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Niro's Not Done Yet

Posted on Wed Nov 11th, 2015 @ 6:21pm by Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Chief Petty Officer Siri & Ensign Six of Ten & Niro

Mission: Further Challenges

* JAG Offices *

The doors opened and Six stepped in, somewhat cautiously. The call had been from Lt. Bajun and she had no idea why JAG would need her. For a moment, she wondered if Vic had called Ray about the Xerena mess but he hadn’t mentioned it. She saw a young Bolian woman seated behind a desk and approached her.

“I’m Six. I received a call to come see Lt. Bajun. Do you know why?”

Siri smiled in a way that it looked more like a grimace. “Yes, go on in, she’s in her office, waiting for you.”

The Bolian was partly correct; Julisa was in her office, working on something that, when she saw Six, she set aside. “Six of Ten, thanks for coming in so quickly. Please, have a seat.”

“Of course.” Six sat immediately, more than a little uneasy. Her only interaction with JAG had been back on Earth after she first arrived and had been held in solitary while they debated what to do with her. “What’s this about?”

“The Enaran, Niro,” Julisa said his name as if she’d never met him. “It’s my understanding that you have information about him. I’m trying to make certain that charges against him stick, but... our primary witness, Falasin, has developed a memory issue. Did she talk to you about what she knew about Niro?”

Six nodded. “I had gone down to Saturnalia to find her and see if I could help. The woman she works for was concerned about her being mixed up with Niro. So I told her if she ever needed help to call. Later, I think the next day I got a call from Security, Lt. Gilroy. They had found her running through the docking bay trying to get away from one of Niro’s crew. I got there and she told Gilroy that she had overheard Niro talking to someone on his terminal, saying that he had been successful in getting rid of Eli Ziyad. Apparently Niro caught her and she had run away. Not long after, I took Falasin, Reva and Desta down and we stayed for the weekend. In talking about Niro, however, she seemed to have no memory of what she told Gilroy.”

“She still has no memory of it.” Julisa sat back and sighed. She was having trouble with this case. What Six and Mamu knew was hearsay as to the attempted murder of Eli Ziyad. Regulations and laws were still catching up with what Enarans could do to people’s minds and memories. She’d be treading into open waters with this case. It irked her that Niro would get away with attempted murder and only be charged with tampering with a witness. She told Six as much and ended her comments with, “I’ll need you to testify as to what Falasin told you and then that she no longer remembered the incidence. Can you do that?”

“Of course,” Six answered. “Will that help at all? Falasin does recall him coming to see her at my quarters down in the Pit if that helps.”

“Yes. That establishes that Niro had the opportunity to wipe her memory,” Julisa shrugged. “I’d rather get him for poisoning Cadet Ziyad, since it’s a more serious crime carrying a heavier punishment, but we can’t.”

“Can I just make him disappear?” Six asked, but then she smiled. “You didn’t hear that, but trust me, I have the means.”

“Don’t tell me things like that,” Julisa shook her head. “I’ll ignore it this time,” she said, smiling humorlessly. “Tog is Niro’s attorney; I think you know Tog, or know of him, since he’s also Suresh’s attorney. Anyway, I’ll arrange a time for you to answer both of our questions. It’s sort of like a deposition, but less formal.”

The comm on her console chirped and Siri announced, “Jules, that gorgeous security guy is here to see you. He brought a piece of garbage named Niro with him, though.”

Frowning, Julisa shot a glare at the comm. “That’s my next appointment, Six. Hang on,” she held up a finger then spoke to Siri, “Tell him to wait just a few minutes.”

“Oh, no problem,” Siri answered, sounding like she intended to flirt heavily with the security officer.

Julisa looked at Six, “Do you have any questions right now?”

“No.” Six shook her head, but then glanced to the door. “Niro’s here? That’s not exactly good. He blames me for losing Reva and Falasin and anything else he can think of. He’s tried to be the snake he is around me and it hasn’t worked.”

Looking down at her desk and pretending to shuffle a couple of padds around, Jules nodded, “He can be awful.” She remembered how he’d been during their rescue of his brother. That’s how she wanted to remember him. “If you’ll wait here a minute, I can have Darwin take him to the conference room next door,” she said, knowing that Siri had a minor crush on that particular “gorgeous security guy”. She stood to go to her door but as she neared it, the door swooshed open and Niro hurried in, Darwin right behind him. Darwin grabbed Niro just as Niro tried to push Julisa aside; Julisa and Niro stumbled back into Six.

“You filthy Borg!”, Niro sneered at her in the moment before Darwin collared him and barked, “Hey!” Behind them, the door to Julisa’s office slid shut again.

Six rose and put herself between Niro and Julisa. “That’s not what you said last time we spoke, Niro,” she said calmly. “Still blaming me for all your failures?”

Julisa glared at both Niro and Darwin and was about to admonish both when Niro reached out and, with a sly leer, tapped her commbadge. “Niro to the Korenna: four to beam out!”, he said before any of them could shut him up.

Darwin was able to voice one complaint, “Shit!”, before transporter harmonics started and whisked the four to the Korenna.

* EFS Korenna *

The four of them materialized on the bridge and Niro spoke instantly. “Engage!” he ordered the conn and the ship began to pull away from 900. “As soon as you can, go to warp, heading 742 mark 6.” Then he turned back to Julisa.” Welcome back, Julisa.”

Stunned, Jules stared at him. “Niro, what the hell are you doing?”

Pushing past her, Darwin was about to make his feelings known in a physical way, but one of Niro’s crew promptly stunned him, dropping him to the deck plating. Julisa knelt beside him. “Darwin! Niro, take us back right now and I can try to mitigate this for you!”

“A bit late for that don’t you think?” He laughed briefly. “Gilroy seemed determined to find a way to lock me away so I’m taking the choice out of his hands. Besides, I have a score to settle with Six. You two just happened to be along for the ride. I figure it will take a bit before anyone knows you’re missing and when they do? With JAG and Security on board, they won’t be so quick to start shooting.”

Six’s eyes narrowed at his words and she stepped closer to Niro. “If this is about me, then send them home and we’ll work it out. They don’t need to be here.”

“Really?” Niro looked Six over, laughed and looked at Julisa, “What do you think my dear friend?”

“Six, it isn’t just about you, is it, Niro? It was convenient you were in my office, but... he didn’t know you’d be in my office,” Julisa told Six. She made eye contact with Niro, hoping to distract him from the weapon she’d just palmed from Darwin’s side.

“For a Fleetie, J’s pretty smart,” Niro said, winking at Six. “And she’s right: you’re a bonus. The original intent? Get off the Station and run like hell. My plan included Julisa as a consolation prize. Now I have two.” He grinned.

Six slipped her hands in her pockets and casually leaned against the rail that ran around by the upper level of the bridge. “So, you have us, now what?” She pressed the comm badge in her pocket to send the alarm to Vic, hoping they weren’t out of range yet.

His grin remained in place. “Yes, now what...,” he seemed to muse. “Oh, I know: stun them,” he ordered his crewman, who didn’t hesitate to obey, knocking both women to the floor.

Lt. Bajun Julisa
CPO Siri
Ensign Six of Ten
Lt. M. Darwin


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