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Meet the Family

Posted on Thu Jan 7th, 2016 @ 2:12am by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Seren Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & El'Shar Blackhorse
Edited on on Sat Feb 6th, 2016 @ 12:54pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Sakkath & Li’s Quarters

* Sakkath & Li’s Quarters *

“Not bad at all,” Li commented as she peeked into the pots on the stove. “And the kitchen isn’t burned to the ground either.”

Seren laughed and swatted at her with a dishtowel, eliciting a squeal from Li. “Brat,” he teased her.

“Me? Who’s swinging a dish towel?” The door chime sounded and she shooed him out of the kitchen. “Get the door. We have someone else coming besides Dad and Rick. That’s her now. Go let her in? Her name is Julisa.”

“Aye Captain.” He gave her a sloppy salute and hurried off to the door. He pressed the panel and when the doors parted he was already speaking “Come on in Ju --” He stopped, his mouth hanging open as he stared back at her.

Smiling slightly, Julisa found his reaction funny. "It's Julisa or Jules, not 'Ju'," she said, stepping in and reaching over to lift his jaw off the floor. "I take it Li already told you about me."

“” Seren answered. “But…..” I’ve seen you before...somewhere.

Bajor? I was there with a pair of twins? It was the only time she could imagine she'd ever be of interest to someone in Intel.

Seren nodded. “Wild night that was. Julisa. I never got your name back then. Come on in.” He stood aside to let her in and then led the way to the kitchen.

“You two already know each other?” Li turned from the stove as Julisa entered the kitchen with Seren.

"No," Julisa shook her head. "We've just seen each other in passing. I thought you would have told him by now, though, Captain...," she looked down at her shoes then amended her comment, "Um, Li."

“I wanted to wait till you are here.” Li replaced the lid on a pot and shooed them all out to the living room. Moving over to the bar, she poured three glasses of Betazed wine and carried the glasses back over. “Sit Seren.”

“Sure.” He sat down on the sofa next to Li, sensing the conversation had turned serious.

“This is about the family, and Julisa’s side trip to Bajor in 2360. You recall where Dad was then, yes?”

“The resistance camp near Gallitep, yes,” Seren answered. “You and Nahi were born then and I was really too young to remember.”

Li nodded. “Yes. Jules was born at that camp in 2357.” She stopped, waiting for Seren to process that information.

He sat silent for a minute or two as he pondered what she’d said. Then he looked from Li to Julisa, then back to Li. A brief mental conversation flew between him and Li and then finally he spoke. “You’re serious.”

Li nodded. “I am. There’s a lot to all this but that’s the main thing.”

Seren turned back to Julisa. “And you never knew till now?”

She gave him a look that questioned his intelligence then slowly shook her head. "When would I have been able to find out?" Her mother's personality was shining through.

“Good question,” he conceded. “Dad is like the Sphinx when he wants to be.” He sat silent for a second, then shook his head. “It explains a lot, though I’m sure you’ve heard more about this than you perhaps wanted to since you got home?”

"It explains a lot?" Julisa stared at him like he'd grown a second head. "Like what?"

“Well, I meant regarding Dad and our mother. Old, past history. She’s always been a little difficult. I guess my first question is what do you think of all this?” Seren looked honestly curious.

She'd been considering that ever since Li had left her office earlier. She had tried to bury those thoughts with work, but that hadn't been effective. "I'm not entirely thrilled about it," she said, nodding slightly. "Tora, my mom, refused to leave Bajor, which meant that Lucius couldn't acknowledge me as his daughter. So... Yeah, can't say I'm real enthused about it all." That, and she wasn't enamored of the idea that her mom had turned her back on Lucius so that she could act as a leader and spiritual guide for her people.

“That’s understandable,” Li answered. “It’s a huge thing to drop on you...or to figure out yourself because you were suddenly faced with...yourself.” She shook her head. “I can tell you he’s thrilled to have you back but he’s not going to push.”

"He's pressuring Tora to stay, though," she said. "And, really... if she does, then she'll ask me about grandchildren every week!"

