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Friends And Future Plans

Posted on Fri Nov 20th, 2015 @ 12:20am by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Vic & Ensign Reva Madhava & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Desta

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Reva's Quarters

* Reva’s and Desta’s Quarters *

Leaning against Riley, Reva sniffled. She’d been crying on his shoulder, almost literally though she was a touch short to reach his shoulder even when they sat next to each other. “Maybe we should move somewhere... Like Betazed. It’s safe. Not like this place,” she complained. “You, me, Desta and now Six! Despite all of Suresh’s supposed safeguards, Niro got her and she’s gone!” She sobbed into his chest.

Riley tightened his arm around Reva and kissed the top of her head. “Well, based on what Chance said, Suresh couldn’t have foreseen he would swipe her, a JAG officer and Darwin right out of a JAG office. Frankly, I can’t wait to see what he does to Niro once they get home, if Niro survives this trip.”

“Which he probably will, with his luck. What’s he going to do with Julisa and Darwin? I can guess about Six,” and none of Reva’s scenarios were particularly good, “but them?”

“Good question. Both of them would make great hostages to get him off the station though. Who knows?” Riley wondered. “Maybe Darwin will kill him and solve everyone’s problem. We can hope. Maybe when Vic gets here, he’ll have heard some news.” Riley passed Reva another tissue. “Look, we got you back, they will get Six back too. Chance said they knew within minutes and took off after them.”

"Niro's engines top out at 7.2 and he doesn't carry enough fuel to maintain that speed for long, so a Fleet ship should have an easy time catching up," Reva said and caught herself before she launched into a lecture about what she'd done with Niro's engines. "And it's Darwin's job to keep Six safe. She'll be okay," she reassured herself.

“She will. Six is tough and I suspect that Niro really had no idea how tough she is. That’s a good thing since it will be easier for her to blindside him if she needs to take him out. Did we really invite everyone over?” He laughed and the door chime cut him off. “I guess we did.”

Desta hurried from her room. “I’ll get it.” She stopped to squeeze Reva’s shoulder, then moved on to the doors. They opened to reveal Vic standing in the corridor. “Vic, hi! Come in.”

"Hey, Desta," Vic stepped in then greeted the two on the couch, "Riley. Reva, I thought I'd take you up on the suggestion to stop by."

"Good, come in, siddown," Reva said, trying to smile, "I was just trying to convince Riley to move somewhere safe."

Vic, partway to an armchair, laughed, "There's no such place. Just about anyone 'll tell you that."

“He’s right,” Desta agreed. “Even at home where no one ever came, it didn’t keep me safe. So, you might as well live where you want and take precautions. You can’t live in the shadow of fear,” she added quietly. “Been there done that. Can I get you something Vic?”

"Just water, Des, thanks," he responded. "Is it Six's abduction that has you saying that?"

Reva nodded. "That, plus when Riley went missing.... And I almost forgot: the attempt on Eli." With Desta in the room, she steered away from mentioning Pash's actions. After all, her bulldog, Robart, had, in a way, facilitated that.

“Niro was the one responsible for Eli and now Six and the rest. He also tried his best to mess with you too Reva. I hope Six rips him limb from limb.” Riley smiled a little.

Silently agreeing with Riley, Reva flashed him a small smile. "She's strong enough. I bet Darwin would help her."

"I wager that Darwin would think she's just in the way of him taking care of Niro," Vic said then accepted a glass from Desta. "So, Desta, have you thought about taking on a job?"

“I have actually. Raj mentioned it too. He thinks it will be a good step to getting back in the swing of things and I think he’s right. Reva’s back on duty and working at the Academy and I need to do something besides sit around here.” She smiled to Vic. “Any ideas?”

“How about a shop? Maybe Falasin can get Mamu to give you a job,” Vic suggested.

“Mamu... oh!” Reva hopped up and was headed for her bedroom when the door chime sounded. She detoured to the door and opened it. “Eli, Chance! Hi guys,” she smiled and let them in. “I’ll be back out in a sec,” she said, and went into her room.

Chance laughed, “Well, that’s the welcome!” He entered and was surprised to see Vic there. “Hey Vic. This must be the place to be tonight.”

Vic waved in greeting.

