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Bad News Express

Posted on Thu Nov 12th, 2015 @ 11:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Suresh & Vic & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges

* Vic’s Quarters *

Vic was just up and having his ‘morning’ coffee around 1300 hours when two sets of beeps began. One came from his terminal, the other from the comm badge on his nightstand, and both were the instantly recognizable sound of Six’s emergency alert. He set his cup aside and dashed over to the terminal. Pulling up the locator program, he began scanning for her location, and was surprised when a ‘location unknown’ message popped up. He tried again and still no success.

“Computer, locate Six of Ten.”

=^= Six of Ten is not on board Starbase 900, =^= was the computer’s response.

“She what? that’s not possible. Check again,” Vic ordered.

=^= Six of Ten is not on board Starbase 900, =^=

Perhaps she had gone down to the planet? But if so, why would she send the emergency alert? He knew without a doubt that something had to be wrong for her to use it. Worry blossomed deep within him and he opened a comm channel.

“Vic to Lt. Darwin.” The channel came back with the ‘not available’ beep. “Computer, locate Lt. Darwin.”

=^= Lt. Darwin is not on the station =^=

“Oh, this is so not good.” He hurried into his bedroom and grabbed his comm badge. “Vic to Edana.”

=^= Ed here, what’s up handsome? =^=

“Ed? Oh thank goodness, at least you’re here. Meet me in Gilroy’s office immediately. Vic out.”

He dashed from his quarters, leaving his coffee to grow cold.

* Gilroy’s Office *

Gilroy was sitting at his desk, doing something he never thought he’d do: he was researching Ignatius and her brood. What they ate, what they did. Part of it was for work: Chance Conradi had contacted him, concerned because Ignatius hadn’t been seen in a while. Part of his research was because one of Iggy’s children was named after him and could quote Shakespeare. He knew that knowing your enemy made the enemy less scary. And Iggy was definitely scary. Her daughter, Gilroy, Jr., was less scary.

So was Vic when Vic burst into his office. Gilroy startled and shuffled the padd he’d been working on into a desk drawer. “Vic! What... what brings you by?” His brows went up again as Edana joined Vic. He looked beyond them and asked, “Is Darwin coming to complete this foursome?”

“No. Look, I got Six’s emergency alert but the computer couldn’t track her. It said she wasn’t on the station and when I tried to find Darwin, it said he was not on 900 either. Where was he going?” Vic demanded. “She wouldn’t use it without good reason.”

Gilroy frowned at Vic then made a few non-verbal inquiries on his console. Each was answered with the computer’s usual “cannot respond” chirp. “Darwin was taking Niro to see Lieutenant Bajun. Niro and Bajun are also not on the Station.” A moment later, he stifled the Klingon urge to roar: “Niro’s ship is no longer on the Station and the computer recorded a transport from Bajun’s office to the Korenna.”

“How many life signs were transported out?” Edana asked.

“Four.” Gilroy’s jaw muscle worked as he tried to rein in his irritation. “I’ll get a fast ship sent out after them.” He was making good on his statement. “And a CSU sent to Bajun’s office. How stupid is Niro?”

“Not at all, but right now? Desperate,” Edana replied. “His latest plan flopped and he’s pissed at Six over the Reva thing and for keeping Falasin away from him. He was mixed up with Xerena as you know and that also flopped. Desperate and smart is a scary combination.”

“Yes, hence why he was being seen by Bajun: she’s the prosecutor going after him on those charges,” Gilroy said.

“The alert just came in so they can’t have gotten far. Anything yet?” Vic asked. Then an unwelcome thought hit him. “Someone needs to notify Solis and Suresh.”

“Nothing yet. I’ll handle notifying Solis; Ed? Will you notify Suresh? My presence in the Pit would be remarkable,” Gilroy made eye contact with Edana.

She had to laugh finally, and nodded. “Good point. I’ll take Vic with me. Call as soon as you find them?”

“You’ll be the second ones to know,” he assured them.

* Piper Medical *

Oddly nervous, Gilroy entered Piper and approached the clerk behind the main desk. “I need to see Lieutenant Solis, please,” he said.

