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Home Is Where Darwin Is

Posted on Mon Jan 18th, 2016 @ 11:56pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh & Six's Quarters

* Suresh’s Quarters *

Suresh closed the channel, grumbling aloud. According to sickbay, Six and Reva had departed over an hour ago. The officer at the main desk had assured him Six was fine. So why wasn’t she home yet? He thought perhaps she might have got to Reva’s quarters but a quick call to Riley answered that question. Six knew how worried he was, so it wasn’t like her not to come straight home. Perhaps she -- the door chime interrupted his train of thought and he hurried to the door, opening it immediately.

“Six? Where...oh. It’s you. Come in Darwin.”

Darwin frowned and looked around the living room as he entered. “You know they left Sickbay more than an hour ago, right? Those two attract trouble like magnets.”

“Yeah.” Suresh returned to the sofa and propped his feet on the coffee table. “I just spoke to Sickbay. They told me that. So where is she? And what’s up? You don’t look overly happy.”

“I have an assignment for Six and you’re not going to like it. Besides that, though, I know where they went after they left Sickbay: they went to see Niro in the Brig. Apparently Six put a scare in Niro,” he grinned, chuckling.

Suresh tensed visibly. “She went to see Niro? Hasn’t she had enough of him? She of all people should know how dangerous he is.” The words were little more than a growl. “I should have stayed till she was released.”

“They did, but I gather that they didn’t go because they wanted... um, well, they wanted to see him, obviously, but not to see him...,” Darwin sighed. “Whatever, end result: Six scared Niro. Do you recall he’s being moved from the Brig to a secondary holding cell?”

“I do. I’ve been thinking about that. My concern is that anything that is...sly shall we say? Might be too simple to figure out and lead straight back to Robart or me.”

“Don’t tell me,” Darwin said quickly. “What I need Six to do is to be on Niro’s ship. I’ll find a pilot, but she has to be there because it’s her tech.”

“On his ship? Why? And you’re right, I don’t like it.” Suresh frowned at Darwin. “So explain.”

Darwin looked around the room again and hedged, “I’d rather tell her first. I was hoping she’d beat me here.” He had the feeling Six and Reva had made a second detour on their way home, though where to he couldn’t guess.

“If she had, I likely wouldn’t have answered the door, Dar.” A hint of a smile appeared on Suresh’s face, but quickly vanished. “My life used to be so calm and uneventful. What the hell happened?”

“You tagged along on the Hammond when we crossed back into this dimension,” Darwin reminded him. “And if you hadn’t answered the door, then I’d have let myself in.”

“You would. I meant after I got here. Then...I met Six. And you all were afraid I’d cause her life to be disrupted. Someone should have warned me instead of her.”

“I think someone did: Reva. Remember what a pain in the ass she was?”

“She was convinced I’d ruin Six’s life. We’ve all seen the one responsible for that where both of them is concerned.” The doors opened suddenly and Six stepped in. Suresh was immediately on his feet and across the room. He swept her up in his arms, holding her tight.

“I’m glad to see you too.” Her voice was muffled against his chest. “Hello Darwin.”

“Hey Six.” Darwin waited a moment then added, “Surie? Could you let go of her for a minute? I promise I’ll leave in a few minutes and then you can do whatever... body searches you want to do.”

“Maybe.” Suresh reluctantly let go of Six, though he frowned down at her. “We need to talk about where you went after Sickbay. It’ll have to wait though. Darwin is here on business of some sort.”

Six looked up at Suresh and nodded. “Later. What’s up Darwin?” Six strolled on into the room and had a seat. “Whatever it is, I did not do it.”

“No, you just went and riled up Niro, made him a little crazier than usual. Thanks for that.” Darwin’s tone was sharp and sarcastic. “We have problems on the horizon, Six. Big problems. The type that could rip apart the Station - and I don’t mean that in a figurative sense. I need you in Niro’s ship, handling the tech you put there.”

Six blinked back at him. “What sort of trouble?

“Something that might look a lot like war,” he answered. “Two entities with interests that are counter to the Federation’s: the Devorians and the Krenim Empire. Niro’s ship now has some of the best shielding and weaponry on the Station. I’d like to set it up as an outpost scout to watch for any fleet movement on the Krenim Empire’s part.”

“You want to put Six on first watch for an invasion?” Suresh’s tone made it clear that he did not like that idea at all.

“When?” Six asked. “And can you tell me what those opposing interests are? What do they want with us?”

“We have something they both want and we’re not giving it to anyone. Or selling it. As for when: soon,” Darwin gave Six a vague answer; he looked at Suresh, shrugged and added, “Told you you wouldn’t like it.”

