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Guess Who Came To Dinner?

Posted on Tue Dec 29th, 2015 @ 2:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Ha'Dara Bajoran Restaurant

* VIP Quarters - Ambassadorial Suite Four *

Nyyar laid aside the padd on which she’d been reading and stretched. Her quarters were quiet and for the first time since her arrival, she was alone. On one hand it was nice, but on the other, she already felt a little lonely. Lt. Dobry had departed to go home and change and wasn’t due back for another hour. She had picked up a novel to read simply to fill the time and keep her mind off Zikar. She was afraid that he was angry with her and thus she was grateful he couldn’t get to her on one hand, but on the other, she missed him terribly. Then on the third hand, there was no escaping the sight of him in his office and the man who’d obviously been tortured. Her confused thoughts brought on a short laugh. Was there a third hand? Some species had them she supposed, and thus the analogy was workable.

She thought of Zikar on waking alone in her bed, when rising and not hearing him already moving about the quarters preparing for his day. The night before, and dinner with Dobry had been pleasant but she missed Zikar’s habit of recounting his day over dinner, of reaching across the table to take her hand, telling her he had missed her while he was away. She had been so anxious to get away that she hadn’t really had time to think about the future. Now, with time alone, reality had settled in. She had requested asylum, which meant she could stay here and ZIkar couldn’t remove her. She realized now that it required an answer to another question - what to do about her marriage to Zikar. She had no illusions that he would agree to end it willingly, but perhaps in time, when she had not returned home, he might see reason. It was going to be a complicated, uphill battle and she hoped she was ready for it.

The door chime interrupted her thoughts and, assured that whoever it was had cleared her security detail, she called out.

“Come in!”

The doors opened and Kh’ali stepped in. “Hello Nyyar. I have some good news. I met with Zikar and I laid out some ground rules to which he has agreed.”

Nyyar was momentarily at a loss for words. Kh’ali had dictated terms to Zikar and he agreed? She had suspected Kh’ali wasn’t one to argue with and now that was proven true. “I...I don’t know what to say other than I am amazed that he would agree to anything that wasn’t of his own making. What rules?”

“Well, I was thinking that it wasn’t really fair to you to have to stay closed up here in your quarters. Our initial reason for that was your safety, of course, but I know I’d be getting restless by now. I also wanted you out of reach until I’d seen him. Now I have and here’s the deal. I want you to be able to get out and go places. You can but security will be close by. One of us will be with you when you do, at least until I’m sure ZIkar is behaving. Zikar is not to approach you or your escorts while you are out. If he wants to see you, he can put in a request and we’ll bring it to you. It will be your decision whether you wish to grant that request. If you do, security will be present, at least at first. If you don’t want to see him, all you have to do is say no. He knows that if he violates any of these provisions, I’ll have him back on his ship and on his way home in short order. He may send messages or call via the computer but it will it will identify him if he wishes to speak directly, so you can ignore it if you like. You can also set your terminal not to be disturbed. That’s it.”

Nyyar laughed out loud. “That’s it? That is amazing, Kh’ali. I’m shocked that he agreed but it is a big relief. He is on Starfleet turf, so I suspect he is watching his step. He also knows that trying to strongarm me won’t work.”

“Exactly. Now, since you have some freedom to move about the station, I’d like to take you to dinner. There’s an excellent Bajoran restaurant here and I’m betting it’s been a long time since you had the real stuff.”

“I’d love to,” Nyyar answered. “That sounds amazing. Give me just a minute to get ready?” She rose from her chair and hurried off to her bedroom.

* Ha’Dara Bajoran Restaurant *

Leto arrived at Ha’Dara and stood waiting outside. She had tracked down Eldren and made arrangements to meet here to make good on her dinner offer. It seemed to be the perfect venue, even though he rarely came up above the equator. As per her usual precaution, she had made sure Nick knew where she was. Not that she thought Eldren would pull anything, it was just habit. Somebody always knew where Leto was at any given time. She was a little early, so she settled on a bench outside to wait.

It didn’t take long before Eldren showed up the walkway with his quiet gait, probably he was of the punctual-guy kind.

Scanning the crowd Eldren located Leto and moved closer “Hey there.” He greeted her with a slight wave of the hand as his eyes, out of habit, kept scouring the people around them.

Leto noted his perusal of the crowd and could appreciate it. She’d done the same thing upon arriving. She stood now and flashed him a smile.

“I hope you brought your appetite. I’m ravenous. It was a busy day of catching up.”

