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Checking in with the Missus

Posted on Mon Jan 4th, 2016 @ 12:14am by Seyla & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

Sighing heavily, Seyla rolled her eyes and glared at Suresh as he sat down and took up valuable space at her table. Clenching her jaw, she asked him, “What do you want now?”

“Is that any way to greet your partner?” He smiled but it was brief. Despite the smile, he looked tired. “It’s good to see you, though.”

“At least I didn’t tell you to find the closest recycler and test out the biomaterial sensors,” she said. She kept up the insults: “You look really awful. Have you considered seeing a doctor about euthanasia? Seems like a mercy to put yourself down.” She smiled sweetly.

“Bite me, Sey,” Suresh muttered. “It’s been a very long week. I had hoped things were settling down but that is not to be.You’ve kept up with the gossip I assume?”

“Which gossip?” She looked at him blankly.

“Any of it. I have plenty for you too,” he answered. “You are aware that Darwin, Six, and Lt. Bajun are back? They arrived several days ago actually. I have been.occupied. There were some problems that arose on the trip.”

“Oh, I’m glad Darwin’s back!” Seyla smiled, genuinely for once. Darwin was, after all, a close second to William. “I’ve heard that the problems did not involve Niro dying, so I’ll guess that they were all bad?”

“I wish.” Suresh sighed aloud. “He nearly destroyed Six by playing with her head, locking away her real memories and implanting fake ones that had her convinced they were going to run away together. He intended to get rid of Darwin and Lt. Bajun too. Like you, I am sorry he is still breathing.”

Spying Robart at his usual table near the door, Seyla asked Suresh, “Have you talked to Reva about that?”

“About killing Niro? Or about Six?” Suresh noticed Robart as well and nodded to him. His thoughts had shifted to Reva, however. With the return of Six, the trip to Archadia, and then the Cardassians, he had been stretched a little thin.

“About either. Has Six seen Reva? Is Reva aware of what Niro did?” Seyla was far more aware of just what Robart would do for Reva than even Reva knew; Seyla, after all, had been raised in the Syndicate. “Maybe that’s a worthwhile conversation for you.”

“I’ve been a little busy, but yes, I do need to see Reva. As for Niro’s mess, he is in the brig.” He filled Seyla in on the trip to Archadia with Chance and Eli. “Six is mostly alright, but it will take some time to settle back in and adjust. He’s lucky he’s safely behind a force field.”

“Indeed, he probably is,” Seyla mused. She winked at Robart before turning her full attention to Suresh again. “But Niro isn’t the only thing you came to talk to me about, is he? I’m hearing strange things about Cardassians on the Station. Worse, that the Cardassians might have non-Cardassians on their payrolls.”

“Or the other way around,” Suresh answered. “There are two different groups, too. The main issue is Legate Zikar. He’s here to retrieve his wife who ran off. Then there are two who he’s been hunting for a long time and are part of a non-Cardassian crew that I have some ties to from way back. Eldren is keeping an eye on things down here but the situation isn’t good from any angle.”

“Oh crap,” Seyla muttered, “Isa’s group. The two Cardies the Legate is hunting; they’re on her crew.” Seyla sighed. “One of my girls kept one of those Cardies busy last night. And another one... I believe she might have kept one of the Legate’s men company. A Bajoran. And now Eldren is involved? Who’s his pony in the race?” She wasn’t really familiar with Eldren, other than knowing that he was a Bajoran living on the Station.

“He’s on my payroll,” Suresh answered. “And yes, Isa’s group.” He laughed for a moment. “She owes me a favor, as does one of her henchmen. Well, henchwoman. The Romulan. Something in this whole situation doesn’t add up, though, and I want to know what it is. Thus, Eldren. He seems to know quite a bit about the history of this legate.”

Frowning, Seyla glared at him then leaned in, as if to whisper sweet nothings in his ear, and hissed, “Suresh would have killed her, slowly, for what she did. She stole his ship and a full shipment of goods, including a couple bricks of latinum intended as payment for goods she was supposed to pick up in Krenim Space. But you... no, you just let her waltz off.”

He shook his head. “No, not exactly. We made..other arrangements that more than make up for what she took. Sometimes, Seyla, people who are in a position to know things and pass those things along are far more valuable and will continue to be so. Do you have any idea what it will mean to have two Cardassians like the ones travelling with her owing me their lives?”

“Nirvana?”, she deadpanned. “Just saying, the old Suresh...,” she shook her head, lips pressed together. “How do you intend to get in a position where they owe you their lives? Are you going to tip off the Legate as to where they are?” It was a tactic she had considered, but she had the feeling the Legate would feel entitled to the information instead of the need to pay for the information.

“No. If I solve their problem, then I hold their lives in my hands. I can have them owe me or give them to the Fleet or the Cardassians if they forget that. The legate is the real issue here, though. The first one anyway.”

“And the second one?”

“Dealing with Niro’s fallout, but that’s in progress. You may think it too sentimental, but I have my home life to put back together. You might understand that a little better these days than in the past, from what I hear.”

“Stay away from my personal life,” she warned him. “If you need help on the first issue, let me know. There might be something I can do.”

He held up a hand to calm her. “All I am saying is that now I believe you understand my appreciation for what I have at home and why I am making the effort to save it. As for the spoonheads, I wanted you to be aware in case your women run into trouble. And if they don’t, what they learn may be most useful.”

“Not many of them will willingly take on a Cardassian. Isa paid me triple Cassie’s fee to have her entertain her Cardie, Drekkar.”

“I can understand that.” Suresh nodded. “It’s a good way to keep him out of sight though I don’t think Isa will keep that up for long. I can help out there as far as keeping him out of sight. The other has the Romulan to keep him occupied.” He shrugged. “If you run into trouble, call me.”

“I doubt that I will, unless one of those Cardies comes knocking on my door. Even then, Jonah will take care of him.”

“Let’s hope. This Cardie figures out you are friends with Isa, don’t expect your nights to stay calm.” He rose and gave her a smile. “I need to go do a few things. Remember, Sey, people don’t tell you all they know so watch your back.”

“Same to you, Rommie,” she said to his back.

Covering The Bases


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