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Wishing For Better Facts

Posted on Tue Dec 29th, 2015 @ 7:17pm by Niro & Tog

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Brig

* The Brig *

Niro had been sleeping, dreaming of the recent time on Bajor. In the dream, he held Six close as he had in the tent, daydreaming of leaving the station behind and flying off to parts unknown. Something woke him, a shout down the way perhaps, and he rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling as the dream replayed in his thoughts. He had misjudged Suresh’s hold over her, he realized. It surprised him. He couldn’t understand what she saw in the man, what he had that Niro did not. If only he’d had more time, things would have turned out differently. If only he’d taken out Darwin first, there would have been plenty of time to turn Six to his side. Julisa wouldn’t have been a problem. He knew how to handle her well enough.

But now here he was, locked away from all of them. He needed to do some planning if he intended to get out of here and away from 900. He suspected that JAG would bump his case to the front of the line, given the people involved and that meant his time was short. Security had him tucked away in a cell at the end and had thus far avoided contact. Even his food was transported in and he had to admit, it was a smart move on their part. If no one had contact with Niro, then no one’s memories or thoughts could be influenced. It was frustrating as hell, actually. Given that, he was surprised to hear footsteps approaching. He waited until he was sure they were actually coming to his cell, then sat up, waiting to see who would appear.

A sharp-dressed Ferengi came into view, frowned and complained at the Security officer with him, “Keeping him all the way down here? Afraid of a prison break or something?”

“Or something,” the officer nodded. “At least you have privacy.”

“Yeah, yeah. Privacy. Make sure that’s real and not imagined,” Tog ordered then stepped closer to the forcefield keeping his client separate from non-criminals such as himself. “Niro, I’ve been retained as your counsel. Someone must like you.”

Niro looked him up and down and shrugged. “Oh? How’s Xerena’s case going?” There was just a hint of contempt in his voice.

“Really? You want to be contemptuous? Xerena’s case is separate from yours; don’t worry about her. Your case, however,” Tog paused, lips pressed together in a grim expression, “You should worry about that. You have nothing going for you, you know. How stupid are you, messing with someone’s head practically in front of Darwin? Could you have been more obvious?”

Niro shrugged. “That’s my business but if you are curious, I had to strike while I had the opportunity, you know? Besides, have you seen her? Would you have been so patient if you were with her and away from Suresh?”

The attorney shuddered with revulsion. Borg, former or not, were not his type. “Undoubtedly. I’m going to put forward an insanity defense; that statement right there - about Six - proves that you’re definitely halfway to being daffy, if not all the way there. One of the Station’s mental people will evaluate you for the Court. Do you have any other defense strategies in mind?”

Niro stepped up to the forcefield and looked both ways. Seeing no one near, he spoke softly to Tog. “Get a guard down here and I can be out in thirty seconds.”

He laughed, going from a chuckle to a full, hearty laugh in just a few seconds. “Oh, you joker!” His mirth dropped suddenly and he glared at Niro. “That’s not a defense strategy. Unless your strategy is to be shot rather than go to prison.”

Niro shrugged. “We’ll see. But here’s the thing. You claim I am crazy, what then? Elba II? No thank you. They won’t keep me here, that’s for sure. Will they?” A sudden thought hit him and he smiled as he waited for Tog’s answer.

“No, they won’t. Elba II would be a gift, Niro.” He didn’t trust the look Niro had.

“You have a strange idea of gifts, Tog. Unless you mean it would be a paradise compared to what they will do with me? And what is that, do tell.”

“Here? If you somehow, for some odd reason, were incarcerated here, you could expect absolutely no freedom. Twenty-three hours a day, you’d be stuck in a cell like this one. You might get an hour in a rec area, maybe a shower, maybe not. At Elba II, you’d have a better life than that.”

“Unless I’m not here.” Niro’s smile widened. “The Enaran government won’t stand for this. Find out if they have been notified. They should insist that I be returned home.” He decided not to mention that the attempt on Eli’s life had been at their orders. That wouldn’t be likely to make anyone amenable to turning him over to his home planet.

“Diplomatic immunity doesn’t apply to you. You do know that, don’t you?” Tog watched Niro’s face a moment. “But, sure, I’ll make sure the powers that be on Enara know you’ve been arrested and charged with ...oh, tons of charges. Attempted murder right on down to manipulating people’s memories.” He looked at the arched doorway of the cell. “Which more than explains the current set up down here.”

“Meaning...what exactly?” Niro asked. “My isolation? They’re afraid of me you know, which I find funny. It’s my brother they should be worried about. He’s the one who came back crazy.”

“Did he? What makes you say that?”

“The long time he spent in a padded room and the months on leave? Yet he’s free to move about the station, get married, go back on duty. You’d be surprised if you knew how many people he’s killed, Tog.” Niro shrugged. “But the Fleet ordered it so it’s okay. I wonder, actually, just how much he influenced Dru’s belief that she loved him and wanted to marry him. These are the things that keep me up at night.” He laughed and turned to sit back down on his bunk.

At that moment, Tog was glad that Ferengi had unreadable brains: it meant that neither Niro nor anyone else could mess with his head. “Right. Well.” He paced out a few steps right in front of the cell, wondering what of Niro’s claim was true, if any of it. “Insanity. That’s what we’ll go with and hope for some kind of leniency. Anything else you need right now?”

“Suresh’s head would be a good start. Some visitors? Like Six? Surely they can’t prevent visitors since I’m stuck down here. It’s lonely.”

Tog made a mental note, adding ‘delusional’ to the list of insane characteristics Niro was exhibiting. He nodded slowly, the sort of nod one gives when trying to placate an unstable person. “Right... Suresh’s head and a visit from Six. I’m sure neither will have any issues giving you what you desire. Perhaps a visit from one of Seyla’s women, too?”

“No, unless it’s Sey herself. Come to think of it, that might be a good idea...for her. She and I have a little unfinished business,” Niro replied. “Something she might not want to become common knowledge.”

"Tell me what that business is, then I'll see about making arrangements for her to have access to you." Tog sincerely hoped the 'unfinished business' wasn't just code for 'sex'.

“No. If she wants to tell you, that’s her business. Let’s just say it involved a recent departure of a friend.” Niro crossed his arms. “Tell her we need to talk about that and soon.”

Tog’s eyes narrowed and he couldn’t help but wonder what friend recently departed. “I’ll pass that along. I’m going now; I have a few messages to send out regarding your case.” He went over and pressed a button to call the Security officer.

“Thank you.” Niro studied the attorney for a long few moments. “I appreciate your efforts.”

“Just wait till you get my bill,” Tog muttered as the officer came and led him away.

Attorney at Large

Getting Restless


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