Li smiled a moment. “He’s given up asking me about that. Do you think she will stay?”

Julisa winced and nodded. "She was coming to visit because she just retired from a permanent post. She keeps her title, but doesn't need to be on Bajor full-time anymore."

“That should please him but….oh.” Seren frowned. “What about Aia?”

Li shrugged. “For once I'm glad I’m not Dad. Still, there’s time. Aia won’t be back for another two weeks or so.”

"He is married, isn't he?" Julisa's ire started to stir. "What an a... Admiral," she switched her word as the door opened, revealing an Admiral.

He is, Li passed to Julisa. This is why I told him that in this issue, I’m staying on the sidelines. I will not take sides.

Lucius stepped in, followed by Rick and El’Shar. “Hi kids.” He smiled, not seeming surprised that Julisa was with them.

“Oh boy…” Rick muttered. His step faltered, like he was almost afraid to go into the lion’s den, but having El’Shar’s hand in his, and her bumping into him, forced him into the room. Taking a big gulp, he plastered a smile across his face. “Hi, everyone! Kids, the food smells amazing. I guess it’s a good thing I’m starving?”

El rolled her eyes. “You had a ham sandwich thirty minutes ago, Rick.”

“I was hungry!” he said, almost whining. “But I’m a growing boy. I can still put it away.”

Li laughed aloud. “You going to want a steak for dessert in an hour? she teased. “Come on in and sit. Seren, get the wine?”

“Sure thing.” He hopped up and hurried off to the kitchen.

Lucius looked across to Li, silently asking the question. Does he know?

Li nodded to her father, then turned to El’Shar. “How’ve you been?”

“I can’t complain at all,” she said, taking Rick’s hand again. “Any time I get the least bit bored he takes me out to wine and dine, or other things to pass the time. He bought me a bunch of supplies so I can work on my hobbies.”

“You know how station life can be,” Rick said to Li. “If you’re not actually doing something, you go crazy, and I’m not about to let this lady go due to boredom. I was thinking about getting her a little space on the Promenade, not for selling--unless she’s interested in that, but just a kind of studio where she can work and do her thing.”

“I think it might be a bit of an abuse of power, though,” El said. “Who’s going to say no to the station commander?” She smiled slightly. “It would be pretty cool, though.”

“That’s what the Promenade is for though,” Li answered. “I can certainly find some spaces for you to look at.”

“Well, enough of that,” Rick said as he turned to the others. “Seren, I’d like you to meet someone. This is El’Shar Blackhorse, my fiancee. She recently retired from Starfleet and I have worked my mind mojo to keep her here with me.”

“Great to meet you, El’Shar,” Seren replied as he returned from the kitchen, wine glasses in hand. “I’m the other Hawke that has, of late, been trotting around the Delta Quadrant.” He placed six glasses on the coffee table, then offered his hand.

“Rick has spoken of you, and your family, quite often,” she replied. “And it’s always good things, of course.”

“Well…” Rick replied, then stopped after an elbow to the ribs from El.

He looked around the room and found Julisa sitting quietly. “Julisa the El--uh, Julisa, I mean. Have you met El’Shar yet?”

“I haven’t,” Julisa said, smiling and standing gracefully. “Though I have heard a great deal about you. My assistant likes to keep me in the loop.” She knew the awkward elephant in the room, but wasn’t about to bring it up.

“Your assistant?” El asked. “Someone I know?”

“Her name is Siri; I’m a JAG, so she gets to talk to lots of people around the Station.” Julisa doubted Siri actually knew El’Shar, but then... one never knew with Siri. Sometimes, her social circle was wider than Julisa could have guessed. “It’s good to meet you, Ma’am.”

“You can call me El’Shar, or El, either one. I gave up the whole ma’am thing a while back.”

Lucius had fetched the wine and began to fill the glasses. Once done he passed them around. “I have a question, if you don’t mind it,” he said as he sat back down. “How’s the case against Niro proceeding?”

