a result, Niro had a bruise growing on his brow and a bloody nose.

Niro’s response was a low growl. “Have to watch asshole security officers who can’t walk straight too.” They had arrived at a holding cell and ‘escorted’ him in. He sat on the bunk and looked back at Gilroy. “So what is it you think you know, Gilroy?”

“I know you attempted to poison Eli Ziyad. Falasin overheard you telling someone it was done. She was scared and ran to our protection. Since then, though, you’ve wiped her memory.” Gilroy answered him plainly. “Now, we simply need corroborating evidence, such as a sample of the poison on your ship and you’ll live the rest of your life behind a forcefield.”

“And if you do not find it?” Niro asked. “Without that and with a witness who can’t remember, it seems your case is in a precarious position.”

“Well, that would be an issue, but we’ll see,” Gilroy shrugged. “Now, tell me, when were you last on Enara? Or received a package from Enara?”

“I haven’t been home in almost a year and my brother can vouch for that,” Niro answered. He swabbed at his nose with the small cloth he’d been handed on his way in and winced. “It was right before I rescued him from prison. The flight logs can be obtained from my engineer if you want them.”

“Yes, we’ll have those pulled. Where does your income come from, Niro? You have a full crew on the Station yet your ship hasn’t left in ...months?”

“I am a pirate.” He smiled. “Actually, it’s more of recovering things for those interested who pay me dearly for said recovery. If you call Enara, they will also tell you that I am employed by the government for various off-world business they may need done.”

“A pirate?” Gilroy glanced at the other officer. “You’d admit to being a pirate?”

“It was a joke, Gilroy.” Niro smiled once more. “You really need to lighten up. Kai should do a better job with you.”

“Shut up or we’ll find another bulkhead to wipe with that ugly face of yours,” Gilroy growled. “Lately, you’ve been spotted around Six of Ten. What is it you hope to accomplish there?”

Niro raised his eyebrows. “You mean it’s not obvious? Have you really looked at her? If you had you’d understand.” He shrugged. “Who wouldn’t make a play for her? I’d love to get my hands know. Not that I have. She’s so wound up in Suresh she can’t even see straight.”

“She doesn’t need to see straight, so long as she avoids having you within her sight.”

“That’s her choice, though, isn’t it?” Niro asked. “There’s nothing illegal about romancing a lady as long as a certain line isn’t crossed. That’s all it is. If she wishes to entertain the idea, I won’t argue or refuse her.”

“Yes, and that is her choice. She does not wish to have you in her sight again. Ever. So, beware of that,” Gilroy said.

“Playing guardian angel now are you?” Niro pressed the cloth to his nose once more. “I’ll keep that in mind. So when can I get out of here?”

“When Commander Zeferino says you can. I do believe she wants to talk to you before you’re released.”

“Very well. The sooner the better. The clock is ticking isn’t it?” Niro simply looked back at Gilroy now. “Unless you find the proof you seek.”

“Let’s hope we do that, then.” Gilroy commented, “You’re secure for now. Enjoy your evening.” He turned and walked away.

Niro watched him go, then stretched out to get comfortable. It wouldn’t be long. In the meantime, he would play along and be good. For now. He dozed off with an image of Six dancing in his head.

Biding His Time

Lt. Gilroy
Pressed for Time


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