Eli patted Vic on the shoulder, then greeted the rest. “Riley. Desta, where have they been hiding you?”

“Oh, here and there.” She smiled up at him, then wiggled her fingers at Chance in greeting. “Have a seat. Can I get you two anything?”

“I’m good, thanks,” Chance took a seat. “What about you, Riley? Has Reva been ...” Halfway through his question, he stopped and shook his head, “Nevermind. There’s no way to word that that doesn’t sound bad.”

Reva came out of her room, Gilroy, Jr., on one shoulder and a small box in her hand. She eased back down beside Riley.

Riley began to laugh and a faint blush tinted his cheeks. “You’re right, there isn’t.” He reached out to poke Chance. “Get your mind out of the gutter Cadet.”

“Perish the thought,” Eli replied. “If his mind wasn’t in the gutter, I might not recognize him.”

“Have your parents met? Chance, how much longer will your parents be here?” Vic sipped his water.

“Ah... at the moment, they don’t have plans to leave. Our oldest brother is watching the business at home. Plus, Oz went off again and they’d like to have some more time with her before they head back,” Chance said. He glanced at Eli, “Want to tell him about the parents’ meeting?”

“It was...interesting. Picture it...two Enarans, two humans, and a Vulcan. What could go wrong?” He smiled. “Actually, they were all a little wary initially but then Nadia, that’s Chance’s Mom, sorta broke the ice when she mentioned that she’d met the local madame who came to see me in sickbay when I was in there. Which led to some interesting questions and somehow or the other, all the parents found it uproariously funny at my expense. Well except for Chance’s dad. He didn’t laugh, but I swear, Chance, he almost cracked a smile.”

Smiling, Chance nodded, “Yeah, Dad’s humor matches my mother’s, so seeing Eli squirm because he’s friends with Seyla tickled him. Oh, wait, you meant my Vulcan dad.” He shrugged.

“I think it doesn’t take much to make Eli squirm,” Desta observed.

“Hey!” Eli exclaimed, but he smiled. “You have a point I cannot deny.” He grinned and glanced over to Chance.

“Yes! He’s easy to embarrass, which I will endeavour to not do right now!” Chance said, speaking a little louder than was necessary. “Instead, I’m going to ask Reva what’s in the box!”

“Oh! Yeah, I got up to get this when Vic mentioned Mamu B’yaga. I got it there, for you, Riley,” Reva handed him the box.

“Oh?” He smiled at Reva, then opened the box and looked in. What he saw there brought a big smile to his face. “This is awesome.” He pulled a wide armband out of the box and slipped it onto his bare arm, just down from the sleeve of his tank top. I love it. Once all these people are gone, I’ll show you how much, he sent to Reva.

She smiled. “Robart liked it, too. It’s Orion in origin.”

Vic looked at the band and then chuckled. “Reminds me of the betrothal bands some cultures use.”

Riley slid a glance to Reva but didn’t comment aloud.

“It’s a good look on you Riley.” Eli smiled at his friend. “What do you think Leroy would say about wearing it to work?”

Riley snorted. “That is not regulation, Mr. Sukotav.” He did a very good imitation of Patrick. Then he groaned. “Oh man, I got a message from Tess that Commander Leroy landed about an hour ago and will be back on duty tomorrow. I have to explain Six’s resignation. Pity me.”

“You? Why doesn’t Tess have to do that? Isn’t he the one that pushed her to resign?” Reva glanced at Eli and Chance. “He should have to be the one that explains that. Do you get to inform them of Six’s disappearance, too?”

“I suppose I will. We discussed it and decided not to tell the commander tonight and ruin his homecoming.” Riley shrugged. “Tess thinks I have a little more insight into why Six jumped ship and can smooth things over a little better. I guess we’ll see.”

Desta watched the group, sensing a varied mix of emotions. One close at hand nudged at her and she looked down at Vic from where she perched on the arm of his chair. “I’m going to get the snacks from the kitchen. Will you give me a hand Vic?”

“Yep,” He hopped up and followed her into the kitchen.

Watching Vic, Chance smiled with bemusement. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen Vic move so quickly. Or eagerly.”

Reva nodded and agreed, “Particularly when chasing after a woman.”

