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Back In The Saddle

Posted on Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 6:21pm by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Tess Rutheridge

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Galileo Center
Timeline: Present

* Galileo Science Center *

Despite the first meeting he had scheduled, Riley was in a superbly good mood as he passed through the doors of the science center. He wore a smile that refused to leave his face as he greeted those in the outer work area. The engraved armband he wore got a few looks and a few more winks, but he simply shrugged and continued on to Patrick’s office. Stepping inside, he greeted the CSO.

“Welcome back sir and congratulations. Everything went well I hope?”

Leroy seemed to be in a good mood too as the traces of faint smile lingered on his lips as he checked the roster and the job schedule. Being home in his office again felt good to him.

“Yes. I would say that.” He responded to Riley without entering details, ‘all is well’ was always a good answer. One that prevented having to discuss bothersome matters. all the parts involved were generally satisfied with that and the day would proceed without interruptions…

“I still have to update with all the reports made during my absence. It will take a while” He added frowning slightly “Is there anything I should know that requires attention?”

Patrick turned to look at Riley as he posed the question and almost immediately noticed the new ornament on his forearm. His brow perked “Has Starfleet implemented a new uniform while I was away, Mr. Sukotav?”

Riley barely managed to hold back the laugh that bubbled up within him. The question was pretty close to what he had predicted the previous evening. “It’s a racial adornment,” he answered. “It’s actually a sign of betrothal to an Orion. Ensign Madhava and I have decided to take the plunge, sir. As of last night.”

“Orion system is quite far away from this starbase don’t you think, Lieutenant?” Patrick’s tone had shifted a notch on the chilly side.

“Perhaps, but then all of us are far from home, yet we still maintain our traditions. Were I Bajoran, I would wear the earring. This is much the same.” He leaned a little closer to the desk and lowered his voice. “To be honest, sir? It’s been an interesting road. Part of this trip has meant that I was...umm...bought and paid for. Long story.”

“Congratulations for your sentimental commitment, Lieutenant , though I’m sure I don’t want to hear the details and, while the Bajoran earring has been cleared by regs this doesn’t seem to be the same for… That bracer. Perhaps you could file a request to the Admiral. That said… Is there anything that should be tackled right away? I’ve skipped over a note about changing staff, reorganization or somesuch.”

“Actually, it’s about the staff that I am here. Lt. Rutheridge is aware, and in fact was involved in the change but in discussing it with him, he thought I might be better prepared to explain it since I know the people involved,” Riley answered. He wondered how to start all this and decided that since it was Patrick, getting to the point was better. “Ensign Six has left the department. In fact she has resigned from the Fleet altogether. That’s sort of the end result, though.”

“What?...” Patrick asked not sure to have heard it right but then Sukotav’s words didn’t leave any margin to interpretation. He leaned back on the seat. How was it possible? He couldn’t leave for a few days without everything falling to pieces.

“Resigned? On what grounds?”

“Are you familiar with Suresh, sir?” he asked. That’s where it all began, really, and his explanation would make no sense if Patrick didn’t have some background.

“Yes. Deemed a criminal by many on this starbase. I think Commander Zeferino and her department have a close eye on his affairs below the Equator. What for? A case of blackmail to one Starfleet member?” he ended steepling fingers to his mouth.

“No, not exactly. You see, Six went down to Saturnalia one night right after you left. Some men were hassling her and Suresh stepped in and...well...rescued her you might say,” Riley explained. “He walked her home that night and somehow or the other, they clicked. He sort of romanced her till she went out with him and they became very close.”

“Are you telling me that she, a member of Starfleet Science department, dated a syndicate’s boss?”

Despite the words, spelled with exceeding calm, Sukotav thought that Leroy could have been confused with a statue in that moment, unflinching, fingers still steepled over his mouth.

Riley nodded. “I saw them together and I can tell you it wasn’t some casual fling. That’s about the time it came up down here. Tess was out in the Arboretum, as I understand it, and saw them together. He asked Six about it and she readily admitted it was true. He was not pleased, having much the same reaction you are having now. He pointed out that such a relationship was not good for an officer either for her career or her personally. He was thinking of her position of course, but he was also concerned on a personal level, given who Six is and her lack of...experience? She did not take it well, however. ”

“I see…” Patrick responded dryly wondering, and not for the first time in his life, why all the strange ones ended up in his department. “Thank you for having briefed me up Lieutenant I’ll have to get to Rutheridge as soon as possible.” He said while with the hand typed some commands on the terminal to bring up the full report about Six of Ten.

