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Uncles and Nephews

Posted on Thu Jan 7th, 2016 @ 3:27pm by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Holbridge
Edited on on Thu Jan 7th, 2016 @ 3:28pm

Mission: Further Challenges


JD Holbridge was busily checking the equipment cases piled up near the airlock of his CSAR-fitted Arrow-class runabout. The CSAR gear required for the mission needed to be stowed and Gunnery Sergeant Oregg (OOC: Mistakenly listed as a lieutenant) was capably assisting the new officer along with the ship’s engineer, SFC Henry “Zap” McLanahan; and CWO2 Holly Drake, the corpsman “…the medical kits will be stored in the aft rescue locker with the blood coagulants, Zap!”

“Aye aye, sir!” Zap said good-naturedly as he hauled another armload of gear into the gunabout.

“Hey, JD!” Lorenz smiled at the boy as he came from around a stack of crates.

“Ten HUT!” yelled Oregg.

“As you were, Scruffy!” Lorenz waved his hand at the non-com. Oregg bared his teeth at Lorenz, apparently disliking the affectation the major had bestowed.

“Good to see you, sir!” JD grinned.

“I think Chief Drake can handle the loading for a few minutes, son,” Dave pointed to an office in the hangar.
JD obediently followed David into he office, a confused expression on his face. When the doors finally hissed shut, Dave sat down behind the desk. “Kid, I have watched you grow from a little bratty kid torturing his sister with hissing beetles into a Marine officer, and from what Gunny Oregg tells me, you’re a damned good one.”

“Thank you, sir”

“We are going to be in heavy contact with the Borg, and these guys do not joke around. Their goal in life is to make you one of them, no matter what obstacles are in the way. Right now, several of our Starfleet brethren are being turned into Borg drones. The process is reversible, but I wanted to talk with you about something very important.”

JD nodded at his “uncle”. “You are worried I won’t pull the trigger if a Starfleet drone attacks me, right, sir?”

“What if it was me or Uncle Quentin who was attacking you after we had been converted to drones?”

“I’d kill you both, sir. My mission as a Marine is to kill the enemy, and the Borg are the enemy. I pray to God we can rescue the Starfleeters who were caught, but if we can’t…” JD drew a finger across his throat.

“I knew I could count on you, kid.” Dave smiled.

“How did Dad react when you told him I was going on this mission?” JD smiled.

“The less that nosy old bastard knows, the safer we all are!” Lorenz grinned. “Carry on, lieutenant!” Lorenz got up and left the office, JD Holbridge hot on his heels.


Dave walked over to the table occupied by Quentin Harrison. “Jim’s kid is gung-ho for this mission. I hope he keeps his attitude when he has to fly into the hornet’s nest.”

“Lemme guess, Davey,” Quentin said, nursing a pint of dark ale. “Yer worried that the boy is gonna fuck up and die or become one o’ the Borg bastards, yes?” Lorenz simply nodded, and Quentin continued. “Jimmy gave the ok for his boy to be a Marine, and he has had the same trainin’ we started with. He’s a damned good stick or ye wouldn’t have made him a CSAR flier. Ye won’t help anyone if yer constantly naggin at the boy or frettin after him. Let him do his job, ye do yours and we’ll all get home safe.”

Dave nodded, pouring himself a glass of ale and gunning it down.

“Of course, if something happens to the lad, it’s yer ass, not mine!” Quentin grinned.

Lorenz extended his middle finger to Harrison and threw him a mock-salute.

“Is that the number of friends ye have or the remaining brain cells ye have left in that noggin of yours?”


Major David Lorenz
Worrying Uncle

1LT Quentin Harrison
Smart-Ass philosopher

2LT JD Holbridge
Rookie Marine Nephew


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