“I don’t. Not for a second,” Suresh answered. “She isn’t Strategic Ops or a Marine. Or part of Tactical either. I don’t like the idea that if they come in firing weapons, she’ll be the first one hit.” His voice had tightened as he addressed Darwin. “Find someone else.”

“There isn’t anyone else,” Darwin said, not looking at Suresh. “Six is still part of the Fleet and she’s the only one who has the ability to keep that ship controlled. Plus, it’s her decision, not yours, not mine. Six?”

Six reached over, resting her hand on Suresh’s thigh, hoping to soothe him. “He’s right sweetheart. I made that ship what it is and I am the only one who can interface with it. It can be run conventionally, but if I am connected to it, I can direct things much faster. As for the Krenim, I may be of help there too. We assimilated them in 2374. I can give the Marines and Intel everything I know that could be of use.”

Suresh’s jaw twitched as he looked from her to Darwin. “On one condition, Dar. You go with her.”

“I can’t. Right now, I’m the acting Chief of Security. There’s no telling how long I’ll be in this position. I can send Carter with her; she’s good. Plus a few more Security officers, a good pilot, an engineer, a few Marines.” He shrugged, watching Six. “Carter would be in charge.”

“I don’t envy her that,” Six replied. “But you’re right, I have to go. We have no timetable on this yet, other than soon?”

“Correct. Just ‘soon’. I’ll let you know more as soon as I can.”

“Very well.” She looked back at Suresh and after a moment, she continued. “I need to get settled in and do a few things after my sudden trip to Sickbay. I’ll check in tomorrow, alright Dar? Tell Edana not to worry about coming by tonight.” She was being vague but it was obvious she and Suresh were about to have a discussion over this assignment.

“Will do.” He looked from her to Suresh. “See you both tomorrow.” He showed himself out the door, knowing that he’d just made their evening difficult.

Six watched the door for a few seconds in case Darwin decided to come back in. When he didn’t, she turned to Suresh. “He’s right you know. I am Intel. That means more than just being down here. I am the reason that the Korenna is now basically a Borg ship. It’s up to me.”

“No it isn’t! Anyone can pilot that ship and control all of its ...bells and whistles... and stuff. Send Reva out on it, send a team of engineers and security people, that’s what their jobs are! Your job is to be here, with me, creating the Suresh legend,” he railed.

“You are the reason for the legend, my darling. I was moved to Intel to cover my presence here, yes, but that means I’ll have other things to do too. The engineers here? They can’t interface with the ship, they don’t know the technology yet. Besides, if the Krenim do show, I’ll be better shielded on the Korenna. That reminds me, though, I need to check on the idea of boosting the station’s shields.” She caught his displeasure and gave him a rueful smile. “Not helping I know.”

He was frowning at her then walked over and took hold of her. “I can’t lose you. I’ll go with you,” he said.

“Go...with me? But….you’re a civilian.” She paused a moment, studying him. “I never asked what all you did in your universe. You’ll need a very good reason to convince them you know.”

“I can push Darwin to let me go,” he said, though he was actually far from certain that Darwin would listen. It was unlikely that he’d be able to convince anyone to let him go on a patrol. “Let’s not argue tonight. I want to celebrate you being home and, for the moment, safe.”

Six nodded. “Don’t worry, I am in no danger. If the Krenim come, the sight of a ship with obvious Borg abilities may make them think twice. Their assimilation was rather brutal and they have long memories. They have not forgotten.”

“And they might decide they want revenge!” He was back to panicking.

“I am not helpless, my husband. Please believe that.” Six smiled and wrapped her arms around him. “Besides, their arrival still seems to be a big maybe. Maybe they won’t come at all. If it were me? I’d send a team in undercover, a small one, and steal back whatever it is they want. So don’t worry yet, alright?”

He grumbled noncommittally. “...should skin Darwin for this. Just wait till I tell Oralia about this.”

“She’s not on the station. Away mission, which is why Darwin’s overseeing things right now.” Six decided to leave it at that. Suresh was worked up enough as it was. “Besides, nothing’s happening tonight. I’m ravenous. We should have dinner too.” She hoped the joke would lighten his mood.

“Fine. During dinner, you can tell me just why you went to see Niro before coming home to me.” He still wasn’t happy, but they’d move on.

“Let’s just say I was stirring up a nightmare…” she crooked her finger at Suresh as she strolled off to the kitchen.

Not Liking Darwin’s Orders

Lt. M. Darwin
Glad He No Longer Shoots the Messenger

Six of Ten
Duty Calls


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