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Gearing Up

Posted on Wed Jan 6th, 2016 @ 3:09pm by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Thomas Franklin & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Further Challenges

"Ten-HUT!" Quentin Harrison barked, and the assembled officers in the room, including 2LT JD Holbridge sprang to attention. Major David Lorenz and the XO, Captain Tom Franklin walked down the left-hand aisle to the podium on the central dais. Lorenz took out his padd, and set it on the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen, there are several of our officers trapped by Borg drones in a wrecked Borg cube. LtCmdr Nicolao escaped and brought us back all the information we have so far." Lorenz gestured to Franklin, who briefly described the Borg cube, planetary conditions, and overall topography of the terrain.

"Lt Harrison will be working with the Starfleet rescue team, providing a secure perimeter and close-proximity support while the rest of us keep the Borg drones busy." Dave tabbed a control and the 3-D holoview came on. "There are several weaknesses in the basic structure of the Cube; Recon Team will select an ingress point in conjunction with the Starfleet team and proceed to locate our missing crewmates. As we all know assimilation is a fairly complex procedure, allowing for nanite introduction and body grafting we are looking at a maximum of 72 hours before the process is complete."

Lorenz tabbed the control again, and the holo-viewer snapped off. "I know a lot of you have qualms with this, but under no circumstances can we allow ANY person who is infected with Borg nano-tech to attempt assimilation on anyone! I am issuing this order now: any assimilated personnel will be disabled unless your life is in jeopardy.

"You lot need to remember these Borg bastards adapt very quickly to directed energy weapons fire. We will be going in with projectile weapons, rail-guns, and other high-impact projectile weapons." Franklin added. If the Borg adapt to your weapons fire, put as much debris in their path as you can and disengage. Do not take unnecessary risks."

Harrison stepped up to the podium. "Recon team will insert at the central processing hub and place the EMP charges. Given the damage the Borg Cube sustained, the defenses will be at a minimum. Once the charges detonate we will link up with the Starfleet crew and assist them with rescue efforts."

Lorenz stepped up to the podium. "Are there any questions?"

A Marine senior NCO raised his hand. "Is this an all hands evolution, sir?"

"No. 1st rifle and 2nd weapons companies will be the go force with 3rd and 4th companies in reserve." Lorenz went on. "Montezuma will provide combat assistance and relief forces. I will be in command, Franklin will be XO."

"We will be departing immediately, so let's shag it!" Franklin shouted, ending the meeting.

The officers and senior NCOs rose and swiftly left the room, followed by Lorenz, Harrison, and Franklin. "Are ye sure about bringin JD along as CSAR, Dave?" Quentin asked.

Lorenz stopped and faced Quentin. "Lieutenant Holbridge is a Marine and a qualified pilot, as well as a competent officer. I have every confidence in his abilities. He knew the risks when he signed up for the Academy. He's a Marine officer under my command, like you. I know he's like family, but he knows the job and the score. We'll just have to give him a pep talk en route."

"Me too, Uncle Dave!" Quentin grinned.



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