“There’s more, sir.” Riley frowned a moment. “Tess felt she should make a choice, you see, between Suresh and the Fleet. I don’t think he really felt her relationship was all that serious and hoped that what he said would make her realize her career was more important. But the next day, she came in, turned her project on the slab over to me and informed him she was resigning from the Fleet altogether. He was thunderstruck. I think he still feels bad about it. So that’s how we came to be short one ensign.” He paused to let Patrick take that in before he shared the latest news.

Welcome back home… Patrick thought, his mood starting to turn foul “If Tess has operated that way I think he did well. I would have said the same would I’ve been here. All knowledge, efforts, talent… Thrown to the winds. And for what? Ah… It doesn’t matter now, nothing can be done about that.”

“There’s more and I was hoping Tess might be here to hear this. It’s regarding Six and it’s serious.”

“There’s more?” Patrick asked in surprise. “Well, we can call him in…” Patrick tapped his badge then “Lieutenant Rutheridge, Commander Leroy here. Could you come to my office now? It’s important.”

A few minutes passed before the office doors opened revealing Tess’ figure.

“Come in, Tess.”

Tess Entered the office recognizing immediately ‘that look’ Leroy had on his face, “Commander…” he said then turned a nod to Sukotav “Riley…”

“Hi Tess.” Riley waited until the Assistant CSO was seated and then he continued his story. “I was just going over Six’s departure with Commander Leroy. But I wanted you here because there’s been a new development. Yesterday afternoon, a civilian named Niro was taken from the brig to the JAG office by Darwin. Six was there with Lt. Bajun discussing Niro’s case and when Darwin and Niro reached that office, Niro called his ship and all four were transported off the station. Security was in pursuit almost immediately but they recovered Niro’s crew in escape pods and the ship has vanished. From what I have gathered, they found the area saturated with chroniton particles right at the spot the ship vanished. Right now, they are not sure where they are...or I should say when.”

“Has an official request been filed to Galileo to help with this thing?” Patrick responded his interest picked “Sadly we are experts with chronitons here at SB900, once in a while we keep experiencing troubles due to these particles and their concentration. Tess?”

“We didn’t receive anything so far, but we can set a number of our staff to the task immediately.”

“Good.” Patrick nodded “There’s one thing that escapes me though… What was Six of Ten doing in the brig? And discussing a case with the JAG? Shouldn’t she be as far as possible from those places now?”

“They were taken from the JAG office. The case involved Niro and something she was witness to, as I understand it. It looks really bad for him.” He knew there was a lot more to the issue of Niro and Six but he kept that to himself. “So, we have three officers and a civilian somewhere else in time. “Well,” he glanced over to Tess, “Two officers and two civilians.”

“Well, contact Security Dept. and ask if they need help with that. If the response is positive we’ll set immediately to work on it.” Patrick said watching the two officers.

“I’ll do that.” Tess offered “Do you want we get on this together Riley?”

Riley nodded. “Yes. I want her home, as well as the rest of them. I know you two think her relationship with Suresh is a big mistake but I know he’s probably losing his mind with worry right now. No one deserves that. I know what it feels like - from when I thought I’d lost Reva. If it is a rift as we think, we need to find a way to reopen it from this side.”

“Not much luck with that here.Opening rifts and all that...” Leroy stated “I want any precaution possible taken before acting. And regarding Mr. Suresh I have to admit what a criminal can feel isn’t of much interest to me. Still that man must have a great deal of charisma as, I see, many of my officers feel sympathy for him.”

A hint of a frown settled on Riley’s face. “Even he can have feelings I suppose. Is there anything more, Commander or should we get started?”

“Better get started as we’re at least a day and a half late.”

“Very well.” Riley stood and followed Tess out of the office. Once the door closed, he grumbled, the words less than polite which was a departure for Riley. “Sorry Tess, you probably shouldn’t have heard that.”

“Don’t worry about that, Riley. You know how things go with Leroy… Divitian mothers in this quadrant spook their children with his name when they become unruly…” Tess joked hoping to raise a bit Riley’s spirit.

That finally got a laugh from Riley. “Good point. Tell me something, Tess. Why did you push Six so much on all this?”

“It’s a strange question this one, Riley. She’s but a baby, metaphorically speaking, would you really see your daughter with a man like that? I believe you’ll be a father one day… Think of it. She ruined her life, how can one just stand there and look? I had to try to keep her on the right way.”

Riley sensed Tess was sincere and for a moment, wished he could tell him the truth. It was a shame someone like Tess hadn’t caught her attention, someone safe. Even Vic wasn’t exactly safe where Six was concerned. Finally he nodded. “Yeah. Which is why we have to get her back and out of Niro’s clutches. He’ll use her up and throw her away and she’ll be lost for good.”

“Then we don’t have a moment to lose.”

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Emotional Rollercoaster

Cmdr Patrick Leroy
Welcome Home (Not)

Tess Rutheridge
Safe One (Without Knowing)


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