The clerk looked Gilroy over and asked, “Do you have an appointment or is this a medical emergency?”

“No, neither... well... it is an emergency. I need to speak to him right now,” Gilroy asserted.

“Is this something Dr. Crane could handle?”

“No! It has to be Dr. Solis,” Gilroy frowned at the clerk. “Do I need to just bypass you?”

“Have a seat, I’ll let Dr. Solis know you’re here,” the clerk said and gestured at a bank of chairs in the waiting room.

Gilroy frowned, stared at the clerk for a moment longer than necessary then turned and took a seat while the clerk sent Solis a message about security being here to see him.

Several minutes later, Solis appeared in the main lobby and seeing Gilroy smiled. “Hey Gil, come on back to my office. This about Xavier?” He turned and led the way out of the lobby.

Gilroy walked quickly and spoke slowly, “Not officially... how is he?”

“Doing remarkably well, actually. I expect he’ll have full use of his hand with no problems whatsoever, which is most unusual as I’m sure you know,” Solis answered. “I’ve ordered no restriction on duty and he can come back as soon as he’s ready. He’ll be doing some PT twice a week but honestly? It’s a formality. I don’t think he needs it.”

“That’s good, considering the injury he suffered,” Gilroy noted as they crossed into Solis’ office. “Is that result possibly because of Desta?”

Solis closed the door behind them, then sat on the corner of his desk. “So you know about her, I take it? I shouldn’t be surprised. But to answer your question, yes. She did help out a little.”

“I had the feeling she would, since Xavier was hurt in a roundabout way because of her past with Pash.” He held up a hand and clarified, “I’m not blaming her. Anyway... I’m not here because of Xavier. I’m here because of Julisa.”

“Julisa? What about her? She’s in her office if you need her.” Solis’ finely-arched eyebrows drew down. “I don’t like that look, Gil. What’s up?”

“You shouldn’t. Julisa was meeting with Six of Ten when Niro and Lieutenant Darwin entered her office. All four were transported off the Station to the Korenna, Niro’s ship. We have a ship following the Korenna’s warp signature.” Gilroy watched Solis carefully, wary of the man getting emotional.

Solis sat up straighter and his expression did not get any happier. “And? What aren’t you saying here?”

“That’s it, Dr. Solis: Julisa is not on the Station; we have a ship chasing the Korenna,” Gilroy said. He couldn’t help himself from thinking that at least she wasn’t on a slaver’s ship.

“I see.” Solis managed a smile but it was clear that it took some effort. “Call me the minute you know something?” He slipped off the desk and stood. “If there’s nothing else, I need to go see to a few things.”

“I’ll keep you updated, Doctor.” Gilroy moved a few paces towards the door then turned back and said, “I’ll ask one of your coworkers to come in as I leave.”

“What for?” The thunderstorm brewing in Solis was held at bay for a moment.

“To help you keep your emotions in check.” The part-Klingon knew of past property damage in the Dr.’s office.

“Unless they, or you, plan to shoot me dead or knock me out, I can assure you that isn’t going to help. However, I am going to go deal with this in a more appropriate place. Even so, I’ll be reachable by comm. And if you find them and get them home, Niro better hope you find him before I do. Thanks, Gil.”

“Okay,” he was unable to say ‘welcome’, considering the news he’d just given. “Feel free to contact me, but if I have any news, you’ll be the first I call.” He stepped out of Solis’ office and found Ophelia Payne to tell her the same news.

* Suresh’s Quarters *

Suresh took one last look in the mirror and ran a hand through his hair. He was due to see Robin shortly and had a few places to stop on the way there. The last message from Six said she was going to see Reva, so he figured she would be busy for a while. He was just stepping from the bedroom when the door chime rang. He crossed to open it and was surprised to see Vic and Edana.

“Hello Vic, Ed. What’s up?”

Vic cast a glance at Edana and they shared a tiny nod. “Six is not on the Station, Suresh,” Vic broke the news quickly, believing that ripping the bandage off was better than slowly peeling it off. “Security did a scan. She was beamed to Niro’s ship. There’s a ship already in pursuit.”

