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Reva Levels Up

Posted on Thu Oct 29th, 2015 @ 7:39pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges

* Reva’s Quarters *

Six reached the door and rang the chime. It was earlier than she liked but her message from Leto had been very clear: go get Reva and meet her at the public conference room. She had added ‘now’ for emphasis. Six had gotten moving and after a hurried cup of coffee had departed. She now stood and waited, hoping that Riley was still on alpha shift and they were up already.

Blearily, Reva stumbled to the door to answer it. Riley was in the shower and had been letting her sleep in a little before making her get up and shower as well. When the door opened, she looked at Six, blinking in the light of the corridor, “Six? Aren’t we meeting for lunch? That’s hours from now, yeah?”

“I’m sorry, truly, for waking you up, but we’ve been summoned to Intel. Leto’s orders included the word “Now” in that voice that means business,” Six answered. “Want me to get you some coffee while you wake up?”

“We? Summoned to Intel?” Reva gestured for Six to come in. “Why would I need to... oh,” she’d woken up enough to realize why she’d be called to Intel. “It’s not my fault, though!”, she whined. “I shouldn’t be in trouble.”

“I don’t know that we are in trouble but she definitely has something to say.” Six moved out to the small kitchen and began making coffee. “You hungry?”

“Not yet. Hopefully we won’t be there long enough for me to get hungry. Let me grab a quick shower and dress.” She hurried into her bedroom, encountering Riley as he came out of the shower. “Hey, I like the look,” she winked at him, “But Six is in the common room and I have to shower.”

“Thanks for the warning.” He gave her a quick kiss and began to get dressed. Finally he emerged and sniffed the air. “I love the smell of coffee in the morning.” He grinned as she passed him a mug. “Thanks.”

“Sorry to barge in, but Reva and I have a surprise meeting in Intel.”

Riley nodded. “No worries.” He sipped his coffee and sat at the kitchen counter. “Are things getting back to normal for you and Suresh? Whatever normal is?”

Six nodded and sipped from her own mug. “Getting there. It’s been hard on him but that woman’s in the brig and we’re settling back down.”

“Good. He’d be lost without you. Trust me on that one.”

Six smiled. “I know.” She looked up as Reva emerged from the bedroom and held out the third mug. “Drink up.”

Reva drank half of what was in the mug before smiling at Riley and kissing his cheek. “At least this early morning visitor is a welcome one,” she said, referring to the last time she and Riley had had an unexpected morning intrusion. That one had cost them quite a bit in their relationship. She finished off her coffee.

Riley smiled and slipped his arm around her as she kissed him. “True that,” he answered.

Six looked from one to the other and decided not to ask. Instead, she finished her coffee and carried the mug back to the sink.

“Okay, ready? Hopefully this won’t take long. I told Leto you were due at the Academy.” Six moved back towards the door to wait for Reva. “I think she just wants to yell at Suresh to be honest.”

“Let’s hope she keeps it just to him,” Reva said, “I don’t want to be in trouble for something I was invited to do.”

* Intel Offices *

Leto was waiting in the public conference room with Suresh seated before the desk along with two empty chairs. When the two women entered, she motioned them to the chairs.

“Welcome Ensign Madhava, Six. Have a seat. This won’t take long.”

Six took the seat by Suresh. “Lt. Leto.”

“Lieutenant,” Reva nodded in greeting at Leto and Suresh and took the other seat.

Suresh flashed a smile at Reva, then turned back as Leto began to speak.

“Suresh has given me the story of your visit to their quarters.” She paused a moment as she looked back at Reva. “I know this situation is a difficult one for all concerned, especially given your close relationship with Six. I am aware, also, that it must have come as a big shock. It puts you in an interesting position Reva.”

“Me? Um...,” Reva glanced at Six and Suresh before facing Leto fully, “I’m not sure how it puts me in an interesting position. Sure, I know the truth now, but... so what?”

“Well, we considered allowing Six to tell you to begin with but Suresh’s observation that Niro would be an issue is correct. He has no self-imposed limits on barging into other people’s thoughts. What this does mean now is that you are the holder of a secret that puts Suresh’s life in your hands. Where it becomes interesting for you is how you two interact in public. Your relationship so far has been a rather adversarial one.”