"As quickly as possible," Julisa answered. "Lt. Benson is prosecuting that one, since I'm technically one of Niro's victims. He keeps sending requests to see Six and Ensign Madhava."

“Well, that’s not gonna’ happen,” Rick replied. “Ever.”

“Seriously?” Li asked. “Did he really think we would allow that?” She looked closely at Julisa. “I’m surprised Ray didn’t burn your ears off when he heard that one.”

Laughing, Jules shook her head. "No, Ray did that to the brig officer who relayed the request; I know because I heard part of Ray's response through the door and then Ray came out to vent about it. I don't think Niro believes he'd be allowed to have those visitors; it's just another way for him to yank our chains."

“I’ll yank his fucki--”

“Hey,” El’Shar cut in, putting a hand on his forearm and stopping him from getting too mouthy. “Easy, tiger.”

“I agree with Rick,” Lucius added. “I don’t expect Ray will have any difficulty with this one. Will Rick and I be needed to testify Julisa?”

"I'm not sure what tack Ray will take on this case, but I wouldn't think so; your memories of the events are rather old." That hadn't quite come out the way it had sounded in her head; she cleared her throat and waited for an Admiral to object to her wording.

“In a way, yes, but they are also new. It’s an interesting situation and might set some precedent, who knows?” Lucius asked.

“It could,” Li agreed. “I don’t much care as long as they bury that slimeball somewhere he can’t get out of.” She looked around at the group. “Oh, did I say that out loud?”

Smiling and shaking her head, Julisa quietly pulled out a small tablet and read a message there. It made her frown and glance at Li. "Bury him is right. Lt. Amani just reported that Niro hinted that he's placed some sort of 'trigger' or 'time bomb' in Six's and Reva's heads."

Li stiffened and looked to Rick. “Can I relieve the brig staff and send in Nick now? Please?”

He almost answered in the affirmative, but knew what would happen if Nick got into the cell with Niro. “I would love nothing more, but I guess we have to take the high road. Damn that oath…” he added, wishing sometimes that the Federation weren’t so high on morality.

“Sucks, doesn’t it?” Seren asked and shook his head. “He makes some scum that I’ve met look like princes.”

“Same here,” Lucius added. He turned back to Julisa. “Whatever you need from us, just say the word.”

She nodded.

A timer went off in the kitchen and Li rose. “Enough shop talk for now. Dinner’s ready and we can’t have Admiral Wegener starving.” She passed by Lucius, resting her hand on his shoulder a moment, then hurried off to the kitchen.

“Truer words could not have been spoken,” Rick said as he led El’Shar to the table and pulled her chair out. “My dear,” he said as she sat and he helped scoot her in.

As he sat next to her, and the food began arriving at the table, he clapped his hands together, rubbing them, and smiled wide. “Oh, man. This is gonna’ be good!”

* * *

Dinner had been good, full of talk about the station, questions about the wedding plans of Rick and El’Shar, and questions for Julisa about her trip back in time. Seren had even provided the story of his capture and rescue, though Aros’ part and what they were after didn’t come up. Finally, the table was cleared and people prepared to depart. Seren pulled Lucius and Rick aside.

“I need to see you both tomorrow. It’s official business and concerns the incident on the Devore homeworld.”

“Of course,” Lucius answered. “1100 hours? That good for you Rick?” When Rick nodded, Lucius looked back at his son. “Alright, we’ll be there but I’m a little curious.”

“I’ll explain tomorrow.” The three women wandered back into the living room and Seren hugged Lucius. “It’s so good to be back.”

Lucius held him tight and nodded. "Till tomorrow then. See you tomorrow too, Li.” He turned now to Julisa. “Would you allow me to walk you home?”

"Of course," was her verbal response; "I'm not sure I have a choice," was her thought. She smiled and looked at the others, "Thank you all for a wonderful evening and dinner."

“I’m glad you were here,” Li answered. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“It was very nice getting to meet you, Julisa,” El’Shar said with a smile and a nod.

