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Surprise Vacation

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2015 @ 11:53pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges

* Chance & Eli’s Quarters *

Suresh had spoken briefly to Counselor Amani regarding taking Six down to Archadia, then departed in a hurry. Given the decision to have Eli see what he could do about reversing the memory issues, he wanted to see the cadet to arrange a visit while they were down on Archadia. The house there seemed to be the one thing that was unaltered in Six’s mind, so it made sense to try and fix things there. He finally reached their door and rang the chime. He hoped this wouldn’t take long since he had to make a few arrangements for his time away.

Inside the quarters, there was a series of thumps, a shout and then Chance, bare-chested and laughing, opened the door. He swallowed his laughter and choked on it when he saw Suresh standing there. Coughing now, he tried to greet the man, "...Sur...." Eli! It's Suresh!

“Suresh, yes.” Suresh looked him over, his expression reserved. “I need to see Cadet Ziyad, if I'm not interrupting that is.”

Chance caught his breath, inhaled and nodded. "You're not interrupting anything; come in. Eli! He's here to see you." He moved back to let Suresh in; he smoothly scooped Gilroy, Jr., from the floor and deposited her next to her sister, Ariadne, on the back of the sofa. "Don't mind the spiders, Suresh."

He glanced at them, then dismissed the creatures. He’d heard talk of Iggy the giant spider but had never seen her. Six had mentioned the babies, of course, but today he had other things on his mind. He stood waiting for Eli.

Soon, Eli came trotting out, dressed but hair still damp from the shower. He skidded to a stop before Suresh. “Hello. This is a surprise. What I mean is...umm...what can I do for you?”

The young man’s stuttering amused Suresh and a hint of a smile appeared on his face. “I’ve come to request your assistance. With Six.”

Eli shot a glance over at Chance, not expecting Suresh to say that. “With Six? I’m not sure what I…”

Suresh didn’t have time to linger and so he got to the point. “With her memories. They are back from being sucked into the past but Niro’s been messing in her head. The telepath who examined her said that he’s blocked a lot of memories and implanted others that are false. It’s her opinion that it needs an Enaran to reverse the damage.”

"She's back, then? Darwin's back, too? Are they both affected by Niro?" Chance knew that Darwin was one of Iggy's favorite bipeds; too bad she wasn't there to hear Darwin was back.

“No, Darwin and Lt. Bajun are fine.” He let it go at that. “Six thought of you since you two are friends and I think she’d be more comfortable with you seeing what was done than someone she doesn’t know.” Suresh paused to take a deep breath. “It’s important. He screwed up most of her memories of me, with a few exceptions. We are going down to Archadia and if you’re willing, need you there tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Eli considered the request. He could arrange a few days he was sure, given the situation. What do you think? The thought was passed to Chance.

Do we all get to go? Spiders and all? It could be fun. Well, for me. For you, it sounds scary. Maybe I could teach Six some Vulcan meditations. Chance gently ran a finger over Ariadne's prosoma.

Suresh watched them, understanding a silent conversation was passing between them. “I know you have classes and such but if need be Counselor Amani will put in a request for you.”

“I’d like Chance along too, I think he may be of some help, given what you’ve said. I’ll call Commander Rousseau when we’re done here. Just send the address and we’ll be there.” Eli paused and frowned. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. Some of my people just don’t understand restraint I guess.”

"We'll do what we can for Six," Chance added to Eli's statement.

“Thank you. Anytime tomorrow is fine. If you need anything before then, we’ll be there. I’ll send a message once we’re at the house so you know where to reach us.” Suresh looked from Chance to Eli, nodded, then hurried out.

Once the doors closed, Eli let out a slow breath and relaxed. “Well, that was interesting.”

"Indeed," Chance agreed then shot Eli a lascivious leer and thought. "We have a bit of time, right?"

“I should call the Dean first. I don’t think he’ll give me a problem but Chance, what the hell? Who does that sort of thing?”

"Niro does. He's vile. Think of what he was doing to Reva and Falasin; what he tried to do to you!"

“Good point.” He smiled now. “Give me five minutes, okay? Then it looks like we have a little packing to do.” He kissed Chance soundly, then crossed to the terminal to call the Dean’s office.

Cadet JG Chance Conradi
Cadet JG Eli Ziyad


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