Eli spoke, his voice lowered. “Don’t scare him off. Maybe it’s a good thing, you know?”

“Moving on?” Riley suggested. “Distraction over the current situation?”

“Let’s hope more than distraction,” Reva whispered, loud enough for just those in the room to hear her. “It’d be nice for Vic to be first choice.”

“Agreed.” Eli nodded and looked to the rest. “I know we’re here sort of sitting vigil while we wait for news but distraction sounds good. How about a movie?”

“Yeah, sounds good,” Reva nodded. “How about you guys choose what we’ll watch and I’ll grab some pillows and blankets?” She phrased it as a question, but it wasn’t. She stood and went to her bedroom.

* Kitchen *

“So... you doing okay since the whole Pash thing?”

Desta turned back from the cabinet and looked up at Vic. She honestly considered the question, and finally nodded. “Yes. He is dead, Vic. What more do I have to fear? My long nightmare is over, for real this time. Do you have any idea how it feels to wake up in the morning and know he will never find me again? That I am finally free to live my life?”

“That is pretty great, isn’t it?” He smiled at her. “And Xavier? How’s he doing?”

Desta shrugged. “He’s recovered and is doing well. He’ll be fine going forward I think and I'm glad.” She rested her hand on Vic’s arm and smiled. “As for what you really wanted to ask, there’s nothing much to talk about. We went out a second time and while it was okay, it’s not a….how do I put this? Not going to be a ‘thing’ as Reva would say? He’s great but he’s not what I want and he’s okay with that. We’re good just being friends and this way I don’t have to explain what I am.”

"Which is always good. I'd hate to see you with someone who might want you to change for him." He set a bowl of some sort of dip on the tray she had pulled out. It took him a moment before he fully clued in on Desta's touch and smile and words. When he did, he hesitated again, this time while he opened a bag of chips. "Would you like to go to the Nexus some night?"

“I’d love to but don’t you see enough of the place as it is?” She gently took the bag of chips from him and poured them into a bowl. “We can do anything you want if you’d like to see something besides the club.”

"You're right. I was thinking of how Jackson brings Oz to the Nexus, but he usually makes the night into a partial working dinner. How about a holodeck, then? We could go anywhere. Where would you like to go?"

“I’d like to see….Pacifica I think. I’ve heard of it often but was never allowed to go there.” She set the empty bag aside and turned to face Vic. She took his hands in hers before she spoke again. “You’ve been quiet tonight. I know this is difficult for you. Is there anything I can do?”

"No, Desta, there's nothing you need to do for me," he replied, pulling his hands away from her and putting them on her shoulders. "I'm worried about all three who are missing, not just Six. Darwin's a friend; Julisa ...well, I know her mostly through Solis. It'll kill him if she doesn't come back." He smiled vaguely and looked at the tray. "Think we have enough?"

Desta nodded. “I think so. Besides, this bunch? We rarely shut up long enough to eat.” She hesitated, unsure if she should ask, then decided to anyway. “When? The holodeck? I was hoping you’d ask, you know.”

“How about Wednesday?”, he said. “That’s the next night that I’m not working. If you don’t have plans already, you do now.” He smiled and picked up the tray to carry it out to the living room.

Desta watched him go, a happy smile on her face.

* * *

Desta picked up the empty bowls and put them on the tray. Vic, Chance, and Eli had departed for the night and as she cleared away the remains of the snacks, Desta hummed just a little.

Helping Desta clean up their apartment, Reva followed her into the kitchen, hands full of glasses. “Eli joked earlier that if you and Vic didn’t return in another minute, he was going to stumble into the kitchen and see what was cooking. I’m guessing you and Vic are on a slow boil.”

“He didn’t!” Desta laughed but her cheeks were suddenly aflame. “We…..maybe. I don’t know. Vic has made plans for us for Wednesday evening.”

“Plans as in a date or just two friends hanging out?”

That caused Desta to stop and think about the situation. “Well, he first asked if I’d like to go to the Nexus. I told him I’d love to but then I wondered if perhaps he saw too much of it and would like to do something else. He suggested a holodeck and said we could go anywhere I liked. What do you think?”

