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More Fun For Darwin

Posted on Mon Jan 18th, 2016 @ 2:28pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin
Edited on on Sun Jan 24th, 2016 @ 2:02am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Security

“No... Just move him. Yeah, to Level 483, right next to the courtrooms. It’ll make it easier to transfer him to the courtroom without exposing our people to his mental tampering. And make sure all of his food is drugged and that he’s eating it. If he isn’t, then drug his water, too. Hell... if necessary, drug the air he’s breathing,” Darwin ordered the brig officer. “If he’s able to read anyone, then he’s able to screw with their heads and we can’t risk that.” He listened for a moment, then nodded, “Good. Implement that. Darwin out.” He closed the channel with the Brig and looked up.

“Captain Hawke, to what do I owe the visit?” He was well aware that Li’s visits were often not pleasurable or even pleasant.

Li smiled back at Darwin. Despite the friendship made on the hunt for the old Suresh, he’d defaulted to formalities once they were home and she hadn’t been able to shake him out of that.

“Hello Darwin. When are you moving ‘him’?”

“Later today,” he answered. “Shouldn’t be any trouble. He’s been on neural inhibitors for a couple of days. The one problem I see is that Ensign Madhava and Six of Ten visited him today. Apparently they got him a little riled up.”

A frown settled on Li’s face. “They visited him?” She sat down by Darwin’s desk and crossed her legs. “Why would they do that? And how could those two young women get someone like Niro riled up? I’d think they never wanted to lay eyes on him again.”

“Niro’s afraid of Six’s Borg-ness. Specifically, she threatened to assimilate him.” He shrugged, untroubled by either the threat or Niro’s fears. “After having his time bomb mental orders removed, I suppose they wanted the chance to have a few final words with him.”

“At the risk of sounding unprofessional, I hope she did terrify him. He had it coming,” Li stated. “Be careful though when you move him. He is far too slippery for my taste.” She shuddered slightly. “A pity you can’t make him disappear and claim he escaped.”

“He’s like an oiled snake,” he agreed then sighed and changed the subject. “Have you heard from Jackson or Gilroy?”

She shook her head. “No, nor Sakkath either. I don’t normally get so worried aver away missions but this is far different, Dar. I doubt I’ll sleep easy till they are back home and have everyone we’re missing.”

“You know, I’m not so concerned about Oz. She’s like a damned cat: nine lives and all that. Take our trip to the Neutral Zone as an example. By rights, she should have died. But she comes home just fine. It’s Iggy I’m worried about,” he said, looking slightly embarrassed. He’d been around Ignatius quite a bit, taught her more than he realized and liked the little creature inordinately. “She’s fragile.”

“She is,” Li agreed. “But I’ve wondered if maybe she might be in a better position to resist mentally. What do you think?”

“Resist?” He looked at Li curiously. “Why?”

“Her thought patterns are completely alien and she is something the Borg have never encountered before. As an arachnid, she doesn’t work like a humanoid.”

“Oh, okay. Yeah, she’s odd. But she’s also starved for ... or eager to not be unique. She has kids now, but only three survived. She still had a sense of being all alone. She might like being part of a hive mind.”

“Perhaps but it makes me wonder if it would really take hold.” Li was silent and drummed her fingers on his desk briefly. ”That’s not why I am here though.”

“Didn’t think so, Li. Much as I might like shooting the breeze with you, you’re not really one to do that.” He leaned forward. “So? What’s up?”

“I wish I had more time to do that,” she admitted. “But no, something has come up and it’s a biggie.” She began with the meeting that included Seren and Aros and told him the whole story start to finish. Then, she related the conversation with Patrick and Kh’ali and finally stopped to gather her thoughts. “As you can see, it’s not exactly small potatoes, Darwin.”

"No, it doesn't seem to be. So Aros is their nanny? Interesting nannies Kha'li chooses."

That got a laugh from Li. “You can say that again. This time, given what all happened on Qo’nos, I’d say she made a good choice. But we now have a huge potential problem on our hands.”

"Couldn't wait till Oz is back, could you?" He tried for a joke.

“What? And let you miss all the fun? No way. You know as well as I do you get bored when things are quiet.” She stopped to look back at him, considering, then nodded. “Though I have to say, your life has been anything but boring of late.”

"I've forgotten the meaning of the word. No worries on this matter, though, we'll increase some protocols and get some additional training in and hopefully there'll be nothing for us to be concerned about." He knew that was exceptionally unlikely, considering the Krenim Empire.

“Good, and I’d like increased patrols in the arrivals dock. Any Devore or Krenim appear, I want to know about it immediately,” she ordered. “That goes for ships in the area too. I will keep you updated as we know more from the other worlds involved in this mess.”

"Yes, Captain," he nodded. "I'll talk with the Marines' command as well and make sure they're ready. What's going to happen with Niro's ship?"

“Well, we are assuming he will be found guilty, I mean how could he not be? He’ll be shipped out to a prison facility and his possessions will be turned over to Nico. Why?”

“Borg shielding and weapons? Could be useful in a fight against enemies intent on getting too close. We’re a very large sitting duck, so we’ll need fighters out there to prevent any Devorian or Krenim ships from getting close.”

“Agreed.” Li considered the idea for a moment. “We’ll need a good pilot and Six as well, since it’s Borg tech. Do you think that order will come better from me or you where Suresh is concerned?”

“I’ll tell him,” Darwin said then grinned, “That way, if he wants to hit someone, ...ah, not that you can’t defend yourself, but, you know, I hang out with him more often.”

“That’s what I thought,” Li agreed. “At least in this battle? The Devore don’t want that weapon used any more than we do, which is why they stole it in the first place. It’s one of the bright spots in this gloomy scenario.” She rose and rested her hand on his shoulder. “I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything.”

“‘kay,” he nodded, knowing that she meant that about Oz and Gilroy, not just the Krenim situation.

“Good luck with Suresh and give him my regards.” With those words, she turned and hurried out of his office.

“Gee thanks!” Darwin called after her before his door slid shut.

Lt. M. Darwin
‘scape Goat

Captain Li Hawke
Leaving It To Darwin


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