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Julisa's Choice

Posted on Sat Nov 21st, 2015 @ 12:49am by Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Bajor 2360

* Bajor - 2360 *

Gul Darhe’el was standing before the window of the room he used as an office in Gallitep. It had a good view of the city spread out before the prison’s main gates and this time of night, the city lights cast a warm glow up to the night sky. It had been a relatively quiet day, at least until the sensors picked up a ship coming in too low and too fast. He’d sent a team out and had been informed they were returning...with a little surprise for him. They were now in the compound and would reach him within minutes. It seemed that this day might be turning around a bit and he was glad. He despised quiet days. Finally, a knock sounded at the door.

“Come!” he ordered.

The door opened and two Cardassian soldiers stepped in, holding Julisa tight between them. Darhe’el looked her up and down and a chilly smile appeared on his face. “This is my surprise? Very good. Who are you?” The question was addressed to Julisa.

Snarling at his blatant appraisal of her, Julisa snapped, "I am not your surprise or your prize. I'm a Starfleet officer. Release me immediately."

“Is that so?” Darhe’el’s smile widened. “Well, if you wanted to get out, that’s probably the last thing you should’ve said.” He moved across the office and stopped close enough to reach out and touch her nose ridges gently. “Especially since you were caught with a known agent of the Resistance. I should say thank you. We’ve been tracking him for months.”

Jerking away from his hand, she protested, "What? He is not a known agent! He isn't an agent! He hasn't been on this planet...." Suddenly, Julisa wondered: how old was Darwin? Old enough to have been on Bajor in 2360 as a fighter? Shoving that thought aside, she plowed forward, " years! Where is he?"

Darhe’el waved aside her protestations. “Not that gorilla of a human who was with you. He’s likely dead by now, based on the report I received. They shot him and left him in the grass. I meant your Bajoran escort. He’ll never see the light of day again, don’t worry.”

Her throat closed for a second: Darwin? Dead? That would be a blow to the women of SB900. She tried to recall the name of the Bajoran who'd escorted them back to the ship; she couldn't. "Fine, then thank me and release me."

“There’s the problem, my lovely.” Darhe’el smiled once more. “You’re Bajoran and were found with a known Resistance fighter. Therefore, we must assume the obvious. However, I’m in a good mood so perhaps I’ll let you live for tonight. It’s been dreadfully dull around here you know. I’m sure I can find something useful for you to do to liven things up.”

Having grown up during the Occupation and the aftermath, Julisa had heard tales of what Cardassians had done to Bajorans. As she looked closer at this Cardassian, she nearly swallowed her tongue. “Darhe’el? Gul Darhe’el?” Rage and fear warred; Gul Darhe’el was a Bajoran equivalent of the boogyman: he carried the nickname “Butcher of Gallitep” and for good reason. Bajoran lore held it that a Bajoran who met Darhe’el alone was dead before even walking into the room. The death was never pretty. Here she was, alone with Darhe’el... almost. The two Cardies who’d dragged her in were watching with some amusement.

“I see my reputation precedes me.” He bowed slightly to Julisa, then laughed. “That always seems to smooth the way quite a bit.” He motioned to a sofa that ran along one wall. “Have a seat.”

She glanced at it and wildly tried to think of a way to not sit on that sofa. With her stomach churning sickly, though, she could barely think clearly let alone be clever enough to avoid sitting. Moving woodenly, she sat, staying on the edge of the sofa. “You have less than three years to live,” she remarked.

Darhe’el snorted. “You think that worries me? You are talking to a man who considers himself lucky to wake up every morning, which is why I insist on enjoying every single day I get to the fullest.” He turned back to her two guards. “What was the result of the weapons test?”

“A failure, Gul,” one of the Cardassians answered. “A large display of fireworks and the development team is still doing scans. Apparently there are a number of strange readings.”

Julisa wondered what weapon they’d tested and, now, what readings were they getting? She watched as the Cardie stopped speaking and turned to look at Darhe’el, to find him looking at her. She could read him enough that she knew she was how he intended to enjoy this day to the fullest.

“Report back to me once you know more, but not in person or I will rip out your heart,” he ordered. The two guards hurried out and he locked the door behind them. “Now then, let’s have a little talk you and I.” He crossed to the sofa and sat beside her. “Tell me who you are.”

“A simple Bajoran, Gul. You need not take any notice of me,” she said, wishing she were anywhere else.

“I beg to differ. If I’d known you would be delivered to me today, I’d have gotten up earlier.” He smiled at his own joke. “Tell me something else. I hear you were found on a strange ship. Where did you come from? You’ll tell me either way, why not take the easy route? You’ll enjoy it far more, I assure you.”

“I told you already: I’m a Starfleet Officer. You do not want to harm me,” she said, regaining a bit of her balance.

“You’re right about that, actually. Well, as long as you cooperate. I find myself with an open evening and you are going to fill it. You are far too delectable to pass on to the officers.” He reached out to loosen the collar of her uniform. “We’ll need to find you something decent to wear too. This shapeless uniform will never do.” He licked his lips as he studied her. “Take it off.”

Abruptly, she stood and walked away from the sofa. “Just like that, Gul? Wouldn’t you rather let me shower and dress for you?”

Darhe’el narrowed his eyes as he watched her, very much liking the sway of her hips as she moved. “You have a point but I will be watching. Then we will have dinner. You need to keep your strength up you know.”

Watching? She’d been hoping he wouldn’t, but then, delaying him gave her time to think of a way out, a way back to where? She had no idea which way to go to find the Resistance camp and, even if she did, she’d end up leading the Cardassians to the camp. Was Darwin really dead? She prayed not. “My strength? Wh.... Of course, Gul. Perhaps while I shower, you could choose a dress for me?” Being cooperative sickened her.

“I will.” He rose and followed her across his office. When he reached her, he took hold of her face, his grip so tight it made her lips pucker. “You are a smart woman. I offer you a choice here….your cooperation will buy that young man who was with you his life. He will continue to live as long as you continue to do exactly as I wish. Do you understand?”

He didn’t give her many options in how to answer. She nodded before he eased his grip on her then asked, “What guarantee of that do I have?”

“None, but are you really willing to take that risk?” he asked.

“No,” she said, already knowing that the man was being interrogated by the Gul’s men. Because he’d thought of it while touching her, she hadn’t any problem reading it. “You’re known as a Gul who stands behind his word.”

That got another laugh from Darhe’el. “I’ll be standing behind you tonight too. Let’s go. I’m getting hungry.” He motioned for her to turn around, then pulled a set of wrist restraints from his desk and secured her. “Shall we, my lovely?”

Hating that her hands were behind her, Julisa let him lead her out to the hallway. As they passed several guards, some of them chuckled and leered, knowing what Julisa’s fate was.

Lt. Bajun Julisa

Gul Darhe’el


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