“Huh... kinda hard to tell, actually,” Reva frowned. “Did you read him? Then again, he was inviting you to go to his workplace, be around all his coworkers.... That’s sort of significant, don’t you think?”

“I suppose it is,” Desta agreed. “I did read him though. I know this sounds strange, but there’s been no secrets with Vic. Sort of hard to have any when he reads me so easily, you know?” Des leaned back against the counter as she spoke. “I think you’re right - it is significant. I know you all are concerned about him, and about Six. I’m not sure where I fit into that situation.”

“Eyes wide open, that’s all that’s really necessary.” Reva shrugged. “It sounds like you two already have that going for you.”

“I think so.” Desta studied Reva for a few seconds, then reached out to take her hand. “I know you all worry about him and I do too. It’s been a difficult time for him. If it helps, he is my first choice. I may not be his but that doesn’t really matter so much.”

“Yes it does, Des! It’s great that he’s your first choice - but if you aren’t his... be careful because you deserve more from a partner.” Reva had cleared the counter, putting away the glasses and leftover snacks. “And no matter what, don’t let Pash and Fisher cast a shadow over your future.” She turned, hugged Desta and then added, “And now, Riley is super curious about that Orion armband.” She giggled.

“I bet he is. I think I am going to go take a walk, now that I can without looking over my shoulder.” She smiled once more at Reva. “Don’t worry, I won’t settle and I don’t think Vic will put me in that position. He won’t do anything until he’s certain.” She squeezed Reva’s shoulder. “Have fun.”

“Oh, I plan on it,” Reva winked and finished wiping the counters as Desta left for her walk.

Out in the living room Riley was just finishing straightening up the cushions, pillows and blankets. He waved as Desta departed, then turned his attention to the door to the kitchen as Reva reappeared.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, all good,” Reva nodded, smiling slightly. She went over to where he’d stacked the blankets and pulled one out. She also picked up a few of the pillows. “I’ll put these back on our bed, babe. Ready for bed? I know you put Gilroy to bed.”

“In a few. There’s something I’m curious about.” He moved over to take the pillows from her hands, then pulled her into his arms. “Now that everyone’s gone.”

“You? You’re curious about something? Oh, now what could you possibly be curious about?” She rose up on her toes to kiss him.

“This band you gave me.” The corners of his mouth twitched with a smile. “And Vic’s comment. Care to enlighten me?”

She laughed. “He called it a betrothal band. So, is it? Is that what you want? Robart said something similar.” Running a finger over the design on the band, she smiled. “I like it for its Orion-ness.”

The smile he’d held back appeared and spread over his face. “You know very well I would have asked long ago.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her long and hard. “Will you?”

‘You already know I will, Rye. We’ve been through some shit, still have more to deal with, but we’re together. That’s what matters, yeah?”

“It absolutely does and we’ll get through the rest together. We’ll be stronger that way too. that a yes?” The last came out as a whisper, hope shining in his eyes.

“Hey, wait, I was the one who got the armband! I should be the one asking you,” she skittered around the answer, knowing it was driving him mad.

He laughed softly and nodded. It was the Orion way after all. “Very well.”

“Although... actually, I’m not sure whether there’s much asking that happens between Orions. So... will you? Are we betrothed?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” He swept her up in his arms and spun her around, lowering her back to the ground only so he could kiss her again. “You realize I now have an official reason for wearing this to work?”

“Is that all you were after?” She laughed and kissed him again.

“No, you are what I’ve always been after. That’s just a bonus. What will Robart say? Or does it matter since he’s already bought me for you?” Riley grinned impishly at Reva.

“Well, he’s the one who pointed out to me that I should mark my property,” she joked, but the joke suddenly turned on her. “Um... I mean...,” she frowned.

“I’m glad you did. You’ve made me a very happy man, Reva. So very happy.”

“Good. Because I love you and only want to make you happy.”

“I love you too,” he whispered. “Do you want to tell Des tonight or wait? Because if you want to wait, I can think of a few things to occupy our time.”

“Oh, everyone else can wait,” she agreed and grabbed a pillow. “I want to see just what you have in mind to occupy our time."

“As you wish.” He scooped her up in his arms and carried her off to the bedroom.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Lt. Riley Sukotav
Cadet JG Chance Conradi
Cadet JG Eli Ziyad


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