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Watching From The Wings

Posted on Mon Jan 4th, 2016 @ 6:28pm by Suresh & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

Since Suresh had several hours to kill while Six was regenerating, he made his way back to Saturnalia. What Isaura and Kaeli had told him had him more than a little curious. Especially since Kaeli had encountered Zikar up close and personal...too close considering their history. He’d told Darwin he would see Eldren and so he’d sent a summons for the man to appear as soon as he was free. In the meantime, he settled in at his usual table and let his mind wander over the past two days on Archadia.

After a while one of his men interrupted the flow of his thoughts “That Eldren you sent to call is here.” he stated emotionlessly. at the positive gesture from Suresh he leaned back mumbling something and made way for Eldren to enter the office

“Good day, Suresh. I’ve heard you were searching for me, here I am.”

“Have a seat, Eldren,” Suresh ordered. “We have a few things to go over. Drink?”

“No, thanks.” Eldren replied sitting in front of the desk. “Any problems?”

“First, the good news. Niro’s in the brig and he’ll be lucky if he ever sees the outside again, here or anywhere else. It’s one thing out of my hair at least.” Suresh drained his glass before he continued. “Now, we get to the real issue. We seem to have a sudden influx of Cardassians on the station. I figured if anyone knew anything about them, it would be you.”

Eldren repressed a grimace of disgust at the mentioning of the spoonheads “What do you want to know?”

“Some past associates here know them, but it’s a somewhat complicated situation. These associates...are not exactly on friendly terms with the Cardassians might be in danger. One in particular has reason to be wary. She was a guest of Cardassian intel back in the day and has no desire to return there.” Suresh glanced around the bar, then looked back at Eldren. “Have you seen them?”

“Met one, right here in Saturnalia. Name’s Zikar, a particularly nasty fellow… Did his best during the Occupation on my planet, adept at extracting informations from unwilling prisoners using grisly methods sometimes worse than simple torture. The list of his crimes is quite long for bajoran reckoning while it will be very short for Federation databanks for we were just an ‘internal matter’ of the Cardassian Empire. Well… Unless you have some connection to Intel. They were quite active in the period and in their classified files you could find more informations about him.”

Eldren paused a second casting a glance around the locale for good measure “I saw his face-off with a Romulan woman with which I made acquaintance right after that. I take it she’s one of the associates in trouble?”

“Kaeli, yes. Her, her captain, and two of their crew.” He didn’t mention that the two crew were, in fact, Cardassian war criminals. He didn’t really want to think about that twisted situation. “Do you know why this Zikar is here? We’re a long way off his usual path.”

“He’s here to retrieve property. A bajoran woman he enslaved and took as wife back in his days on Bajor. She has finally found the strength to escape him and ended her flight here on 900 asking for asylum to the diplomatic department which promptly granted.”

Eldren leaned back on the seat inspiring deeply eyes to the ceiling “I don’t think Zikar will be relented by this, he will try anything to recover what he considers his… and now that he’s found out also other old acquaintances are here he’ll grow impatient and determined to get it all…” A grin lined Eldren’s mouth with the last words “It’s time for easy prophecies… Someone is going to get hurt.”

“I agree, which is why we are having this conversation.” Suresh frowned then. “We’ve finally gotten rid of Niro, the last thing we need is bloodshed erupting that isn’t of my doing. It will make it rough on all of us and I’ve no patience for it at the moment. I have more important things to worry about. I don’t want these associates harmed. I want to know if they turn up down here, Zikar or anyone with him.” He hadn’t wanted to mention Jarad and Drekkar but apparently he was going to have to tell Eldren. “Here’s where things get complicated.”

“Never seen easy ones. What would you have me to do?”

“Well, the thing is, the two crew members in danger? Are Cardassians, two men that are on the Cardassian Council’s most wanted list.” Suresh rubbed his temple as if a headache was coming on. “See what I mean?”

“Hmph… Why not leave them to Zikar, that would sound as poetic justice to me. What are they to you? I can understand the Romulan woman and also others, but them…”

“Frankly I don’t care because I don’t know them, but I don’t delve into their personal business either,” Suresh answered. “Now? I think I’m going to be glad I don’t. But I figure if Zikar hates them, they can’t be all bad.”

“I see our opinions differ greatly.” Eldren said, his face impassive as a stone mask his arms folded “In any case I’m sure you’re about to tell me that no trouble has to come up here in Saturnalia no matter what… And that no trouble has to come up in other levels of this starbase too, because such kind of troubles tend to go down and down below the Equator, seeping in the end to Saturnalia where a full complement of Security would surely bring on more trouble and so on… And so on…”

Eldren stood silent then gauging Suresh’s reaction to his words.

Suresh studied Eldren for a moment and nodded. “More or less, yes. I certainly don’t want this legate stirring up something we don’t want to have to deal with. As for the other two? I’m keeping them under my thumb for a little while - as long as they prove useful. When they don’t? Then you can take them out. Does that make you happy?”

“I can settle for this.” Eldren replied his emotions still unfathomable. “So… Is there a specific task?”

“For now, keep your eyes open. If you come across them, I want to know what they are up to,” Suresh answered.

“I will... And report back with any useful information.”

“Good enough.” Suresh smiled finally and rose. “I have someone to see but if you need help, find that Romulan woman. She is a good weapon.” He nodded to El, then departed.

Eldren watched him go, his mind already formulating alternative plans. Suresh directive had put severe limits on his own agenda. perhaps he would have found a way to circumvent them.

After some instants he stood from the seat and walked his way back out of Saturnalia.

Making Plans

Eldren Tohr
Revising Plans


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