Chuckling, Reva looked at Suresh again. “Just a little.” She clued in, “Oh... it has to remain that way, doesn’t it? Even though Robart has dealt with Suresh on my behalf?”

Leto nodded. “Exactly. People would wonder if all of a sudden you two were chummy and they might begin to question Suresh. That cannot happen. Your ties to Six are not an issue at least.” She paused a moment, fidgeting with a padd on her desk. “I’ve been told that you are taking up a position in the Academy?”

“Just a part-time thing, as an assistant to Professor Thorn,” Reva confirmed. She wondered what that had to do with this. “Does that matter in some way?”

“In a roundabout way,” Leto answered. “Given what you now know about our op in the Pit, and since you’re now officially academy staff,” she passed the padd to Reva. “I’ve had your security clearance raised.”

“Oh,” Reva uttered, surprised. She took the padd and looked at the screen. “Thanks, Suresh,” she shot a look at the Romulan, grinning slightly.

Suresh laughed briefly. “My pleasure, Reva. I’m sorry that you got pulled into this but it will be easier on all of us, Six especially. She felt awful about not telling you.”

“I did.” Six reached over to squeeze Reva’s arm. “You also should know that Vic knows. He’s... part of this op and this department.”

Reva’s brow went up. “Vic, Vic, as in Nexus bartender Vic? Vic, the one who took you out on a date? How has that been working out for him?”

Six glanced at Suresh, who kept his expression neutral, before she answered. “He’s been my handler actually.” Six left it at that, at least verbally. We should talk about that. “His job here is also part of your big secret, and one Riley doesn’t he doesn’t know I didn't really quit.”

HANDLER? Reva blinked. She knew Six meant that in a professional Intel way, not as... what Reva’s brain was making it into. In another setting, she might have snickered over that. “Riley doesn’t know that?” She looked at the three. “You realize that he’s Betazoid and I’m half-Betazoid? There are times when he can read things that I don’t even know I’m thinking. He doesn’t do it intentionally but... it could happen,” she said.

“If so, then we’ll deal with it then,” Leto responded. “I would like to ask you a favor, however.” Leto paused and looked back to Six briefly before she continued. “Given that you see Six often, in an emergency, we may need to ask you to get a message to her. Would you be willing to do that?”

“Yeah,” Reva nodded. “I can do that.” It sounded like an innocuous request; she wasn’t considering that she might need to go into the Pit to deliver it.

Leto nodded. “Thank you. Normally Vic takes care of that but just in case.” She left it at that. “I think that is all, actually. I already chewed Suresh a new one but he’s right. You’d have to be told eventually.” Finally Leto smiled. “You two ladies are dismissed and thank you for coming in so early.”

“Wait.., Suresh and I still have to pretend to be adversarial in public? Suresh?” Reva wanted to make sure they were on the same page.

Suresh now nodded. “We do. As you know, I have a reputation to uphold down there and we are working hard to keep the peace - something that has been difficult of late. Given our previous public conflicts, it’s best that we go on with the show as it has been if you come down below.”

“Then we’ll give them a show,” she said. “Not that I’ll be in the Pit that much anymore,” she said, pulling her cardigan (this one was a fitted teal sweater) closer.

“Understandable. It’s not the best place to spend time. To be blunt, I much prefer Six being up above but circumstances are what they are.”

“Any more questions, Reva?” Leto asked.

“No, not right now. Six, breakfast?” Reva stood.

“Absolutely,” Six replied. She leaned over to give Suresh a quick kiss, then rose and followed Reva out.

* Java - Patio *
They had settled out on the patio of Java which was empty enough at this early hour to give them some privacy to talk. Once they ordered, Six rested her elbows on the table and propped her chin in her hands.

“So...a million questions?”

"Mostly about Vic as your handler. Could they have picked someone slightly more suitable? I mean... You always have Darwin hanging around. 'Course, listening to Seyla that might be more because you have an Orion bodyguard than anything else."

Six nodded. “It’s been...interesting and a little difficult for us both, to be honest. The night of the Xerena incident, I went to Intel’s holodeck to beat up on some Klingons. They called him to come deal with me. It wasn’t a pretty sight.”

"I suppose not." Reva sipped her coffee, contemplating the situation. "It's awful, Six! The whole thing! That you've had to let your friends think you're an idiot for leaving the Fleet and.... shacking up with Suresh." Her eyes wide, she stopped with a little "Oh!" "I didn't mean to call you an idiot."