“Yes, I’m moderately hungry,” he replied with a nod “Are you sure you want to dine in a Bajoran restaurant? Not that I dislike but for sure there are places here on 900 less rural in look and dishes.”

“I thought you might appreciate it and I gained a taste for Bajoran food in a….well, let’s say I spent some time there. That good enough?” Leto asked.
“I like it, but I tend to think that others could not be impressed with our recipes. I’m fine with the restaurant. I think I’ll go with Hasperat soufflè just for starters and then follow with Klavaatu and springwine.” He responded gesturing her inside the locale. “Then you’ll tell me when and where have you been on Bajor.”

Leto led the way inside and soon they were seated. “What you’ve suggested sounds good. The food I mean. Make it two.”

Eldren waved for the waiter and placed their orders then turned to Leto “It’s been ages from the last time I’ve been on Bajor. Tell me… How did you find it in your ‘trip’? I think it mustn’t have been too long ago.”

“A couple of years or so,” Leto answered. “At least the last time. Several other stays over the years.” She was being purposely vague. “But I like it there. It’s a lovely place to get away.”

A slight grin showed on Eldren’s face with Leto’s words but he avoided to pry. A great deal of privacy was required in their trade, it meant everything.

“You wouldn’t have found it so lovely just two decades ago or so, but you’re young and I don’t want to ruin your evening. If you haven’t been there you should visit the Lonar province. Plenty of breathtaking landscapes especially near the Ratosha Pass.”

“I’ll be sure to put them on my list.” Most of Leto’s time had been spent in less than leisurely pursuits, but she’d always wanted to visit when her time was her own. “So tell me, what’s your favorite area? Where would you go back to if you had the time?”

“I would favor the Dahkur hills... A quiet and out-of-the-way place where I would like to rest, and is close to the mountain pass I’ve mentioned.” With his last word the waiter had delivered the steaming plates with the soufflè and the bottle of springwine from which Eldren poured for them both.

“So, the wild frontier grows tiresome for you?” Leto took a drink from her glass, then started on the souffle. “I should think you might grow restless in time in such an idyllic setting.”

“It’s not the frontier. Sometimes you feel that tug from inside… Homesickness. There are things that still have to be seen through but then I would like to go there again. It’s not in the near future… I think of it as a long-term plan.”

“A worthy plan I think.” She reached for her glass again. “In the meantime, you spend your days on Suresh’s payroll and rushing off to help rescue people. Life could be worse.” She thought briefly of Niro. Life could certainly be a lot worse, as he was finding out.

“Just like that.” He smiled wiping out the last of his soufflè.

That got a laugh from Leto. “At least your life is never dull. I can’t imagine it would be, at least.” She, too, took the last bite of her souffle. “Any immediate plans?” She doubted she’d get a straight answer, but she was curious.

“For the moment being? None really, I have to put to use the reward I got for our mission. Some investments to do… And then I content myself with any task Suresh finds for me to carry out.”

Leto snorted. “Good luck with that. At least one problem is out of your hair.” She paused as the rest of their dinner was delivered and placed before them. “I have some messages for you too.”

“Do you?” He replied spicing up his klavaatu.

“Seren sends his thanks once again and said you should look him up as soon as you have the time. Same for Jens. They’ll be easy enough to find. Unless you think it will spoil your reputation down below?” Humour lit her eyes as she looked back at Eldren.

“I’ve no reputation below the Equator…” He shrugged. “Save the one that compels others to leave me alone and I’m happy with that. I can meet Seren and Jens anytime. In any case I think it won’t become a matter for gossip, right?”

She shrugged. “I have no idea, but unless you’re seen dancing the hula on the Promenade, I doubt anyone will pay any attention.”

“That would be a sore sight…” Eldren responded taking a slice of the dish. “Well, I don’t think they want to see me just for a drink or a game of cards. Most probably they want something and the whole bunch of you sneaky ones is not much better than Suresh when it comes down to having a problem solved… But I’m not squeamish as long as I eke out my living.” he ended with a grin.

Leto held her hands up in protest, but she was smiling as well. “I don’t know and I’m not so sure I want to know either.” Leto left it at that. She reached out for another helping of dinner, but paused. The main doors had opened and two women entered. “Oh, there’s Kh’ali. Looks like her trip to Qo’nos ended well enough. And by that I mean she is alive.”

Eldren was about to ask who this Kh’ali was but then his attention immediately focused on the second woman and Leto’s voice trailed in the background. She sported a Bajoran earring and looked strangely familiar... His eyes narrowed as an invisible hand gripped his stomach a strange foreboding sensation taking over him. He watched them all the way to their seats wondering… And wanting to chase away a painful memory, cursing on destiny for such bad jokes. But then the Klingon woman pointed to something beyond him and the Bajoran turned smiling. He couldn’t have mistaken that smile anywhere in the universe: “Kaela…” he muttered in disbelief.