“Niro’s ship.” It took a few beats for the real meaning of Vic’s words to sink in. “Niro took Six? did that happen?” He looked froM Vic to Edana, then turned and walked away from the door and back into his living room. “She wouldn’t go willingly, would she?”

Eyeing Suresh, Vic frowned, “Do you really think she would go willingly?” He shook his head, “From what Gilroy told us, four people were transported from Lt. Bajun’s office to the Korenna. Niro, Lt. Bajun, Darwin and Six.”

Suresh turned to look back at him, confusion on his face and something new - fear. “He took them all? What the hell is going on Vic? Will they catch him?” He closed in on Vic and grabbed his shoulders. “Will they get her back??”

Vic nodded, “They will. And remember that Darwin is with her, so she’ll be fine.”

“He’s been trying his best to get to her, you know. Getting too close in Saturnalia, trying to hint that there was something there and when that didn’t work, making subtle threats.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “They can’t be so far ahead that they can’t be caught, can they?”

“No, Six apparently had a second to hit her commbadge - I got the summons and, when we couldn’t locate her on the Station, Gilroy sent a ship after them. This isn’t like Reva’s abduction - then, Fisher had nearly a day’s head start and a fast ship. Niro’s ship maxes out around warp seven.”

“He also vastly underestimates Six, Vic. He has no idea what she is capable of.” That thought seemed to reassure him, at least a little. He turned finally to Edana. “I have to see someone in a half hour. Will you be here when I get back? No more than two hours.”

Edana nodded. “I’ll be here, don’t worry.”

“I’ll walk as far as the turbolift with you. I need to get to work,” Vic offered and turned toward the door. “Ready?”

Suresh nodded and they left his quarters. As they walked along the corridor, he looked over at Vic. “If he hurts her, I’m not so sure I will be able to resist dealing with him once he’s back. Fair warning. Perhaps we could make him disappear?” There was no humor in his voice.

“Gilroy and Darwin - and Oz - might have something to say about that, Suresh,” Vic replied. “I think Gilroy’s answer would be a Shakespeare quote, something about letting Justice be served. Darwin and Oz? They might be closer to your side of the spectrum.” He shrugged as they walked along, “Then again, you’ve been spending way more time with Darwin than, it seems, nearly anyone else on the Station.”

“Darwin’s with them, so we’re assuming Niro will be in one piece when they are found.” Suresh pressed the panel for the turbolift. “He might wish it was me and not Darwin ripping him apart. I suppose we will see. His presence there is about the only thing keeping me together at the moment. I know this is difficult for you too.”

Unsure how to respond to that, Vic simply nodded. “Darwin and Julisa, one of our JAG officers, is with her. Julisa’s boyfriend is going through what you’re going through,” Vic mused then stopped in his tracks, mouth slightly open; he’d just realized what an ass he’d been: “Oh... Ed’s dating Darwin and... I didn’t even think to.... When you get back, try to recall that she has a stake in this, too.”

Suresh grumbled as he stepped into the lift. “Dammit. The news about Six hit so hard that I didn’t think.” Suresh ordered the deck for the Nexus Club. “I don’t know what I’ll do if…..” He stopped and shook his head. “Better to count on them being found, I think.” He looked down at his hands and tightened them into fists. “I’ll come find you as soon as I hear something if you want?”

“Yeah, and I’ll contact you if Gilroy notifies me,” Vic agreed. “Suresh, she’ll be back in a few hours. A day, tops.”

Suresh nodded slowly. “Let’s hope so. Niro’s not stable, Vic. There’s no telling what he might do.” The lift doors opened and he smiled briefly. “Thanks for coming in person. I appreciate it.”

“Of course; the least I could do.” As the lift stopped and the door opened, Vic clapped Suresh on the shoulder. “That he’s not stable is evident in this escape attempt. He’s only added onto the list of charges Julisa will nail him for.” He smiled at the thought and stepped off the lift.

“If anything comes up in the next hour or so, I’ll be in Counselor Swift’s office, then home. Take care Vic.” The doors closed and the lift continued on.

Lt. Gilroy
Lt. Solis
SCPO Edana


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