Six laughed and waved that aside. “It’s okay. Most of them think it and Tess actually said so. Well, he said it more politely, but that’s what he meant. He thinks I am throwing my life away and wasting my talents. But it’s an important job and so, I did it. I’ve had to make several very hard choices during all this, but the biggest involved Vic and you. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you.”

She shrugged, "Eh. Good thing you didn't, considering how tangled up I got with Niro. So who else is in on this, though? Darwin, obviously. That Orion? Patchouli or Farco? Does Seyla know?"

"Darwin and Edana, who is Intel. Seyla knows about Suresh but not me. Like everyone else, she thinks I dropped the Fleet to become Suresh’s plaything. Patch and Farco know nothing. They think Suresh is who he appears to be. Oh!” She leaned a bit closer. “Speaking of Niro. Leto got in the news that he’s in the Brig. I thought you might want to that’s one less thing to worry about.”

"Edana is Fleet?" Reva looked confused then brushed it off with a shake of her head. "Don't count him out yet. He'll get out. Remember? He can make people forget. I wonder how many times he did that to me."

A shiver ran over Six. “I wonder too,” she admitted. “Mamu gave Suresh a necklace that blocks Niro from reading him, so he’s covered at least.” Her brow furrowed now. “I’m glad you’re away from him. He’s vile. He actually tried to make Suresh believe that I’d been playing around with him behind Suresh’s back. But be careful anyhow. You know that you have several watching out for you though, and so does Niro. That should keep him at bay.”

"Yeah, I do. It's a comfort knowing that. This morning, Sedrick is the one tailing me," she smiled. "It's kind of nice having them around." Reva paused, running a finger along the table's edge. "Niro was pretty successful in breaking Riley and me up. He dropped by early one morning to ask if I wanted wine with lunch. Riley was none too pleased. And then he was gone. When he came back, he said we were done."

Six’s eyes narrowed. “I bet Niro did that on purpose! He is so…..ohhhh!” She banged her fist on the table. “Don’t you worry. If he gets out, he’ll be dealt with though I suspect I’ll have to stand in line behind Gilroy. I’m just glad that you and Riley have worked things out.”

“I am, too,” Reva agreed softly. “I have the feeling that Niro isn’t long for this Station. One way or another, he’d burning through his welcome here. He’s like Fisher with his anger,” she looked down at her coffee.

Six nodded. “His anger’s not what I worry about though. It’s what he pulled on Falasin. It’s why I’ve been very careful not to be around him if I can help it, especially when no one else is there. At least you seem to be off his radar now, and I don’t think Riley ever was, aside from trying to get between you.”

“Yeah. When Riley went missing, I was terrified Niro had done something to him. Anyway, it’s nice to be on the inside of the story now,” she smiled faintly.

Six laughed just a little. “It’s often not that exciting, to be honest. It’s also a little strange when, like you’ll have to do now, I need to pretend to be at odds with Suresh or the submissive little toy. Welcome to the show Reva.” She paused a moment and then rested her hand on Reva’s arm. “I need a favor though.”

“Being at odds with Suresh is second nature by now,” Reva half-joked. “What favor?”

“Go see Vic?” Six asked. “He could use a friendly shoulder right now...that isn’t mine. I know he has Jan and Jackson, but you’re his friend too, and don’t work with him. You also know what’s going on, so he can talk a little more freely with you.”

“Okay. I’ll go see him today. I can’t believe that they’d assign him as your handler. That’s just mean,” Reva shook her head and chuckled. “I should probably get going and head to the Academy. What are your plans for today?”

“I’m relaxing a little without looking over my shoulder for Niro. Mainly, I’m going to be at home with Suresh. We need a little time out of the spotlight to get back to normal.” Six smiled. “Good luck today.”

“Thanks. I’m just hoping that neither Eli nor Chance are in whatever class I’m helping with. Can you imagine the heckling they’d try to hit me with?” She laughed and stood then leaned toward Six and hugged her. “Be safe.”

“I will and you have fun.” She held onto Reva for a moment. “We need to take the girls to the Nexus soon.”

“Yes, we do. Desta is getting to be friends with Vic, too, by the way. So we’ll go in the next few days.” She patted Six’s shoulder and headed out.

Lt. Leto
Lt. Riley Sukotav
Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six Of Ten


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