“What’s that?” Leto asked. she looked closer at Eldren, noting his reaction. “Do you know her?”

“Yes… No.” Eldren replied curtly “She reminded me of someone back on Bajor. A long time ago,” He ended still unable to take his eyes off of the woman.

“Uh huh….and I’m the President of the Federation.” Leto leaned closer to Eldren. “So ‘fess up. Who is she?”

“The truth is that I don’t know,” He replied with a softer tone. “She was but a girl when I saw her the first time, more than twenty years ago. Then the Cardassians raided her village taking away prisoners for the labor camps… She was between them. She should be dead by now.” Eldren’s expression had darkened with the last words.

Leto turned her attention to the blonde woman now, studying her. Several things struck her at once. “She doesn’t look like someone who has spent the last twenty years in a labor camp. And if she did, what’s she doing here?” The woman seemed at ease as she talked with Kh’ali, though Leto noticed she was watching the room and taking note every time the doors opened.

“Should I have these answers I would be sitting with the Prophets,” He said without looking at Leto. “Some of your goons are discreetly around. Is this Kh’ali an important person on the Starbase?” He added nodding to a couple of men just entered in the restaurant.

Leto caught the entrance of the security officers and now she really was curious. “Kh’ali is the Chief Diplomatic Officer. She doesn’t travel with her own security detail normally. You said the Cardassians took her away? Not like them to let someone go.” She turned her attention back to Eldren. “You ever speak to her?”

Eldren slowly shook his head in denial.

“Maybe you should,” Leto suggested. “She might appreciate a friendly face, someone who knows her area, something of her past. She is a long way from home.”

“Perhaps.” He responded “Perhaps she’s under protection and trying to approach her could result in a bad call. No one here knows me, this makes me suspect to begin with… You know the drill.”

“I doubt that security detail is because of you.” Leto took one last bite of her dinner, then pushed her plate aside. “Besides, I need to say hello to Kh’ali. You can come along.”

“Lead the way. I’ve lost my appetite.” He replied setting aside his plate as well.

Leto rose and she and Eldren crossed the restaurant. As they came closer, Kh’ali waved them over.

“Hi Leto, how are you?”

“Hi, Kh’ali, good to see you.” She nodded to the woman seated at the table. “I wanted to come over and say congratulations. I’m glad to see you back from Qo’nos. Nick said everything turned out great.”

“It did.” Kh’ali nodded. “Everything is settled finally and for that I am relieved. Oh, I should introduce you. This is Indra Nyyar. She’s just arrived. Nyyar, Lt. Leto and….” She looked to Eldren, waiting for him to supply his name.

“Eldren Tohr.” he said after an instant. “Ah… It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Nyyar smiled up at them. “Lt. Leto, Tohr, it’s a pleasure.” Her gaze lingered on Eldren a moment. “What area are you from?”

“Rakantha province. Lived in a small village that went by the name of Variin.” Eldren responded regarding her intently.

Nyyar nodded. “Not too far then. I grew up in Talàhl. Well, I was there until I was fifteen.” She left it at that. “I had a brief visit a few weeks ago too.”

Kh’ali watched them as they talked, then glanced to Leto, who shrugged. She decided not to interfere and let them speak. “Could you excuse us a moment? I need to speak to Leto. That alright Nyyar?”

Nyyar nodded. “Of course.” She watched as Leto and Kh’ali stepped a few feet away from the table and looked back at Eldren.

He took a seat in front of her as his mind struggled to find the right words. There would have been so many things he would have liked to convey and many more he would have wanted to know, still he realized he was a complete stranger to her.

“Talàhl… On the banks of river Tal, I know that place. It’s many years though that I don’t go back to Bajor... Living my life as an exile as I lost everything during the occupation.” He ended being closer to the truth more than he could possibly know.

“I’m sorry to hear that. So many did. I lost my grandfather and the rest of my family. I lost Bajor too, actually.” The restaurant doors opened and she looked over immediately. A young couple entered and she relaxed. “Still, it’s nice to find a fellow Bajoran here. I know no one except for Kh’ali and her staff.”

A grave weight descended on Eldren’s heart as he thought of those dark days in the past. His first impulse would have been the one to tell her everything... The long days spent watching and the longer sleepless nights waiting for an enemy… And having to abandon the people of Talàhl the day the enemy presented itself. But that was not the moment for revelations, he thought, she didn’t die starved in a labor camp at least and he could only imagine what she must have endured as a ‘comfort woman’ for some despicable Cardassian officer.