Lucius opened the door and waited for Julisa to go first, then followed her out. They left Rick and El’Shar and began to walk to the turbolift.

“I’m glad you came,” he said, his voice quiet. It was his first time alone with her and he was a little nervous.

She caught his nervousness and tried not to let it increase hers. "Li was convincing, though I would have liked to have had Solis here," she said. "You're worried about how I'm taking all of this?"

Lucius nodded. “Extremely, yes. The desire to be there, or have you where I was never left me and I know that might sound contradictory, given the situation. I’m still worried about it, given the recent arrival of a group of Cardassians on this station.”

"The timing does seem strange, doesn't it? Darwin told me that it'd be fine, that the Cardassians aren't anything I need to worry about. Do you know something that says he's wrong?"

“I only know that Cardassians of Zikar’s ilk never reveal everything they are thinking. Darwin may be right but it would be foolish to overlook the possibility.” Lucius frowned slightly. “Too many years in Intel I suppose, but I am suspicious all the same.”

"Perhaps too suspicious?" She realized she was ready to find fault in Lucius. "What will you do about Tora? In relation to Aia."

“Being suspicious is why I am still alive, honey,” he said, then shook his head. “I don’t know. Your mother has always been so tied to Bajor. First it was the Resistance, then her duties as Vedek. Now I understand she’s retiring from that and is free to go where she pleases. She would love to be here where we are and I…..” He paused to look over to her as they waited for the lift. “You probably understand very well what it feels like to have what you want more than anything finally within reach, just when it seemed impossible.”

"I do. Solis and I very nearly didn't end up anywhere near each other. We have an Admiral or two to thank for the fact that we are on the same Station." The lift arrived and Julisa stepped on with Lucius right behind her. "I'm still not sure how I feel about all of this. And I'm really unsure about Tora staying here - but that's more because I know she's going to be persistent about grandchildren."

“You let me handle that.” Lucius smiled briefly. “Tora’s led a very different life than those of us in the Fleet and she has only my example as to what the life is like. I am not the norm, obviously. I am going to promise you one thing, however. I will keep Marianna as far away as I possibly can.”

"Can you promise instead to keep my mom busy enough that she's not worried about grandkids?"

“That I can do. Now I have a question. How are you settling in with Li and Seren?”

Glancing at him, she shrugged. "That's the first time I've actually met Seren. He was surprised by the news; can't blame him, right?" She avoided his actual question.

“No, but he’ll be fine, as will Li,” he answered. “You have to understand something. When Li’s twin, Nahi, died, it left a huge hole in their lives. Finding you is a blessing for them in many ways. They can also help you with something, if you’ll let them. Being the child of someone who’s part of the top level of command can be...difficult at times, more for Li than Seren. He’s chosen to stay in the field but Li’s gone the command route. She has always fought against the idea that her promotions were because of me and not based on her own merits. It’s something you’ll have to think about.”

"That my promotions are based on you?" She sneered at him and the idea. "Thanks, but I've gotten to where I am on my merit, not yours. I won't worry about that too much."

“It’s not been an issue before, no, but things have changed Julisa.” Lucius pursed his lips. “I just want you to be prepared, that’s all. “ They descended only a few decks and when the doors opened, he followed her out. “How is Solis taking the news?”

"He put you in for father of the decade," she said, her sarcasm on high. She then cleared her throat and apologized, "Sorry, Lucius. He's okay, just waiting, really, for me to be somewhere with this."

Lucius visibly flinched at the sarcasm, but he nodded. “I understand.” They reached her door and he stopped. “I’ll leave you here then. Please call if you want to talk, or at least call Li or Seren. I am glad you came tonight.”

"So am I," she smiled slightly and hesitated, debating a hug. Finally, she decided not to hug him. "Good night, Lucius."

“Goodnight.” He gave her a warm smile, then turned and moved back along the corridor, finally disappearing around a corner.

Captain Li Hawke
Seren Hawke (On Leave)
Lt. Bajun Julisa
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Admiral Rick Wegener
El’Shar Blackhorse


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