After a moment that seemed endless he looked up to meet her gaze, his smile sad. “It seems you’ve found a friend, so far from home… Perhaps we can meet again and exchange our tales,” He offered not wanting to intrude.

“I’d love to, thank you.” His offer touched her deeply and she nodded. “I am finding such surprising kindness out in the world. There’s Kh’ali, and you. And if not for a brave friend, and Councillor Dolen back on Bajor, I wouldn’t be here safe and sound today.”

“Dolen?” he repeated in surprise, his eyes widening “You mean... Dolen Vral?”

“Yes,” Nyyar answered. “Do you know him? He’s on the village council in Talàhl. He’s the one who arranged for me to get on a transport out here on rather short notice, and asked for nothing in return.” It had been a risky proposition, she knew, but let that go for now.

“I see.” Eldren replied still managing to absorb the news “Yes I know him. He’s an old acquaintance from when I was still on Bajor. I’m glad you came upon him, if there was someone on Bajor with the resources to help you… Well he was the man.” He ended shaking his head slowly.

“If this is some kind of scheme of the Prophets its meaning totally escapes me.” Eldren muttered to himself.

“I’m sorry?” Nyyar asked. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, not at all. I was just surprised at the coincidence. The universe seems to be a small place, don’t you think?”

“I am beginning to agree with that.” Nyyar smiled back at him. “So when would you like to exchange stories? I will confess that my days are not too busy at the moment. I’m still settling in and taking care of a few arrangements is all.”

“Any day you may want, my days too aren’t too busy.”

“Tomorrow then?” She glanced over to the security detail and frowned slightly. “Where?” She’d thought of her own quarters but at this point, she was still being overly cautious. She thought he might be trustworthy, since an officer was dining with him but she thought it better to take it slow and keep her whereabouts unknown still.

“Tomorrow it is. If this bajoran restaurant seems nostalgic, there are many other places here on the starbase, choose one, I’ll pick you up anywhere you say and bring you there and back.”

“I know nothing of the base,” she admitted. “Shall I meet you here? Around 1400 hours?” She leaned a little closer to Eldren. “There’s something you should know. Security has assigned an escort for my protection, so they will be close by. They won’t interfere though.”

Eldren smiled with her remark but didn’t say anything about the fact he’d already spotted them “Fine for me. I’ll meet you here tomorrow at 1400.”

“All done, sorry about that.” Kh’ali had re-appeared at the table and sat down in the empty chair.

“We’ll get out of your way and let you two enjoy dinner,” Leto replied. “Nyyar, welcome to the station. If I can be of any help at all, call any time.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Nyyar looked back to Eldren. “Till tomorrow.”

“Be seeing you.” Eldren nodded standing from the seat to join Leto.

“Tomorrow?” Leto asked once they were away from the table. “What’s tomorrow?”

“Could be thought of a date but it is not.” Eldren responded his tone huskier than ever. “There’s definitely something strange in all that is happening… But I’m sure you don’t believe in any power beyond what you can see and touch.”

“You might be surprised.” They stepped out of the restaurant and began to stroll along the Promenade. “Twice I should have been dead and yet somehow things worked out to prevent that. So, Mr. Smooth-Talker, who is she? Really?”

“I told you in the first place, I don’t know. A face in the crowd or better in a bunch of prisoners being taken away long ago during the darkest hour of my people. I’m most surprised, albeit relieved, to see her alive and well. She helped me, much. In a way she cannot know and has been poorly rewarded for that. Does this satisfy your curiosity? Something tells me the answer will be ‘no’.”

Leto laughed and nudged him in the arm. “You dog. All I can say is good luck is. Things happen for a reason I suppose.” She wondered how he’d feel about the situation if he knew all the facts, but it wasn’t her place to enlighten him. “She seems really nice, though a little nervous.”

“Something haunts her. I’ll find out.”

Leto nodded. “Well, I’ll tell you the same thing I told her. If I can help, call.” They stopped at the turbolift and the doors opened. “Time for me to get back to work. See you soon.” She stepped in and the doors closed, leaving Eldren alone.

Eldren chose to walk a little more, having to make order in his thoughts. So far life had been quite easy for him to grasp with its black or white hue. But now destiny had thrown a grain of sand into the gear... And he wondered what changes, be they for good or ill, it would have brought.


Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Tour Guide

Indra Nyyar
Making Friends

Lt. Leto
Curious, Very Curious

Eldren Tohr


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